I recently learned that the BTPD is going to start their very own 'Citizens Police Academy' in the fall. This sounds like one of the Police Academy movies entitled Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol. Trust me that was a laugh riot, but this is ridiculous!! It's bad enough that His Majesty and Sherriff Lobo, are trying to turn Bensalem into another Philadelphia, but this?? Just another publicity stunt, to take unjust advantage of the recent tragedies against HONORABLE fallen members of law enforcement.
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Sunday, July 31, 2016
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
GREETINGS BENSALEMITES!! While my hubby and I were out at the local WAWA during our day today, someone dropped something in my basket that I had to share.
Some very concerned first responders have issues with the head of Bensalem Rescue Squad, and want all of Bensalem to know just what type of person he truly is. After reading this, all I can say, is boy have I ever got some interesting info for you!
Some very concerned first responders have issues with the head of Bensalem Rescue Squad, and want all of Bensalem to know just what type of person he truly is. After reading this, all I can say, is boy have I ever got some interesting info for you!
We thought we would send you the first of many installments in the disgraceful practices of Mr. Topley.
As we were mourning our fallen brother from our mutual aid company in Croydon, we were shocked, embarrassed, but not surprised by the heartless, gutless statement posted by Mr. Topley regarding the sudden and tragic loss of a brother firefighter station 11.
Here are some other interesting things about Tom Topley that you may not know about, but need to know
1. Placed an ambulance at Station 16 to stop an ambulance being created that would provide additional services to our community at no cost to the taxpayers. Once he accomplished his task, he removed the ambulance from Station 16 and stiffed them for a year’s rent which he promised. This conduct resulted in a REDUCTION of service to the community all the while he was pushing for more money from the township.
2. As a member of the executive board of Station 65 he became aware of the theft of over $1,500.00 from the sale of flowers at the fire station during the Easter holiday. Did he turn the thief in and have him prosecuted? Of course not, he and several others covered it up and to this day the thief is a member of that fire company. We are sure glad that happened at Station 65, otherwise Fred Harran would have launched a criminal investigation against the thief.
3. He has been acting like such a tyrant at Bensalem EMS that they have gone through several supervisors in the last few years because they refused to participate in his harassment of employees. It has gotten so bad there, that the board of trustees which has protected him on numerous occasions in the past, have taken the hiring and firing of employees away from him.
Is it any wonder that this man and Sherriff Lobo get along so well?? It’s bad enough that this man allows and caters to Sherriff Lobo in his unethical behavior, but this is ridiculous!! I also find it interesting that even his own people can’t stand him, and are acting on it. I always knew that Tom “Achan” Topley was a rotten little toady for Sherriff Lobo, but to learn this about him makes me detest the man even more! All I can say is that, I can’t wait to hear more on this!!
As we were mourning our fallen brother from our mutual aid company in Croydon, we were shocked, embarrassed, but not surprised by the heartless, gutless statement posted by Mr. Topley regarding the sudden and tragic loss of a brother firefighter station 11.
Here are some other interesting things about Tom Topley that you may not know about, but need to know
1. Placed an ambulance at Station 16 to stop an ambulance being created that would provide additional services to our community at no cost to the taxpayers. Once he accomplished his task, he removed the ambulance from Station 16 and stiffed them for a year’s rent which he promised. This conduct resulted in a REDUCTION of service to the community all the while he was pushing for more money from the township.
2. As a member of the executive board of Station 65 he became aware of the theft of over $1,500.00 from the sale of flowers at the fire station during the Easter holiday. Did he turn the thief in and have him prosecuted? Of course not, he and several others covered it up and to this day the thief is a member of that fire company. We are sure glad that happened at Station 65, otherwise Fred Harran would have launched a criminal investigation against the thief.
3. He has been acting like such a tyrant at Bensalem EMS that they have gone through several supervisors in the last few years because they refused to participate in his harassment of employees. It has gotten so bad there, that the board of trustees which has protected him on numerous occasions in the past, have taken the hiring and firing of employees away from him.
Is it any wonder that this man and Sherriff Lobo get along so well?? It’s bad enough that this man allows and caters to Sherriff Lobo in his unethical behavior, but this is ridiculous!! I also find it interesting that even his own people can’t stand him, and are acting on it. I always knew that Tom “Achan” Topley was a rotten little toady for Sherriff Lobo, but to learn this about him makes me detest the man even more! All I can say is that, I can’t wait to hear more on this!!
Sunday, July 24, 2016
This letter writer has it very much on track, but the REAL answer lies within controlling the out of control spending amongst Bensalem's corrupt officials. While one is at it, how about investigating the township's violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act by allowing the PAID members of 222 to continue volunteering for fire companies WITHIN THE SAME MUNICIPALITY, and last but NOT least how about investigating Lobo and the BTPD using members of Bensalem's Rescue Squad, disguised as lab techs, to do DUI blood draws last year!!
Saturday, July 23, 2016
While I believe that Bensalem is guilty of a great many things, and this would be one of those many, I also feel Islam IS the religion of the sword, and not to be trusted. It would do the DOJ as well as the US Department of Labor to investigate the township for not only this violation, but also the Fair Labor Standards Act, and their having township paramedics do DUI blood draws disguised as lab techs! I bet they’d find it very interesting.
Friday, July 22, 2016
This is great and all, but why isn’t Bensalem Township helping this young man with his medical expenses?? They should be the ones paying ALL his medical bills, since he was injured as a township employee, am I correct? Could it be, that His Majesty, and Sherriff Lobo don’t want the US Department of Labor finding out that they’re violating the Fair Labor Standards Act?? Also wondering when the Bensalem Democrats are going to demand answers to not only this, but also the FACT that Lobo had the paramedics of the Bensalem EMS perform ILLEGAL DUI blood draws last year. Think of how many individuals were convicted under these questionable circumstances? Most of all, I am wondering if there are ANY pending cases in which this took place??
Monday, July 18, 2016
In light of what took place in Dallas July 8th,
and now in Baton Rouge, I wanted to share this special sermon I heard from the pastor of Bethel Church this past Sunday in response to the violence going on
against not only the police, but others. This is an issue that we all need to
address, and do so soon, before it’s too late. My prayer in this is that we
examine our hearts, and repent of the sinful attitudes we have towards those of
different races, cultures, etc. and learn to respect others. Most of all, ask
God to speak to you through this, and PLEASE listen to this with a willing
heart and an open mind.
WOW!! Talk about convicting!! Before I close this post, I
want to issue the same challenge Pastor Rob gave, to everyone reading this, and
I encourage you put this challenge into action not just this week, but EVERY
This week, pray more for the racial problem than you talk or post about it
This week, ONLY use social media to promote unity, grace, mercy & love. NOTHING ELSE. Be part of the solution, not the problem.
While you’re out and about, take time to speak with
someone who is different from you, and get their take on the things that have
taken place this week, and IF permitted to do so, take “usies” showing diversity, then post with
the hashtags below
Sunday, July 17, 2016
I am watching Fox News right now, and I am very outraged over the heinous attack on the #BatonRougePD, and the lives being lost. I have made it VERY clear that I support HONORABLE members of law enforcement, that I know that there are more HONORABLE officers here in Bensalem than not, but that it is very hard to do ones job, when you have corrupt members of law enforcement in charge. I am firmly against those who commit crimes while wearing the badge need to be LEGALLY removed, and put in jail, but I am also in TOTAL support of the police. That being said, ANYONE who attempts to physically attack, and murder a cop because you have not learned how to respect authority, and/or thinks ALL police are evil need to be locked up PERMANENTLY!!
Right now, we need to lift up EVERY member of law enforcement in prayer, especially in Baton Rouge, that they stay safe, and most of all, come home to their loved ones safely. Most of all, I challenge the Bensalem Police to respect ALL of its citizens regardless of race, color, creed, nationality, and/or biological gender, and do their jobs in and honest and honorable fashion.
Right now, we need to lift up EVERY member of law enforcement in prayer, especially in Baton Rouge, that they stay safe, and most of all, come home to their loved ones safely. Most of all, I challenge the Bensalem Police to respect ALL of its citizens regardless of race, color, creed, nationality, and/or biological gender, and do their jobs in and honest and honorable fashion.
Saturday, July 16, 2016
Friday, July 15, 2016
How's life for ya now, since everyone sees you're a heartless, cowardly BULLY, like your master Lobo? I don't see your master coming to your defense, and the other little toady isn't helping you out either, so I guess having 'connections' doesn't pay off for you after all.#APOLOGIZENOW!!
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Tom Topley @ThomasTopley 7h7 hours ago
All insurance cards in PA have a number to access mental help in times of need. Thank you @DianeMarseglia for infopic.twitter.com/bkNgKrCZzo

Greetings citizens of Bensalem!! Found a VERY interesting surprise, this A.M. when I opened my door, and it was a letter from some very ticked off members of Bensalem’s Emergency Management Services. As I read the information contained within this, I shook my head in both disbelief and anger, but was not surprised. As usual, one of Lobo’s minions, had the audacity to disrespect a fallen first responder, and even worse, Lobo’s Deputy Perkins, applauded it! If you don’t believe me, check out the letter below, and see for yourself, just how disrespectful and calloused these two truly are.
We as members of the Bensalem emergency services are shocked, angry and embarrassed by the statement posted by Tom Topley, the director of Bensalem EMS regarding the sudden and tragic passing of firefighter/EMT Ken Hopkins Jr. Our brother was a member of the Bucks County Rescue Squad and a life member of the Croydon Fire Company. He served our community with great dedication to provide the best care possible. He suffered from an illness that claims the lives of many police, firefighters and emergency medical professionals every year. Instead of showing compassion for those left to cope with this tragic death, Mr. Topley took it upon himself to post the following on Facebook...
"Bucks County Communications Center just did a final call announcement for a non-line of duty death. They have disgraced Danny Mac and the officers that gave all last night in Dallas.
Keep treating these deaths as line of duty and they will continue. Sounds hard but I don't lie."
(This was since taken down off or Facebook.)
How cruel and heartless can one person be!! He has the guts to mention Danny Mac in this statement. We all know what you and several others did the night Danny Mac died, and it was NOT honoring his name. Your flop house for drunks’ station was out "mourning" the loss of Danny Mac, resulting in one of your female members becoming a victim of a felony crime! Where were you to ensure the wellbeing of the members of your organization? We know that too!
When several family members called the township building to complain about this heartless posting, to their shock they discovered that the Deputy Director of Public Safety actually had the nerve to "like" Topley's post!! When the Deputy Director was challenged on the liking of the post, he tried to blame his own son for the like! It was clear when we clicked on the profile of the person that liked the post from Topley it was in FACT the Deputy Director of Public Safety for Bensalem Township.
We always knew the real character of these two gutless individuals. We will be releasing information very soon about their conduct in the recent past and we will see who should feel disgrace!
The sad leadership at the township for our emergency services has crossed the line on numerous occasions and it has gone unchecked.
Well, unlike our Federal government, we have drawn a line in the sand and you both have crossed it!
For the record Post Traumatic Stress IS a line of duty related illness.
We would like the public and the surrounding emergency services to know, that these two cowards DO NOT speak for the members of the Bensalem emergency services.
We ARE embarrassed that Tom Topley and Pat Ponticelli are associated with the Bensalem emergency services and they ARE a disgrace to the Bensalem emergency services.
Tom ‘Achan’ Topley and Pat ‘Deputy Perkins’ Ponticelli, HOW DARE YOU!!! What you stated Achan is not only heartless, but absolutely disrespectful! It also goes to prove just how ignorant you truly are, and that beyond an apology is in order. I am also incensed as many others are that you Achan, had the nerve to dishonor the names and memories of Danny Mac, and EVERY Dallas Police Officer that gave his life last week, over someone you deem ‘unworthy’ of a special honor, all because of YOUR ignorance. Even worse, is for Deputy Perkins to not only ‘like’ the posting, but then to LIE about it and blame it on his own son, is really LOW! However, what can you expect from two absolute disrespectful COWARDS, and two of Sherriff Lobo’s biggest toadies.
We as members of the Bensalem emergency services are shocked, angry and embarrassed by the statement posted by Tom Topley, the director of Bensalem EMS regarding the sudden and tragic passing of firefighter/EMT Ken Hopkins Jr. Our brother was a member of the Bucks County Rescue Squad and a life member of the Croydon Fire Company. He served our community with great dedication to provide the best care possible. He suffered from an illness that claims the lives of many police, firefighters and emergency medical professionals every year. Instead of showing compassion for those left to cope with this tragic death, Mr. Topley took it upon himself to post the following on Facebook...
"Bucks County Communications Center just did a final call announcement for a non-line of duty death. They have disgraced Danny Mac and the officers that gave all last night in Dallas.
Keep treating these deaths as line of duty and they will continue. Sounds hard but I don't lie."
(This was since taken down off or Facebook.)
How cruel and heartless can one person be!! He has the guts to mention Danny Mac in this statement. We all know what you and several others did the night Danny Mac died, and it was NOT honoring his name. Your flop house for drunks’ station was out "mourning" the loss of Danny Mac, resulting in one of your female members becoming a victim of a felony crime! Where were you to ensure the wellbeing of the members of your organization? We know that too!
When several family members called the township building to complain about this heartless posting, to their shock they discovered that the Deputy Director of Public Safety actually had the nerve to "like" Topley's post!! When the Deputy Director was challenged on the liking of the post, he tried to blame his own son for the like! It was clear when we clicked on the profile of the person that liked the post from Topley it was in FACT the Deputy Director of Public Safety for Bensalem Township.
We always knew the real character of these two gutless individuals. We will be releasing information very soon about their conduct in the recent past and we will see who should feel disgrace!
The sad leadership at the township for our emergency services has crossed the line on numerous occasions and it has gone unchecked.
Well, unlike our Federal government, we have drawn a line in the sand and you both have crossed it!
For the record Post Traumatic Stress IS a line of duty related illness.
We would like the public and the surrounding emergency services to know, that these two cowards DO NOT speak for the members of the Bensalem emergency services.
We ARE embarrassed that Tom Topley and Pat Ponticelli are associated with the Bensalem emergency services and they ARE a disgrace to the Bensalem emergency services.
Tom ‘Achan’ Topley and Pat ‘Deputy Perkins’ Ponticelli, HOW DARE YOU!!! What you stated Achan is not only heartless, but absolutely disrespectful! It also goes to prove just how ignorant you truly are, and that beyond an apology is in order. I am also incensed as many others are that you Achan, had the nerve to dishonor the names and memories of Danny Mac, and EVERY Dallas Police Officer that gave his life last week, over someone you deem ‘unworthy’ of a special honor, all because of YOUR ignorance. Even worse, is for Deputy Perkins to not only ‘like’ the posting, but then to LIE about it and blame it on his own son, is really LOW! However, what can you expect from two absolute disrespectful COWARDS, and two of Sherriff Lobo’s biggest toadies.
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Did anyone happen to notice, that Bensalem is not mentioned in this article?? Maybe Joey D and company don't want it known that the resident homeowners of this township, now only get $100 (Used to be $300.) for their precious rebate. The people running this town raised taxes this way, as well as establishing a EIT (Earned Income Tax), to cover their irresponsible spending (among other things), and if not reigned in, this town WILL go bankrupt!
Saturday, July 9, 2016
In light of the events of this past week, I am issuing an invite tonight to anyone in my area who would be willing and brave enough to come to Bethel Church Philadelphia Mills at the 9:45AM service and hear the response of Jesus to what has been taking place over this past week, in light of the truth of God's Word,
Anyone that wants to and is brave enough to hear the truth is welcome!
Friday, July 8, 2016
Sorry, but I had to respond! After I woke up this morning, had my quiet time with Jesus, and then turned on the news, I was horrified and stunned to see that 5 innocent HONORABLE lives were murdered because of someone’s hatred for not just any police officer, but WHITE police officers! Apparently, some disturbed, hateful and racist individual, someone who hates police officers and more so, along with others, shot at Dallas Police officers in a sniper attack, just to make some warped point! This person specifically favored the so called #blacklivesmatter movement, and seems to think that ALL cops are evil, especially white cops, and felt the need to murder as many as possible. Let me ask something. Since when is rendering evil for perceived evil, ever justified?? How about waiting and allowing the authorities to genuinely and carefully investigate these incidences before doing something you’ll regret?? Look what happened with Ferguson, and Baltimore?? What did it get anyone?? NOTHING!!
People, we need to remember that we live in a fallen SINFUL world, and that sin knows no barrier, but will attack and deceive anyone. What happened in Baton Rouge, St. Paul, and in Dallas last night is because of the FACT that we live in a fallen sinful world, and the ONLY person who can remedy this, and that is Jesus!! I support police officers and the job that they do, but when ANY person who is supposed to uphold the law perverts it and does what these police officers allegedly did, then there is a major problem! No one, I mean NO ONE is above the law, and if and when the truth is found out about these men, then justice needs to be served. Right now, we not only need to lift up what happened in Baton Rouge, Saint Paul and Dallas in prayer, but we need to pray DAILY for every first responder out there who is risking their lives to protect us, and that they do their jobs in an honorable and honest fashion.#ALLLIVESMATTER #SUPPORTHONORABLEPOLICEOFFICERS #BLUELIVESMATTER #PRAYFORDALLAS #PRAYFORTHEDALLASPOLICE
People, we need to remember that we live in a fallen SINFUL world, and that sin knows no barrier, but will attack and deceive anyone. What happened in Baton Rouge, St. Paul, and in Dallas last night is because of the FACT that we live in a fallen sinful world, and the ONLY person who can remedy this, and that is Jesus!! I support police officers and the job that they do, but when ANY person who is supposed to uphold the law perverts it and does what these police officers allegedly did, then there is a major problem! No one, I mean NO ONE is above the law, and if and when the truth is found out about these men, then justice needs to be served. Right now, we not only need to lift up what happened in Baton Rouge, Saint Paul and Dallas in prayer, but we need to pray DAILY for every first responder out there who is risking their lives to protect us, and that they do their jobs in an honorable and honest fashion.#ALLLIVESMATTER #SUPPORTHONORABLEPOLICEOFFICERS #BLUELIVESMATTER #PRAYFORDALLAS #PRAYFORTHEDALLASPOLICE
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Friday, July 1, 2016
I recently learned the #SCOTUS just ruled that 'warrantless DUI blood draws have now been declared unconstitutional. What I even learned further from this, is that this is being made retroactive for possibly all DUI cases that have not been tried in a court of law yet. Makes you wonder what additional trouble Lobo and the BTPD have over all those open case blood draws from last year, especially the ones in which the members of the Bensalem EMS Squad did disguised as lab techs!
I recently learned the #SCOTUS just ruled that 'warrantless DUI blood draws have now been declared unconstitutional. What I even learned further from this, is that this is being made retroactive for possibly all DUI cases that have not been tried in a court of law yet. Makes you wonder what additional trouble Lobo and the BTPD have over all those open case blood draws from last year, especially the ones in which the members of the Bensalem EMS Squad did disguised as lab techs!
While I abhor drunk driving, and believe it to be one of the worst crimes in the US next to child abuse (especially sexual!) and murder, I abhor laziness, and shoddy investigative work for the sake of making an extra $$$. I feel very strongly that DUI blood draws when done by COMPETENT and AUTHORIZED personnel (i.e. lab techs!!) in a Hospital, are important in pursuing justice in regards to someone driving under the influence, so this is going to be a major pain in the you know where for legitimate cases, but what about all those cases in which these EMS personnel posing as lab techs drew blood on individuals suspected of this??
Considering the FACT, that the evidence from all of these DUI cases was illegally obtained, how many of these criminal cases need to be reviewed and the charges dropped? Worse yet, what about those convicted with the illegal evidence? Will their guilty verdicts be overturned? I wonder if any defense attorneys here in Bucks county, especially any in Bensalem, are aware of this act? Does the rescue squad have to return the fees they collected for the illegal blood draws? I would hope so!!
Maybe now that this ruling has come out, someone will look into all those DUI blood draws from last year, and have something done about it.
Considering the FACT, that the evidence from all of these DUI cases was illegally obtained, how many of these criminal cases need to be reviewed and the charges dropped? Worse yet, what about those convicted with the illegal evidence? Will their guilty verdicts be overturned? I wonder if any defense attorneys here in Bucks county, especially any in Bensalem, are aware of this act? Does the rescue squad have to return the fees they collected for the illegal blood draws? I would hope so!!
Maybe now that this ruling has come out, someone will look into all those DUI blood draws from last year, and have something done about it.
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