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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

222 Helping the Township Waste YOUR $$$

This came from a VERY concerned volunteer firefighter, who not only makes a very valid point, but also exposes Haman's plan to wipe out the ENTIRE volunteer fire department:

Ask yourself this.....
the township is in a budget crunch, instead of getting a $300.00 tax rebate next year, we are getting only $100.00, volunteer tax monies is going to be several thousand dollars short so the paid can get paid. YET on Thanksgiving, even though the volunteer companies were covered for fire calls ( one station had 15 people), the paid were working, sitting on their butts and collecting time and a half pay. The paid are now on 10 hour days ( 7am to 5pm)and if a call comes in at 4:45 they go and almost everyday are getting paid overtime because there is no cut-off time for their response to fires. They also now get paid more overtime because of the late calls, because they have to restore their truck etc. Their cut-off time for responding to fires should be 4:30. They are making the volunteers look bad and the paid look needed, which they are not. How do you think the volunteers felt on Thanksgiving, giving up their family and dinner to volunteer for fire calls when the paid were getting paid time and a half and kept getting to the calls and returning the volunteers. The loyal volunteers kept coming out for calls, some of the volunteers gave up, they felt what is the point. Where is the justice in all this???? There is none. Not only is the paid taking money from the volunteers they are returning the volunteers to their stations, the paid stay on the fire call and most times than not, are running past 5pm and are now getting paid overtime.

YES, this IS happening!! We have allowed someone with NO FIRE SAFETY experience to start a paid fire department with a FRAUDULENTLY filled out grant (I have evidence!!), and any fire company that gets in his way, he throws a massive fit, and shuts them down, thus causing an even greater public safety hazard!!

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