For Adults With A Sense of Humor ONLY!
I thought this little joke might make everyone's day. 
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Anthony Weiner, and Fred Harran all died and were standing before the Lord. Arnold goes first, and God tells him, "Arnold Schwartzenegger, you have sinned against me! As punishment for what you did to your wife, you will spend the rest of eternity chained to a wall, while covered with honey and fire ants eating away at you!" In an instant, Arnold was butt naked, with honey and fire ants all over him chained to a wall in hell screaming for all to hear. A trembling,
Anthony Weiner comes before the Lord, and tries to speak, but a a great big "SILENCE!" comes from the heavenly throne. God then says to him, "Anthony Weiner, you have sinned against me! As punishment for your taking pictures of yourself, and your "weiner", I am going to turn you into a giant hot dog in a bun, to be chased by all kinds of wild animals, and eaten by them for eternity!" In a flash, Anthony was a literal hot Dog on a bun, and animals of every kind were tearing away at his "meaty" flesh.
At this point, Fred Harran, cowering in fear, tries to hide from the Lord's presence, but in an instant, Lindsey Lohan appears, and God says, "Lindsay Lohan, you have sinned...."
Oh well!!
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