Obtain a SAFER
Grant FRAUDULENTLY from the Federal Government to provide day time firefighters
in Bensalem Township. Pray that the Mayor will protect you.
Don't share
any information with the current Township volunteer fire companies about how
the system will function. Pray that the Mayor will protect you.
When asked
about the grant by the fire companies, refuse to share the grant or any
information within the grant with the fire companies. Pray that the Mayor will protect you
Tell the fire
companies if they want to see the grant to file a right to know lawsuit. Pray that the Mayor will protect you
Waste the
first year of the grant which would have covered 100% of the firefighter's
salaries. Pray that the Mayor will protect you
Continue to
withhold the grant information from the firefighters. Pray that the Mayor will protect you
Wait until the
last minute, then announce to the fire companies that you will be taking
$24,000.00 plus from each fire company to offset costs of this program. Pray that the Mayor will protect you
Fail to
advertise a fire inspector position that came open in the township. Hire
someone that does not have any formal training or certification as a fire
inspector, nor could he pass the test to be a paid firefighter. Pray that the Mayor will protect you.
Change the
title of the unqualified fire inspector, and the paid firefighters, to
firefighter and fire inspector. Pray that the Mayor will protect you Violate the Garcia Act, by allowing volunteer
firefighters, (Mainly your cronies.) to be paid fire fighters. Pray that the Mayor will protect you
Fail to
provide the fire companies, township government or the public with a plan
showing how you intend to fund the paid firefighter program when the grant runs
out. Pray that the Mayor will protect you
Get caught
lying to the township fire companies about the SAFER grant. Pray that the Mayor will protect you
Build a fire
school with 5 million dollars of tax payer's money, in the middle of three
major roadways, close to a hotel, apartment complex and residential area. Forget
to put in any equipment to generate heat, allow for class a burning, a
sprinkler system or even a water system to permit fire training with charged
hose lines. Pray that the Mayor will protect you
Tell the
township fire companies that you can't get water for the fire school because
"the attorneys are arguing". Pray that
the Mayor will protect you.
Attempt to
destroy an honorable fire company's reputation, over 18 made up safety issues,
by shutting it down for a week, illegally terminating its Chief, Calling FEMA,
and the FBI on it, and then falsely imprisoning the current chief's son on
false charges. Pray that the Mayor will protect you
Hope that the
fire companies never ask you what the attorneys could possibly be "arguing"
about. Pray that the Mayor will protect you
Fail to get
the fire engine finished and ready for service (with over a year to prepare)
that you purchased. Pray that the Mayor will protect you
Pretend for
the cameras that you have a fire truck by borrowing the Nottingham fire
engine. Pray that the Mayor will protect
Pray for a
miracle, because the MAYOR, the COUNCIL and YOU will no longer be protected!