Time | Saturday, August 6 · 12:00pm - 8:00pm | |
| Linconia Park Linconia Avenue Trevose, PA |
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Sunday, July 31, 2011
Introducing: Community Day!!!!
Friday, July 29, 2011
Another Bensalem Township Screw Job
Gee........ we wonder why this is happening??? Could it be that they got suckered by the township into buying the township's water authority, that included crusty, defective water pipes??? Good thing the township got a sweet trust fund from this to bail itself out of the 6.5 million dollar fiasco for this year.
Really Good Business Deal, Your Majesty!!!
BTW, we citizens of this township deserve to know about the state of the budget NOW, not when you think we should hear about it! After all, we're the ones who pay taxes here!! Just remember this"your majesty"...............
Thursday, July 28, 2011
This is a Very Smart Idea!
Now if only Bensalem Township would have thought of an idea like this instead of "laying off" 6 employees, and turning to their trust fund, we wouldn't have the potential 9 million dollar one we are about to have now!
This just came to my door today, and it confirms EVERYTHING I have been saying concerning Union Fire Company, and Chief Troisi
We have discovered the following information and thought we should pass it on! As a group, we are all residents of Bensalem Township and members of the volunteer fire service in Bensalem Township. Our years of service range from 5 years to over 25 years. We were shocked and concerned after confirming this information.
1. The accusations made against Chief Troisi and the members of the Union Fire Company regarding refusing to give water to the paid fire engine ARE FALSE. It changed to DELAYED GIVING WATER to the paid fire engine. THAT IS FALSE. It is now changed to a miss communication. No one in the fire service has any clue what that means.
2. The closing down of the Union Fire Company for safety issues that endangered the fire service and the public ARE FALSE. There is NO INFORMATION that has been passed on to any members of the fire service that in Bensalem Township regarding any dangerous actions by the Union Fire Company. How can you have a fire company operating in a "dangerous manner" and not tell the surrounding fire companies or the Union Fire Company what the dangerous activity is? THERE WAS NO DANGER ACTIVITY.
3. The Director of Public Safety and the Mayor want an oversight committee to approve the activities of the Union Fire Company. The fire company has no financial difficulties yet the oversight committee wants to approve all financial issues! How does that make sense? The township was $6,500,000.00 in the red last year. Is there an oversight committee for the Township? There have been numerous questionable expenditures in the Department of Public Safety. Is there an oversight committee for the Department of Public Safety?
4. During the last election, a chief of one of the fire companies came to a township chief's meeting and asked all the fire companies to publicly support the re-election of the Mayor. He handed out tee shirts from a local constable that stated that the Bensalem fire departments supported the re-election. The fire chief told us the fire chiefs that this was the last time the Mayor would be seeking re-election. Does anyone else see a problem with a fire chief (who is also a township employee) campaigning at a township fire chief's meeting? Was there an implied threat that if you didn't actively support the re-election there could be consequences? Just ask the Union Fire Company Chief! The Union Chief thought it was inappropriate for the fire companies to be involved in a political campaign. We all see what happened to the Union Fire Company.
5. The ambulance that was put into the Cornwells Fire Company station to stop the Union Fire Company from supplying the citizens of Bensalem Township with an additional and at no cost to the taxpayer advanced life support ambulance has been removed. The rescue squad is keeping the tax increase. Is there an oversight committee for that?
6. Lower Southampton is reporting a deficit of over $1,000,000.00 for this year. They are actively working to eliminate the deficit. Bensalem had a deficit of over $6,000,000.00 last year. No activity except to take money away from the volunteer firefighters to pay for a program that the township failed to create a plan for. Is there an oversight committee for that?
We are ashamed that we believed what the Director of Public Safety and several of our chief officers have been feeding us about the Department of Public Safety and the actions the Director of Public Safety took against the Union Fire Company. WE WILL BE ASKING MORE QUESTIONS AND PASSING ALONE THE ANSWERS!
Well, Freddie Boy the firefighters, the residents of Linconia, and many other residents of this town are on to you. As Martha Reeves and the Vandellas would say..........
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
The Web of Deception Unravels
This was found in my mailbox, and it shows that there are A LOT of individuals in this town, who want HONEST answers concerning the township's budget.
OH MY GOD…watching the Council meeting Monday night on T.V. I could not believe what the Mayor said in response to the question; "when did you learn that you needed to take money away from the volunteer firefighters to pay for the SAFER grant firefighters?" His response; "2010"! They applied for the grant in 2008, received the grant award in September 2009 and held the grant for over a year. In October, 2010 they hired the paid firefighters. AFTER they hired the paid firefighters, the Mayor and Director of Public Safety called our Chiefs and Presidents to a meeting at the township building. They WOULD NOT tell these officers what the meeting was about before they arrived! Once there, they announced that they would be taking $24,500.00 from each fire company to pay for the paid firefighters! Simple math tells us $24,500.00 times 6 equals $147,000.00. Four paid firefighters at $44,500.00 each plus benefits equals $178,000.00. This is a minimum of a $40,000.00 shortage just for the paid firefighters. This does not include apparatus, insurance, equipment, fuel, etc. When asked…NO ANSWERS. We now believe there was no plan, no foresight and idea what to do with the paid firefighters when we hired them.
Now we learn there is ANOTHER budget deficit looming. When the Mayor was asked, his response was will tell you when we think you need to know. Well, we think we need to know now!!
They closed a sister fire company without telling them why or us why! The Director of Public Safety said the fire company was a danger to the public and the fire service! If that is true, don't you think it would be prudent to tell the fire companies what kind of dangerous actions they were accused of? Wouldn't it be important for us to know?
We have learned from members of the Union Fire Company that many of their members are afraid to come around the fire station due to harassment from the office of the Director of Public Safety. Members of that fire company were harassed at their place of employment, threatened with arrest and had unfounded criminal complaints filed against them from within the Department of Public Safety!
We are now waking up and realizing our companies can be next! Why? Because they want to take our Relief Association money and pool it. This would benefit the township and the one fire company that has a history of mismanaging their money! When is enough, enough? The township's failure to properly manage the SAFER Grant program is not our problem. Maybe they should ask the fire companies that have properly managed their funds how we are doing it instead of attacking us for properly managing the money we are entrusted with!
Maybe we should start looking into the township funds and find out how many times we have operated in a deficit and why. The more questions that have been asked of the township government, the fewer answers are given!
Apparently the ONLY difference between Washington DC, and Bensalem township, is the LOCATION!!
This is definitely further evidence of Harran's dictator like and Despotic attitude, which needs to be stopped. Its time that Fred Harran, Pat Ponticelli, and Joey D be held accountable for their actions, and the best start, is FIRE Harran and Ponticelli!!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Episode 5 of "Everybody Hates Freddie": Harran Crosses Line By Filing FALSE Charges
PATHETIC!!! That is just what they are!! I bet any amount of money, "the little dictator" is only doing this, because the residents wised up and refused those cameras in their neighborhood. What spite!!! I can even bet that the police never once did any type of criminal background check on the neighbor that instigated this, because if they did, they would have found that this individual DOES have a criminal record, and I have PROOF!! I haven't named the neighbor in question (yet), out of the kindness of my heart, and the respect I have for this person's family. I can also verify the statement of John Jordan, as to the sensitivity training offered by a Latino Group, because I KNOW one of its members, who will back this statement up!
Apparently, IF Harran and any of the Bensalem Police ever took these courses, they evidently did not sink in, because they FAILED big time!!,
All I can say Harran, is that YOU crossed a line... BIG TIME!!
PATHETIC!!! That is just what they are!! I bet any amount of money, "the little dictator" is only doing this, because the residents wised up and refused those cameras in their neighborhood. What spite!!! I can even bet that the police never once did any type of criminal background check on the neighbor that instigated this, because if they did, they would have found that this individual DOES have a criminal record, and I have PROOF!! I haven't named the neighbor in question (yet), out of the kindness of my heart, and the respect I have for this person's family. I can also verify the statement of John Jordan, as to the sensitivity training offered by a Latino Group, because I KNOW one of its members, who will back this statement up!
Apparently, IF Harran and any of the Bensalem Police ever took these courses, they evidently did not sink in, because they FAILED big time!!,
All I can say Harran, is that YOU crossed a line... BIG TIME!!
What is Joey D Hiding From Us???
I think I especially loved hearing the mayor say how he doesn't share his thoughts on the budget with anyone, and that "when the time comes", they'll give us the info on the budget like they do every year. In other words, not until December, AFTER the election!!! Guys, we deserve to know a lot sooner that December about the budget. I have news for people, there IS a budget issue, and its to the tune of over $9.1 million dollars!! Don't believe me, I have a copy of the budget and I will show you! Waiting until December does not cut it for us.
Your Majesty, We Want to Know NOW!!!
Your Majesty, We Want to Know NOW!!!
Linconia Residents Suprise Visit to Council Makes Shocking Impact
I am very glad that the residents of Linconia took the time to stand up for up for themselves last night. They were genuinely concerned about the issue of putting up cameras. It is bad enough that there are cameras having been put up by a neighbor who refuses to get along with others, and has them is such a way that literally pans into individuals homes!!If these cameras came up, they would be cameras controlled by the township, and as such cause issues of privacy, and bias.Most of all, I applaud them for extending the hand of friendship to the council, and the police in inviting them to their Community Day Event on August 6th. It is in this area, that I hereby challenge the Bensalem Police Department to GENUINELY make POSITIVE contact with everyone they meet that day!! I especially challenge Fred Harran, Pat Ponticelli, Lt. Kisselback, Andrew Annisman, and every other high ranking official within the department to GENUINELY come on out and say hello to everyone in the community that day!! This is your opportunity to show the residents of this town, that you are accessible, and that most of all YOU CARE!!!
Now let's see if ANYONE from the township is brave enough, and humble enough to come.
Monday, July 25, 2011
My Thoughts on the Norway Bombing/Massacre
There are LOTS of idiots who are offering their less than 2 cents on this awful tragedy, and I had to speak out on behalf of all Bible Believing Born Again Christians. Not all born again Christians hold this view, so for you to even infer this is offensive to me. The individuals who do these things in the name of God, are NOT true Christians, but false prophets, and/or sick individuals who pervert the name of Christ. Unfortunately, there are individuals who claim to represent Christ, but in reality they only represent themselves. Even during the Crusades, these false Christians did the very same thing that Muslims fanatics do: Kill in the name of God. Yet, despite this, the name of the Lord still prevailed, and it will continue to do so today. So do me and real believers such as myself a favor, and.................
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Open Challenge!!
This is an open invitation to all residents of Linconia, the firefighters of Bensalem Twp., and dempcratss of this town:
Come out to the council meeting tomorrow night at 7:30 PM and make your voices heard!! Don't sit on the couch and pass up an opportunity to get the truth out of your local officials, and Fred Harran. Don't let Harran and Ponticelli's intimidation tactics put you in fear.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Episode 4 of "Everybody Hates Freddie": They're On To You, Freddie!!
I just got this today at my doorstep. According to this, its from multiple firefighters from different fire companies within Bensalem, and they are NOT happy. For anyone to come out with this heat to give me this, must have really wanted this to get out!!
A group of us, all members of Bensalem fire companies got together regarding the treatment of the Union Fire Company by the Director of Public Safety, Deputy Director of Public Safety and members of the staff of the Bensalem Fire Marshal's office. Our group consisted of representatives of four of the remaining five Bensalem fire companies (Union Fire Company was not represented). We heard from the Director of Public Safety that the Union Fire Company was dangerous to the public and the fire service in Bensalem. When we asked him what the dangerous activity was, neither he, nor Ponticelli could give one example. We discussed the water incident on State Road. First, the Director of Public Safety said the Union Chief refused to give water to the paid fire company and a criminal investigation was launched. It was then changed to a delay in giving water to the paid fire company. Now we hear, that there was no delay, it was a "miscommunication". No one knew who the miscommunication was between. Several of the members of our group said they would contact friends in the Union Fire Company to see if they could get more information. We learned from the members of the Union Fire Company that they were never given information about who first accused their Chief of refusing to give water to the paid fire company. They had no idea what or who the miscommunication was between or about. What they did know was their engine arrived on location and immediately gave its tank water to the paid fire company WITHOUT DELAY. What we learned is the Director of Public Safety threatened to arrest the chief, harassed members of the fire company while they were at work, never interviewed the crew of E37 and closed the fire company down! We decided to ask the officers of our respective fire companies if they knew why Union Fire Company had been shut down. As a group we were told by our officers that Union Fire Company "refused to follow the rules". When we asked what rules Union Fire Company refused to follow, NONE OF US GOT AN ANSWER! One officer was honest enough to say; "if he is busy screwing with Union, he will leave us alone". Gee, some close knit fire community we are part of! We did learn that the Union Fire Chief raised concerns about the location and construction of the township training center. Since the completion of the facility we have learned that the chief's concerns were valid and will cost millions to correct. We also learned from the Director of Public Safety that the training center (despite his earlier public statements) that the facility is NOT COMPLETE.
Since the Director of Public Safety got involved with the Bensalem fire service, he has developed an atmosphere of fear within the fire service. Anyone member or fire company that has questions regarding his programs is attacked, harassed and driven out of the fire service. We still don't know how much each fire company is going to lose in funding to pay for the paid fire company. This after the Council and Mayor of Bensalem assured us that funding for the project WOULD NOT come from the volunteer fire companies. What the Director of Public Safety is managing to do is drive volunteers away from Bensalem. Maybe that is what he wants after all. We know that several members of one of our fire companies that are employees of the Fire Marshal's office have dreams of a fully paid fire company. We hope the taxpayers of Bensalem have an extra $12,000,000.00 plus to pay for this. Instead of recruiting volunteers at a time when the township faces an almost $10,000,000.00 deficit (after receiving $11,000,000.00 from the casino) the Director of Public Safety wasted over $5,000,000.00 on an incomplete training center that at its best will be able to do LESS than the County facility 10 minutes away in Bristol Township. Despite the Director of Public Safety's initial statement that we need this facility so firefighters won't have to travel outside the township to county facilities for training…WE STILL WILL HAVE TO TRAVEL TO COUNTY FACILITIES TO COMPLETE OUR TRAINING!
We also learned that the Director of Public Safety continues to refuse to give our fire companies copies of the SAFER grant that was awarded to the township to hire paid firefighters. When several of our fire companies obtained copies of the grant through the Freedom of Information Act he refused to discuss the controversial data that was included in the grant application to receive the award.
Our council members refuse to discuss the public safety issue the Director of Public Safety has caused. The harassment of the Union Fire Company by the Director of Public Safety continues. With our country and township in such financial difficulties, why is the township, through the Director of Public Safety chasing away unpaid professionals in the volunteer fire service?
It looks as if there ARE other individual firefighters, who are seeing through Harran and Ponticelli's lies. I also hear that Harran is getting so desperate, that he is telling the firefighters who they are and are not allowed to associate with!! Excuse me Harran, but last I checked, this is the USA, not Iran!! I have a strong piece of advice to the Firefighters of this town, and ANY Bensalem police officer brave enough to read this: Don't let Harran and Ponticelli's intimidation tactics put you in fear. REACH OUT to the Bensalem Democrats, and/or whoever you want, in exposing the evil of this town. Don't be afraid to take a stand and let the truth be heard.
Restore Honor and Integrity to Bensalem!! (II Chronicles 7:14)
Friday, July 22, 2011
For Adults With A Sense of Humor ONLY!
I thought this little joke might make everyone's day. 
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Anthony Weiner, and Fred Harran all died and were standing before the Lord. Arnold goes first, and God tells him, "Arnold Schwartzenegger, you have sinned against me! As punishment for what you did to your wife, you will spend the rest of eternity chained to a wall, while covered with honey and fire ants eating away at you!" In an instant, Arnold was butt naked, with honey and fire ants all over him chained to a wall in hell screaming for all to hear. A trembling,
Anthony Weiner comes before the Lord, and tries to speak, but a a great big "SILENCE!" comes from the heavenly throne. God then says to him, "Anthony Weiner, you have sinned against me! As punishment for your taking pictures of yourself, and your "weiner", I am going to turn you into a giant hot dog in a bun, to be chased by all kinds of wild animals, and eaten by them for eternity!" In a flash, Anthony was a literal hot Dog on a bun, and animals of every kind were tearing away at his "meaty" flesh.
At this point, Fred Harran, cowering in fear, tries to hide from the Lord's presence, but in an instant, Lindsey Lohan appears, and God says, "Lindsay Lohan, you have sinned...."
Oh well!!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Couldn't Have Said It Better Myself!!
This was from today's The Vent in The Courier Times:
"Bensalem Public Safety Director Fred Harran says closing the Union Fire Co. was not political, then insists on Ray Hackman for Union chief. Huh? Yo Fred. That hissing sound, is your credibility evaporating into thin air." Ken Dooley, Langhorne
I have to say Ken, I totally agree!!
Face it Freddie Boy, even those outside of Bensalem think you're full of it!!!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Addictive Eyesore Raking in the $$$$$
I am wondering what the township is doing with all the money the get from there. They should at least be using their money wisely, and not going on a spending spree for every little thing Joey D wants. This is why we had the 6.5 million dollar deficit, and now have the projected nearly 9.8 million dollar deficit, and no one is going to council to ask the hard questions to get the TRUTH!!
Truth Hurts Doesn't It???
I really love how frustrated certain individuals are getting, because the truth is coming out, and its exposing them for the evil they truly are! Harran says I am being "misled", I'm "mistaken", but as usual both he and Ponticelli FAIL to show ANY proof of this. I keep telling all of you cronies and plants out there, that if you believe I am not telling the the truth, PROVE IT!! I have said it before and I will say it again, my information is based on FACTS. The information I get, I research it, (internet, newspaper articles, etc.), and back it up with what I confirm it with! Show proof on here on why Iam wrong!! I am more than happy to discuss this on here, but I will not tolerate name calling of ANY kind. Call me "Bible Thumper", say I tell alot of lies, and that I spread hate, all you want, but do me and the rest of my viewers a favor on here, and
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Tales of A Desperate Public Safety Director
Word has it, that Fred has promised certain fire companies that they will be rewarded for supporting him over his decision in closing Union Fire Company last month. Apparently, Fred has promised to force Union to surrender its fire boat to station 16 (Which he has NO authority to do!) and/or cut their funding so severely, it will insure they are closed. Meetings have already been held with his cronies on how to implement his plan to continue to trash Vince Troisi and continue to harass this brave fire company out of business.
To the crony fire companies who went along with this, let me warn you: if you think it can't happen to you, THINK AGAIN!! Both Harran and Ponticelli care only for themselves, and how much power, pain,and misery they can amass. When you least expect it, either one of them or BOTH will turn on you,and do to you what they are doing to Union Fire Co., so WISE UP on this, and do what's right!! Harran, what is it going to take for you to realize that being a BULLY will only get you nowhere!!
For All the Brave Gang at Union Fire Co.
This is something the Lord blessed me with during my devotions this morning. I pray you like it.
odb.orgSometimes guys, we come to a point where we are faced with "giants". Just like the children of Israel, in Numbers 13:25-14:9, we buy into the fear and terror of either the negative criticism, or intimidation given to us, by someone who only wants to cause us grief and harm. We either try to solve the matter on our own, or worse yet, give up. Instead of claiming God's blessings and protection, we stick our hands in our pockets, and either walk away with tail in between legs, or we allow ourselves to be used as someone's punching bag, thus allowing the bully/dictator to win!
Its only when we turn to the One person who knows what we are going through, place our complete trust in His protection and saving grace, can we truly be free of those "fear factors", and have true victory in Christ.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Its Time to Take a Stand!!
I just started this online petition through this site. Please take the time to read this, and pass it on to EVERY concerned citizen in Bensalem, PA and beyond!! We want the whole world to know what type of monsters we have running our police force!
Union Fire Co. I know that you have been put through hell and beyond with this man, and his evil little side kick Ponticelli. I also know the outright LIES he has used against you to get his way with Hackman, but I am glad you are fighting this. I am also aware of the little visit you had from the FBI, which was meant to harass and put you into further fear. I am here to tell you, DON'T FALL FOR IT, AND REFUSE TO GIVE INTO THE LIES HARRAN IS FEEDING YOU THROUGH THIS. THIS WAS MEANT AS MIND GAMES BY HIM, AND IF YOU GIVE IN IN ANY WAY TO THEM, HE WINS!!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Episode 3 of "Everybody Hates Freddie": Harran, the Great Racist Dictator!!!
This information was given to me by a concerned citizen living within Linconia Section of Trevose.
I attended the meeting between the Director of Public Safety and the members of the Linconia section of our township in utter amazement and shock. Director Harran stated; "I know that its a part of African American culture to come outside and watch when someone is being arrested by the police". Really, it is in our culture? What culture is that Director Harran? I am wondering something, is arresting someone for videotaping the police, is that part of the Bensalem Police culture?
I attended the meeting between the Director of Public Safety and the members of the Linconia section of our township in utter amazement and shock. Director Harran stated; "I know that its a part of African American culture to come outside and watch when someone is being arrested by the police". Really, it is in our culture? What culture is that Director Harran? I am wondering something, is arresting someone for videotaping the police, is that part of the Bensalem Police culture?
He follows up this statement with; "all the kids need to learn how to play together in the sand box". PLEASE!!! His idea of addressing an ongoing neighborhood harassment issue is to tell everyone to learn how to play together in the sandbox? Who hired this guy? This is the best you could find? Director Harran has accomplished several things regarding our community; he has made it perfectly clear that the Bensalem police do not take issues in our community seriously; he has shown our children what happens to them when they call the Bensalem police for assistance, and once again he addressed us in a condescending and belittling tone. I'm sure if it was one of his children or a family member that was threatened with injury, there would have been a whole different outcome.
After reading articles in the Courier Times regarding the mass arrest in our community, several people commented that our neighborhood is crime ridden. One comment said that our children should be in the house at 8:00P.M! have news for the person who said this: It is daylight at 8:00 P.M. and our children were being watched by adults!! They should check their facts; our community is one of the safest in the township. However, with the comments in the paper, it becomes clear to the adults and children of our community, that the police department, as well as the commentators in the paper have a diluted and racist view of our community.
The only time we hear from these people is when one of them screwed up. After that, there is talking and when the news coverage goes away, it is back to the same old same old. We found it interesting that there was a meeting with the head of the police department and a representative of the District Attorney's office was present. When was the last time you saw a meeting such as this one that required a representative of the District Attorney's office?
Unless the government of Bensalem reports this issue to an appropriate, outside of Bucks County agency for investigation we have little to no hope of it being resolved properly.
Trying to smooth it over by talking down to us and pretending that "you understand our culture" was embarrassing for you and insulting to us!!
Seriously Harran!! Evidently, you seem to enjoy making the lives of innocent people a nightmare, and really LOVE terrorizing a fire department that won't bow down to the "great dictator", but this whole issue with Linconia is ridiculous!! Let me ask you and all the other little naysayers on here something. Have ANY of you EVER visited this neighborhood in a time period OTHER than election time?? I always knew you had a penchant talent for sticking your foot in your mouth, but I never realized, how much you enjoy doing it. I have to concur with the residents of Linconia................
You Are without a Doubt the Most Condescending, Delusional, Insensitive, Racist Pitiful Excuse for a Public Safety Director in Existence Today!!!
John Jordan: Media Hound
WTG Linconia!! Don't let' Joey D's lackey get to you.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Racism in Linconia.............What Racism in Linconia????
This is a re-post of an old article, that I had to share again. It goes to show what LIARS Harran, he Bensalem Township Police and Joey D truly are.
I was at the NAACP event in October of 2009, to listen to the candidates speak. I was particularly interested in the number of high ranking police officers (including Council President Kisselback's son) that were there.
The police chief stated that there were no racial issues within the police department. I can tell you different. My cousin is a good student and works at night to pay his way through school. After he left work, he was walking home when the police stopped him. They said that a black man committed a robbery in the area. My cousin did not match the height or clothing description. The only thing he matched was being black. I thought being black in public was not a crime anymore. My cousin was then arrested, handcuffed, and taken to the police station! He was then accused by the police, of committing a robbery despite not matching the description of the robber!
When my family complained about his treatment, we met with a Lieutenant at the police station. The Lieutenant could offer no valid explanation for my cousin's arrest. The Lieutenant admitted that my cousin did not match the description of the robber. In fact, the Lieutenant admitted that my cousin was not even close (other than being black) to fitting the description. When we asked if this crime was committed by a white suspect, would all white people be handcuffed and brought to the police station even if they didn't match the description of the robber? The Lieutenant did not respond.
The only time we see the politicians in Linconia, is when they are running for election, or have racial problems, and want to be seen as minority friendly. Whenever I have spoken to the few officers within the police department that are minorities, they admitted that there are still problems. They choose not to speak of them because they say nothing will be done, and out of fear of retribution.
My parents are well aware of the long history of former Captain Robinson and his attitude towards African-Americans. He was allowed to retire with no penalty for his many negative statements and actions regarding African-Americans.
All The long-standing politicians spoke about all the things they have done (I noted none mentioned anything in particular) and their willing to continue holding office. Of course, the Mayor spoke about the number of police officers that he has hired since he took office. Can anyone show me where more police officers equals safer properties?
Creating an atmosphere of fear is not the answer to safer communities.
Of course, we now have what happened July 5th, and we wait to see if Harran will do ANYTHING positive for this family.
An Interesting Fact
I bet that none of you knew, that our wonderful Mayor has the authority (without the consent or knowledge of the Council) to shift money from one line item to another. Without an audit, the Council will not know if the amount of money that was budgeted for and approved is the actual amount that was expended! Evidently this resulted in the over 6.5 million dollar deficit, which they tried to cover over by taking money out of the township's trust fund. Since then, the township has gone OVER its snow budget two years in a row, and now we have a potential $9.8 million deficit for this coming year!! What's even more interesting, is the lack of honesty from the council and the mayor on this, and Pizzo's arrogant and rude behavior towards anyone who asks any questions about the township's budget.
Makes you wonder..............WHAT'S JOEY D HIDING????
SHOW ME THE $$$$$!!
Just one question guys: How is the township going to pay for this, when we are facing a projected $9.8 million dollar deficit?? YES a deficit!! (For those who want to accuse me falsely of spreading hate and lies, I have PROOF, and its called a copy of the township's budget!) Above all, why won't the township provide the public a financial status update on the budget??
Thursday, July 14, 2011
One Thing Is For Certain
They NEVER should have arrested these individuals to begin with!!
They NEVER should have arrested these individuals to begin with!!
Who Are You Trying To Fool Freddie??
This is really intelligent Freddie!! I also LOVE the following "intelligent" thing you said: "We've got neighbor disputes all over the place," he added. "Everybody has to learn to play well in the sandbox."
You know, you should take some of your own advice, especially when it comes to Union Fire Co. Apparently, your solution to that matter, was to take EVERYTHING in the sandbox, close it down, and go home! That's really intelligent and mature!!
The cop that committed this act of stupidity, is clearly in the wrong, as I have seen the video on TV. That is unless you think its OK to say "BlackPeople smell like burnt popcorn, that's why the K-9s can't find them in Philly." and either never take, or cheat on one's Sargents(SP) exam, and get away with it.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Who Are You Kidding Harran!!!
The people of Linconia see right through you!!
The people of Linconia see right through you!!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
As Usual............ Harran Can't Handle the Truth!!!
Trust me gang, Harran was at his usual deception, and things in this matter are just beginning. I heard from several people there that he refused to answer any questions pertaining to the arrest of a 14 year old and at least 2 other children. BTW..... John Jordan is NOT the President of the Bucks Chapter of the NAACP!!!!! I also watched Fox 29 News, and saw an arrogant little dictator who was not getting away with anything. The camera idea was great, Fred, but its too little too late. Last, but certainly not least, there is the foot in mouth statement of Harran, stating that its a part of the "African American culture" to not trust police. So what we're saying here Freddie, is that ALL black people distrust the police?? Real intelligent! In the immortal words of Ron White, "Next time you have a thought, let it go!" You evidently have NO CLUE what you are talking about, because if you did, you wouldn't be saying such stupid and ignorant things.
If I were you Fred................
Trust me gang, Harran was at his usual deception, and things in this matter are just beginning. I heard from several people there that he refused to answer any questions pertaining to the arrest of a 14 year old and at least 2 other children. BTW..... John Jordan is NOT the President of the Bucks Chapter of the NAACP!!!!! I also watched Fox 29 News, and saw an arrogant little dictator who was not getting away with anything. The camera idea was great, Fred, but its too little too late. Last, but certainly not least, there is the foot in mouth statement of Harran, stating that its a part of the "African American culture" to not trust police. So what we're saying here Freddie, is that ALL black people distrust the police?? Real intelligent! In the immortal words of Ron White, "Next time you have a thought, let it go!" You evidently have NO CLUE what you are talking about, because if you did, you wouldn't be saying such stupid and ignorant things.
If I were you Fred................
Council Can't Handle the Truth!!
The council has provided NO PLAN for addressing budget short falls! The solicitor said that the books were balanced with $6,500,000.00 from the reserve fund. There was nothing mentioned about the 2011 shortfall. When asked what the status of the 2011 budget was, the reply was…"the budget is the budget". What the heck does that mean? Are the councilmen trying to tell us that there is no projected shortfall for 2011? How would that be possible when revenue from taxes is down, they only laid off 6 people and were well over their snow removal budget (for the second year in a row).
We are curious to see what the Council and the Mayor are doing to balance this year's budget. The Mayor has blank authority, with no oversight or input from the Council regarding moving monies from one line item to another. We would like to see a monthly report on what monies were moved from what line item to cover budget shortages. We would also like to see a monthly report on what projects, purchases or hires were eliminated due to the line item transfers.
When former Councilman Allen asked to see the investigative report into discrimination within the Bensalem Township Police Department, he was refused. When former Councilman Allen asked to see what involvement the then acting Director of Public Safety had with the discrimination reports, he was refused. The council blindly went ahead, and hired Fred Harran as the Director of Public Safety!
Director of Public Safety Harran STILL has not provided a plan for funding the paid firefighters in Bensalem. The only answer we have had so far was from the Mayor who stated that the funding will come from the fire protection line item. Gee…that answers everything!
When the Director of Public Safety shut down the Union Fire Company reporting public safety issues, the council said nothing! When the Director of Public Safety refused to provide any of the issues to the Union Fire Company, nothing was done by the council. When a member of the council repeatedly interfered with projects initiated by the Union Fire Company and held secret meetings with the Director of Public Safety and a former member of the fire company who left after he was being investigated for improper conduct, nothing was done. In fact, the township was forced to supply a letter to the Union Fire Company stating that they had NO INFORMATION (despite repeated claims by a councilman and the Director of Public Safety) that the land the fire company wanted to purchase for a new station and special needs citizens campus that the land was contaminated and would require millions of dollars to clean up!
Despite being told by the Mayor in front of members of the Union Fire Company to stop interfering with a marine unit grant the Union Fire Company was awarded, the Director of Public Safety and a member of his command staff filed unfounded and slanderous complaints about the project with the Department of Homeland Security. When it was brought to the attention of the Mayor and Council, nothing was done.
When the Union Fire Company wanted to provide a paramedic ambulance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to Bensalem at no cost (requiring no tax funds), the Director of Public Safety and a member of the council interfered with the project. Now, the township raised taxes for the current ambulance service and has provided no additional service to the community! We suppose it is better to increase taxes and maintain the current level of service which during a November 2010 council meeting, the EMS provider and the Director of Public Safety stated was below the national response time standard. The Union Fire Company plan would have provided an additional advanced life support ambulance around the clock. The current EMS provider placed an ambulance in the Cornwells Fire Company station AFTER the Union Fire Company project was made known. This ambulance is only there from 12 noon to 10:00 P.M. six days a week. The project that the Union Fire Company wanted to implement would have paid for itself and provided additional funding to the fire company. Sounds like a good plan. Why didn't the Mayor or the council support the plan? A leading doctor in emergency medical response reviewed and endorsed the project.
When the Director of Public Safety announced in the beginning of July that it would cost $8,000,000.00 to complete a training center that was opened in 2010 as the "best in PA", the council said nothing. When asked when they were told it would cost $8,000,000.00 to complete a facility that was supposed to have been done already…no comment. This meeting, Councilman Kisselback stated he thought the Director of Public Safety said he needed $400,000.00. The point is councilman, when did you learn it was not done and what have you done about it?
Councilman Knowles nominated a person to take the place of outgoing councilman Szafran. The vote was tied two for and two against. Instead of moving on to another potential candidate, the Mayor voted to install Mr. Mathieu. How does that make sense? There were additional candidates that could have been considered. I guess we know who the Mayor wanted. Where does it say that the Mayor breaks the tie? We thought the Mayor worked for the council. We guess we learned differently last night.
Now there is another race issue within the Bensalem Police Department. Do the citizens of Linconia really believe that the Director of Public Safety will be able to investigate his department? All they have to do is look at the fiasco he created with the Union Fire Company to get that answer!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
You have the nerve to falsely accuse me of defaming Jordan, name calling, and spewing hate?? You yourself know my claims are NOT baseless, as I have been to several hearings for minority officers in this town, where Jordan has done NOTHING for them. I have FACTS, WITNESSES and EVIDENCE to back up everything I say. What do you have??? I have stated time and time again to PROVE ME WRONG, but no one can. I am NOT the one spreading the hate as you so falsely accuse me of, but it is people like you, the Bensalem Police, and the corrupt township officials who do it. I also happen to know the main person being accused of starting this mess, and he is very racist and Anti-Semitic. I also happen to know who the police officer is, who uttered the N word, but won't reveal it, YET. This "Private meeting" was done because Harran and Joey D clearly have something to hide, and they know it. If they don't, why not open it to the public? I may not be in a position to investigate this incident, but that does not mean I don't have access to those who can and will. My "band of misfits" don't have hidden agendas, but they tell the truth just as I do, and will continue to do so. Again....
Saturday, July 9, 2011
If I were everyone else on here from Bensalem, I would insist on the same thing: Have this town Hall Meeting OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!! If Harran, and Joey D have nothing to hide, they will do it. Hey Freddie!! If I were you, I would have this Town Hall Meeting open to the public on Tuesday, because the PUBLIC has every right to know about this!!! It is very apparent to the public that you ARE hiding something from us, and we want to know the truth!! BTW, why not have an un-biased entity investigate this incident, or are you too scared???
Friday, July 8, 2011
Face it Freddie...................
I hate to say this Freddie, but the town is on to you, and they're all saying............................
You're a Dictator!!
I hate to say this Freddie, but the town is on to you, and they're all saying............................
You're a Dictator!!
Dictator Exposed
We are writing to "thank" Director of Public Safety Fred Harran for confirming the concerns about the SAFER grant and the Bensalem Training Center that Chief Troisi addressed to you more than four years ago. We watched (and laughed) when you said "this is the first I heard of this" when issues with the training center were discussed at the council meeting! I guess you forgot the chief's meetings when Chief Troisi asked you about the location (too close to Street Road, Rt 1 and now the PA Turnpike), the type of construction (unable to burn class A live fires), no sprinkler system, no water system, and no system to generate heat of any kind, no sanitary facilities. Now, at the council meeting you announce that we need to obtain grants for $8,000,000.00 to complete the facility! CHIEF TROISI WAS RIGHT.
When Chief Troisi asked how the township was going to pay for the SAFER grant firefighters when the grant expired you told him not to worry about it. When he asked about a Standard Operating Procedure for the SAFER grant firefighters you told him not to worry about it. When members of the Union Fire Company spoke with councilman Pilieri and councilman Kisselback about their concerns about the ability of the township to fund the program, they assured the firefighters that no funds would be taken from the volunteer fire companies (which are underfunded and have not received any increase in funding from the township in more than ten years) they gave their word that no funds would be taken from the volunteer fire companies to pay for this project. When another fire company asked councilman Szafran about funding the SAFER project he assured them that no funds would be taken from the volunteer fire companies to pay for the SAFER project. A year after the township received the SAFER grant award the Mayor and Director of Public Safety Harran said that they would be taking funds away from the volunteer fire companies to pay for the SAFER grant firefighters. Nothing was ever put in writing, as to the amount they want to take from the volunteer fire companies. The volunteer fire companies are STILL required to provide all the services they provided BEFORE the SAFER grant firefighters were hired. They need to do this with LESS funding! Now, the township had a "study" done that states the firefighters should pool their Relief monies that they receive from the state. This is the ONLY way that the township can take ADDITIONAL funds away from the volunteer firefighters to give to the SAFER grant firefighters. In addition, funds can be provided to one of the volunteer fire companies that has a history of mismanaging it funds BUT blindly follows the Director of Public Safety's propaganda. And…THERE STILL IS NO STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE FOR THE PAID FIRE COMPANY and THE FIRE INSPECTORS THAT RESPOND FROM ALL OVER THE TOWNSHIP TO ASSIST THEM! Yet, the Director of Public Safety has the nerve to question volunteer firefighters from the Union Fire Company utilizing blue lights to respond to their station when there is a call for service! When Director of Public Safety Harran publically stated that there was a fire call in Salem Harbour when the Union Fire Company was forced out of service and the Cornwells Fire Company covered the call within the National Standard it was not true. Either Director of Public Safety Harran does not know what the National Standard is (standard; NFPA 1720) or he lied! A chief's vehicle responding within the time period is NOT considered a firefighting vehicle as per the standard!
When Chief Troisi and the members of the Union Fire Company requested to know who accused him of REFUSING TO GIVE WATER to the paid fire company, Director of Public Safety Harran threatened to arrest Chief Troisi. When it was learned that the accusation was completely FALSE, Director of Public Safety Harran refused to let the Union Fire Company see the investigation. When the Union Fire Company persisted so that they could clear the name of Chief Troisi and the Union Fire Company, Director of Public Safety Harran refused to provide the investigative report to the Union Fire Company. Recently, Director of Public Safety Harran changed the complaint to DELAYED GIVING WATER TO THE PAID FIRE COMPANY. Despite independent witnesses from outside fire companies that stated that the Union Fire Company engine arrived on location and provided water to the PAID FIRE ENGINE and only to the PAID FIRE ENGINE and supplied NO OTHER FIRE APPARATUS!
To sum up…Chief Troisi has been attacked, threatened, slandered and ignored by the Director of Public Safety. As a result of the township failing to address the concerns of Chief Troisi the following has occurred:
- A training center that was said to be "the best in Pennsylvania" is in fact, not complete, still requires the Bensalem fire companies to travel to County facilities to complete training and will cost an additional $8,000,000.00 to complete! This will bring the total above $13,000,000.00 and it will STILL NOT match the capabilities of the new County facility in Bristol Township! What happens if the township CANNOT obtain the additional $8,000,000.00?! There still is NO FUNDING PLAN for the SAFER grant firefighters! The volunteer fire companies STILL do not know how much money they will have taken from them to pay for this project. With the township admitting to a $6,500,000.00 deficit for 2010 which was filled by the reserve fund, there is NO township plan to address the projected deficit for 2011! Can anyone guess where the additional funds for the SAFER grant firefighters will come from?
Chief Troisi addressed his concerns at the township chief's meetings as he should. Instead of being responded to respectfully, he was attacked, ignored and humiliated. As a result, the fire service in Bensalem is facing financial uncertainly, no leadership and an atmosphere of intimidation and threats of arrest.
Director of Public Safety Harran repeatedly states that we have the "best", we are the "best"…all the public has to do is listen to what he says, watch what he does…and SEE THE RESULTS!
Can you imagine what kind of training facility we would have had if even one of the other fire companies would have had the guts to ask the questions Chief Troisi did?
It reminds us of an old tale where someone convinces everyone that the Emperor had wonderful new clothes! It took one small voice to make everyone see what was right in front of them.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Racism, What Racism???
I found the link I was looking for!! This is something I saw on FOX 29 News at tonight at 6PM and 10PM, that really angered me. Apparently our ever so wonderful Bensalem Township Police Department STILL has racist scumbags on its force. Apparently, one of its officers is at it again with the use of the "N" word. The worst part of this..., is that these scuzz balls are being protected by the "Little Dictator" himself, and Henry VIII as well. There is recorded evidence that this occurred, and I bet its been either altered or destroyed!! Hey Freddie, don't you know that by doing that, your withholding evidence and thus obstructing justice?? Its time that YOU, Joey D, and the entire township government be held accountable for this sin. People of Bensalem, demand that this evil, despicable cop be disciplined, and FIRED for this heinous conduct. If this is not done, then its time for Harran and Ponticelli to be fired and fired NOW!!!
I found the link I was looking for!! This is something I saw on FOX 29 News at tonight at 6PM and 10PM, that really angered me. Apparently our ever so wonderful Bensalem Township Police Department STILL has racist scumbags on its force. Apparently, one of its officers is at it again with the use of the "N" word. The worst part of this..., is that these scuzz balls are being protected by the "Little Dictator" himself, and Henry VIII as well. There is recorded evidence that this occurred, and I bet its been either altered or destroyed!! Hey Freddie, don't you know that by doing that, your withholding evidence and thus obstructing justice?? Its time that YOU, Joey D, and the entire township government be held accountable for this sin. People of Bensalem, demand that this evil, despicable cop be disciplined, and FIRED for this heinous conduct. If this is not done, then its time for Harran and Ponticelli to be fired and fired NOW!!!
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The first thing that came to my mind, was the child! God forbid, if they would never have found this child at all, or in enough time, this child would be DEAD, and we would be reading an obituary on the poor little tyke.
I have been saying myself on here CONSTANTLY, that gambling IS an addiction and its just as bad/dangerous as heroin, cocaine, or any other drug, including alcohol!! Like many of you, I believe that part of this man's sentencing should include therapy, and rehab, including Gamblers Anonymous.
I have also said this before, and I will continue to say it again and again, until it happens, and that is................................