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Wednesday, May 31, 2017


Bensalem Township has now 'gone to the dogs'!!πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
Aside from wondering just who this person thinks she is to commit what can possibly be considered unlawful imprisonment, does she know ANYTHING at all about dogs, including how to tell the difference between a Pit-bull and a Bulldog??

Most of all, what is Neil 'Big Mouth' Morris doing even commenting on this?? Isn't he the township's arrogant, overpaid labor attorney?? I guess that 'Big Mouth' thinks he's Kathy Griffin, since he'll do and say ANYTHING for attention.

Monday, May 29, 2017


Today, we celebrate and honor those who have made the ULTIMATE sacrifice for us, and I pray that we take the time to REMEMBER this, and NEVER take what they did for us for granted.

Thursday, May 25, 2017


Can you please explain why a Bensalem Rescue Squad vehicle is parked at the WAWA on Street and Hulmeville Road like this? 

The top lights were flashing white only, and there was no visible emergency medical situation occurring in the store.

MORE $$$ GOING DOWN THE DRAIN…/bensalem-gets-500k-grant-new-traffic-si…
Isn't this like closing the barn door, AFTER the fox is inside?
Nothing like His Majesty Using the press to his advantage. What people FAIL to see is that Bristol and Upper Southampton got more of this money, and His Majesty is furious over it. What do you expect from someone who is spending $$$ like a drunk sailor on shore leave. What His Majesty also FAILS to admit, is that here IS a $6 Million dollar budget deficit, and it's going to get worse, unless there is a REAL leadership change

Tuesday, May 23, 2017


EVENING GANG!! Sorry it's been a while since I posted on here, but I DO have a life, and I've been taking care of some PERSONAL family business. I just got back from handling some of this business, when I found this bit of information on my door:  

While Bensalem faces a budget shortfall because of Fred's overspending the mayor and Jim Ryan have treated themselves to brand new Ford Expeditions. You didn't notice you say? That's because they employed the age old tactic of getting the same model and and color. But in their defense Bill Cmorey, Twp Manager and John Chaikowski, "Finance Director" needed new hand me downs...

Why does this NOT surprise me? Typical of the township, to allow this irresponsibility to continue. But, then again, we have an egotistical, Machiavellian, arrogant person running this town. I would ask. 'How irresponsible can one get?', but I think we already know!!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Monday, May 8, 2017


Hey Gang!! Anyone remember this??

Its, "Little Dictator"!!

Come experience the Newest "Scentsation" in Bensalem, PA: Its "Little Dictator" by Fred Harran and Joey D. "Let the fumes overwhelm your common sense, and remove your mind from the truth."

Apparently, the 'scent' is still popular. So much so, it's being 'worn', by Tom 'Achan' Topley, and many others. That's why I recommend a 'recall' of this product, by sending this evil man and his boss packing!!

Monday, May 1, 2017


GREETINGS BENSALEMITES!! Sorry so slow is posting on here, but I’ve been busy with having the life many of you claim I don’t have, and much of it has included some PERSONAL family business. However, when one I get something interesting in the mail, from one of its senior residents, I had to investigate. A couple days ago, I get something in my mail, that turns out to be a newspaper article, on a rather interesting situation taking place between an elderly Bensalem citizen and their younger, DISRESPECTFUL neighbor, over said neighbor’s parking vehicles from their business ILLEGALLY. 
Apparently, this started in the early 2000’s, when an elderly citizen of this town, spotted said neighbor, parking commercial vehicles in their neighborhood. According to Bensalem Township’s Code of Ordinances, in particular Part Two of Section 232-594 which reads: “It shall be unlawful for ANY person to park, store, or house a commercial vehicle with a gross weight in excess of 10,000 pounds on a residential district premises.” Said neighbor who is doing this, has a tow truck from their towing company, which is parked in this neighborhood. Not only are these vehicles in a residential area, in violation of Bensalem township’s Code of Ordinances, but also violating this section as well: “No home occupation shall be permitted which in ANY way violates the residential character or neighborhood, or otherwise interferes with the quiet enjoyment and aesthetic residential quality of ANY street or neighborhood.”
Problem is, that despite going to the township itself, including His Majesty, NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE ABOUT THIS!!! As I read this and investigated further, I discovered a POSSIBLE reason as to why nothing has concrete and substantial has been done about this. Evidently, the owner of this business, is VERY good friends with His Majesty, so as a result, NOTHING has ever been done to this person. All the while, this elderly resident has had vandals damage the vehicles on their property, and has had to install surveillance cameras on their own property to protect them! To add insult to injury, His Majesty’s ‘personal assistant’ Dawn Davis, (AKA Axis Annie) deflects this, by saying that it’s up to the township’s solicitor, (Whoever this may be) to interpret this township ordinance code. PLEASE!! What part of this does the township solicitor, and those who are to enforce this law NOT understand?? Or, is this another case of His Majesty showing favoritism to his friends, especially ones who give him LOTS of $$$$ for his re-election campaigns??
This poor elderly citizen has endured enough of this garbage, and it’s time that people in this town start doing their jobs, and stop catering to His Majesty’s buddies!! This goes for the convenient overlooking of raids on the Neshaminy Inn!! See the links below for more info.