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Sunday, October 31, 2021



I challenge any republican in Bensalem reading this, to name one ORIGINAL thing that His Majesty, and/or any member of his puppet council have done to improve this town. They claim that they're getting things done, but all their doing is spending like a drunk sailor on shore leave, alienating residents of this town, because they live in apartment complexes, and spending more time posing and preening for the cameras, then actually doing their job.



Apparently there's other instances of our dear sheriff Lobo, not paying his bills, here's one really good example.

I especially love how when the tax lien was brought up, he had the nerve to blame it on his ex-wife. Talk about gaslighting! You know this man's known for not only fouling up the Cosmo DiNardo situation, but also Walter Meyerle as well. I think he should also be investigated for That he committed against union fire company, and its former chief Dave Jerri, Sr. as well as quite a few other things that he's also responsible for.

Overall, it makes you wonder what else he's hiding.

Saturday, October 30, 2021


Just perusing through some things on Twitter, and found this wonderful Little Gem. It's from somebody who apparently sees through Lobos lies, deceptions, and gaslighting, and wants the world to know just what a piece of work he really is.

Friday, October 29, 2021


I have news for you guys. I've seen a decades worth of the township's budgets, and the deficits DO EXIST!! You have been denying for several years that the township has had deficit issues, and now that there are people who are calling you out on it, you're resorting to this? How pathetic can you get!!! Hiding behind the smokescreen of a supposedly good credit rating, from Moody's, or whatever the heck you're trying to pull a fast one with, isn't going to work and you know it, so start telling the truth for once!


It looks like the you-know-what has hit the fan, and boy is it going to get messy! Looks like the Bensalem Democrats are NOT pulling any punches, and calling both his majesty and Sheriff Lobo out big-time, for their hypocrisy and their lies. Check out this ad Miller I just got today, and see the truth for yourself.

Thursday, October 28, 2021


While my husband and I were out accomplishing much important tasks, we had a rather pleasant encounter, with 6 ABC Action News reporter, Gray Hall, who told us something very shocking that I had to share with you today.

According to Gray, a man who had left Parx Casino after winning a sizable amount of money, was followed all the way into Plainsboro NJ, where he was murdered outside his home! What makes this even more hard to understand, is that this happened two days ago, and nobody in this town was informed about it. The other thing that has me puzzled; is how this could happen in such a “safe” town such as Bensalem. It just seems to me, that for all of both His Majesty, and sheriff Lobo's claims of keeping us safe, this tragic event occurring shows just the opposite.

To me this is a very tragic example, of how both His Majesty and Sheriff Lobo, have been extremely dishonest to us, especially in this area, and they need to be exposed for it. What happened here was an absolute travesty, and these two men should be ashamed of themselves for allowing it to happen!

Wednesday, October 27, 2021


Saw this on Hulmeville Road this morning, and had to share. It's very clear to me, that his majesty is very desperate, and willing to do anything to keep his power, and it needs to stop!

Tuesday, October 26, 2021


The corrupt swamp Republicans of Bensalem, are at it again with their lies, fear mongering and more so, and it's time somebody sets them straight.

Monday, October 25, 2021


These two evil people, have the nerve to falsely accuse Ed and Jesse of voting to deny funding for the police department, when nothing could be further from the truth! They voted against bloated budgets, that include massive spending for frivolous things. Ed and Jesse have openly stated that they support the police, but they don't support excessive spending! 

Now his majesty and Sheriff Lobo, have stooped to a new low, and making false accusations against Ted and Jesse but they want to defund the police! Even worse, is how they've managed to finagle getting John McNesby, the FOP Lodge # 5 president of the Philadelphia Police Department to endorse him! Aside from the fact that all the things that they are staying, or outright lies, and fear-mongering, getting this endorsement, is a clear conflict of interest, and should never have happened to begin with!



Why am I not surprised with this? Even more interesting, is how he is pretty much blatantly gaslighting his ex-wife on this, which I find extremely distasteful. It makes you wonder what other things he's hiding, and how soon they're going to come out?

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Really classy Lobo!! This coming from someone who was not only confronted by a local news reporter for driving his township issued SUV while drunk, but then intimidated the news outlet into not doing the story. How about a person who allowed gun charges to be dropped against a psychotic individual like Cosmo DiNardo, and 4 young men were murdered, and allowed a despicable sexual predator like Walter Meyerle to continue raping teen girls. Using fear mongering tactics isn't going to work, so save it!

Saturday, October 23, 2021


I was made aware as of this past Tuesday, that there was no debate, between His Majesty and Val Ridge, and that the mayor hasn't even pushed for a debate! I have seen nothing during the past month of any scheduled debates between the two of them, and I find it rather fishy. From my perspective, he's pulling the same cowardly stunt that Brian Fitzpatrick did towards Andrew Meehan, and that's absolutely distasteful. So my advice to all of you who worship His Majesty, is to ask him why there's no debate!

Thursday, October 21, 2021


I figured that in light of His Majesty's cowardly refusal to debate Val Ridge, or ANY of his other opponents fir that matter, I'd share this article with all of you.

Sunday, October 17, 2021


 Greetings Bensalemites!

Lots been going on right now with this upcoming election, and I'm being made aware of a lot of things, but nothing like what I heard just yesterday from someone who witnessed this. While at a Special Olympics event, our wonderful King Henry the eighth, decided to insert himself in the event, bye getting lots of pictures taken of himself, which greatly disturbs the person who witnessed this. On top of all that, he had to ask for a Special Olympics shirt, and while this was graciously given to him, he how to go audacity to ask for another size shirt! It's another example of how His Majesty does nothing but preen, pose, and go after every bit of media attention that he can get, and he especially does this around election time. He still has yet to answer for the fact that he was never at my apartment complex, despite his insistence to the contrary, neither was any republican member of council, nor any republican candidate running for office ever here.

Equally upsetting, is the fact that His Majesty has been repeatedly claiming to have done all these great things for Bensalem, when in reality it's been others who've done it. In particular he claims in his election Mailer, that he personally protected the town during the 2020 riots that were going on in Philadelphia, when it was the men and women of the Bensalem Township Police Department that did that! By the way, there really wasn't much that happened in that area because the most that happened was an attempt to rob an empty space and then a chamois wall, and some vehicles located along route 13. He and the other Republicans are falsely stating that the Democrats want change for the sake of change, when that is far from the case. They want to make sure that there is transparency in this government, to make sure that budgets are submitted properly, and within budget guidelines, to secure funding for our honorable first responders, especially our police, and make certain that gladiator cops, are exposed and rooted out. There are many of us are deeply troubled by this man's insistence on being a publicity hound, and never truly being where he is needed.

Friday, October 15, 2021


Just got this laughable piece of mail yesterday oh, and I had to say something about it. Apparently Joey Dee and his little puppet minions, are now using this little catch phrase of best for Bensalem, and let me tell you it's a pack of Lies! 
Aside from the fact that the mayor has a lot of skeletons in his closet, he's also been spending money like a drunken sailor on Shore leave, and it's affecting the township greatly. I have heard from numerous people in this town, how much they're having to pay in increased water usage, sewage costs, and garbage collection, as well as the EIT tax, which as far asmany are concerned, makes it a tax increase, andthat is a SERIOUS issue. My biggest question to incumbent puppet Joe Pilleri, is "What SPECIFICALLY have you done for this town?" I'm not talking about all the votes that you cast in favor of his Majesty's outrageous spending, but I'm talking about what have you specifically done on your own to benefit this town? I also have a really good question for the two female candidates who are running for office. What makes you think that Joey D's going to respect you? What makes you think that you are going to have any kind of voice in Council, when all you're going to be is his little rubber stamp puppet?

Thursday, October 14, 2021


This corrupt, dishonorable, sleazebag, (Yes I said sleazebag!) Just threw out a 12-year career with the police, over a vendetta, and he has the nerve to lie and say that this was part of an investigation?? I'm so glad that the judge saw through this, and I hope he gets a huge sentence for what he's done. It really makes me wonder how many police officers out there, that do this, and especially wonder how many police officers in this town do this very thing!

Tuesday, October 12, 2021


Sunday, October 10, 2021


Quit lying and using fear mongering tactics to get your candidates elected! The local democrats are NOT responsible for the nation's messed up state, so stop this now!!!

Saturday, October 9, 2021


It's amazing to me, how desperate sheriff Lobo is, to ingratiate himself to the people of Bucks County, when this man has so many skeletons in his closet it isn't funny. Let's start with all the legitimate complaints of racial discrimination within the Bensalem Police Department, that were going on while he was the deputy public safety director! How about his having kicked out the domestic violence coordinator, and replacing her with two young women, with barely an ounce of experience between them as compared to the experience that the previous domestic violence coordinator had. If that's not enough for you, how about Walter Meyerele, you know the convicted child sex predator, that molested and raped multiple young girls, many of them in Bensalem. The police detective, who was overworked, and asked for help with her cases, and didn't get any, prematurely shut the investigation that they had against this man, and when this was exposed, she scapegoated! This never should have happened to begin with, and her supervisors, and especially sheriff Lobo should have been made to answer for this! Last but certainly not least, how about the Cosmo DiNardo case, in which the mental health paperwork that was needed to press gun charges against this young man, conveniently disappeared, but then suddenly reappeared when the DA brought the charges against him.




 This is a statement our dear "Sherriff Lobo made in April of 2020, and it shows that EVERYTHING both he and His Majesty have been saying in their ads is a flat out LIE!!

Friday, October 8, 2021


Police Unions are NOT to be supporting any one person, and they know it!!  THIS is clearly a conflict of interest, and needs to be investigated!! 

Wednesday, October 6, 2021


Last I checked people, this is considered a conflict of interest, and as such not allowed. No police Union of any kind, is allowed to enjoy any one particular candidate, so this is most assuredly a conflict of interest, and it needs to be investigated!


🚨 MAKE NO MISTAKE: the safety of YOU and YOUR family will be my Top Priority as Sheriff. The residents of #BucksCounty deserve Safety and Exceptional Service, and nothing less!

The men and women of law enforcement go out every day to serve and protect their communities, often going above and beyond. In Bensalem, I couldn't be more proud of the work we have done—not just keeping our neighbors safe, but also providing important services to our community that help improve our quality of life.

I’m committed to #OurCommunity, and with your help, we will have the same success in the Bucks County Sheriff’s Office as we have in Bensalem!

For More Information, Visit ➡️

This is a man has a lot of skeletons in his closet, and if you don't believe me, check out some of my posts on him in this blog. He claims he started the first domestic violence unit in Bucks County, when that is an absolute lie! He drove out the original domestic violence coordinator, and and replaced her with two young women, who barely had an ounce of experience between them.
He achieved getting the safer Grant under suspicious circumstances, unjustly, illegally, attacked, slandered, and more so to not only Union fire company, but also expired cheese, including a father and son who were part of it. He also fails to admit that the DUI blood draw broom that he came up with, was done under suspicious circumstances, by having members of the Bensalem Rescue Squad, posed as fat paps doing DUI blood draws. So too make up for that, he decides to have a law passed who allowed this to happen using the name of a very honorable police officer who was murdered in the line of duty as cover for it! Thank God that this was declared unconstitutional in 2016 by the US Supreme Court, so now you have no choice but to get a warrant to do a DUI blood draw!
As for his other so-called accomplishments, why don't you ask him about what was involved in Cosmo dinardo having the gun charges dropped against him in early 2017, and even before that, ask him about Walter Meyerle.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021


Quit taking credit for the successes of others, and start telling the truth for once! You claim you did all of these things for the Bensalem police department, but you know you NEVER did this. Bensalem only got the first national accreditation back, after having lost it for well over a decade, because it wasn't meeting standards for the accreditation, and the DNA technology certainly was not your idea, but your ever so loyal public safety director. As for the award-winning K9 unit of six police dogs, get real! The Bensalem EMS has some serious skeletons in its closet, including the head of it, for 'questionable bookkeeping ' if you get my meaning, as well as taking part in doing what can be considered to be ILLEGAL DUI blood draws.

Also, what's up with the Bensalem Police Benevolent Association endorsing you? From what I'm aware of, they're not supposed to be doing that, because it's considered a conflict of interest. Also, wasn’t the president of this benevolent Association, stopped several times as a former Southampton police officer for drunk driving?

Monday, October 4, 2021


Just got this wonderful piece of propaganda in the mail today, and I had to share. I know that Joey Dee is desperate to get re-elected, but the lies and half-truths he's putting on this election mailer, are absolutely outrageous, and he needs to be called out on it. 

Let's start with how he supposedly has always put our safety first.
Just specifically how did his majesty personally keep our community safe during the Philadelphia riots and looting of 2020? 

I don't recall him going out there and personally guarding us, and trying anything on his own to keep us safe oh, so save that one for somebody who's going to be gullible enough to buy it. By the way your majesty, you still have not admitted that you can show any evidence whatsoever that you were at Regency Apartments After the flood of July 12th, so again until I see concrete proof that you were here, you were never here! 

How about the national and state accreditation your majesty? You fail to admit that for over a decade, Bensalem had none, as a matter of fact for a while they lost it, because they weren't meeting the standards for this accreditation. 

As for the built Bensalem Zone Fire and emergency training facility, you mean the $5000000 I store that everybody gets to see on Street Road, that never should have been built to begin with, because the county has won in Bristol Township that was completely paid for without taxpayer dollars! 

Don't get me started on the no Township property tax increase in 28 years, because everybody knows that everybody is water, sewage, and trash bills went up after you sold the water company to Aqua! As well as the other Municipal services. Last but certainly not least in this area your majesty, is the e i t, so that makes a tax increase in my book! 
Also, how about the years and years of deficits that is taking place within the township budget oh, and you doing nothing about it? For those that don't understand I'm not talking about going in debt, I'm talking about deficit, in which this town has been spending more money than it takes in, and they cover this up by taking from the reserve fund! 

How about the homeowners assistance grant? You claim you personally made sure of that? What about all the wonderful members of Council, in particular had took vagian and Jesse Sloan, you know the ones who made sure it was $300, as opposed to $200 or $100 a month? 

Secured a better quality of life for our families? Who are you kidding? This earned National recognition for Bensalem as one of the 100 "Best communities for young people", is about as laughable as you can get! 

There many other areas mentioned on this piece of propaganda, that show how you are taking credit for the things that others have done, and I for one will not idly sit by and allow this to happen. You talk about experience mattering how about integrity and honor? I know you have none!

Sunday, October 3, 2021


I was made aware of something extremely disturbing, that if true, it needs to be investigated, and investigated immediately! I recently learned that a GOP candidate for school board, allegedly made nasty comments, and threatened a Democrat candidate for council, and I find that very reprehensible. While I am not naming names in this so that there is the benefit of the doubt, the person who allegedly did this needs to be investigated by the police, and I pray that this particular Democrat candidate/member of council goes to the police, and insists on charges being pressed. This is something that cannot be swept under the rug, like everything else criminal that goes on when a member of the GOP in this town is involved, but it needs to be dealt with.

Friday, October 1, 2021


This is why the Bensalem GOP are in need of a MAJOR house cleaning. They spend like drunk sailors on shore leave, and make up positions that aren't needed. Then, these positions are made up to be given to the sons, daughters, and relatives of connected and influential individuals within the Township., who have NO expertise in this area, and ultimately do a LOUSY job!!