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Thursday, December 27, 2012


Here's another edition of the end of year highlights for Bensalem for 2012. This year brings about not only the usual, but also a few surprises, and possibly some major trouble for "His Majesty" and Haman very soon. Here are some of the highs as well as the low-lights of 2012………..

We begin the year with yes, another deficit! In 2011 it was $6.5 million, but this year it was even more! Worse yet, is that "His Majesty" REFUSED to say just how much it was. That says that they're hiding something from us, and that is the fact that the budget deficit is over $11 million!!! If that isn't enough, the school year taxes went up nearly $100, and that isn't even the worst when it comes to the school district!!
Then, the Bensalem Police got their little noses in a snit, because a brave citizen of this town had the courage to send pictures to me of patrolmen parked at places like WAWA, Michael's Restaurant, and other places, rather than doing their jobs! The response to this, was to harass and unlawfully search this person's home, which ultimately bit the BTPD in the behind. Can we say lawsuit anyone?
Worse yet, I learned that two paid fire fighters committed criminal acts, and Haman let them get away with it!! The first one involved a paid fire fighter, assaulting a volunteer fire fighter form Newport Fire Company, and all that happened to the offender was he was made to pay the person's medical and other expenses!! No charges pressed, no getting fried from his job, NOTHING! After this, another paid fire fighter (Who is a high ranking fire official with Cornwells Fire Co.) sent NUDE pictures of himself to a female firefighter's cell phone!! All that was done with this, was a TWO day investigation, in which the cell phones weren't confiscated, and nothing was done! Why?? It was declared "unfounded". Unfounded??? Please!! To this day, NO charges have been pressed against either person.
If that wasn't enough, Haman continued his bullying of Union Fire Company, by doing the following:
1. He went to FOX 29 News, and told lies about Union fire Company's new boat, thus ticking off the federal government. He even went so far as to report the fire company and its grant writer to the FBI, which resulted in them finding NOTHING illegal in the grant they obtained. As for the news story, it backfired on him, and made him look really bad. Evidently, he was trying to hide having illegally claimed the money obtained by the fire company in the township's budget, and when exposed on this, he denies everything!
2. Haman had the audacity to lash out, by trying to close down this poor fire department AGAIN! All over the Fire Boat, which he falsely claimed was being used frivolously. He made up further lies about the fire department's administration being unfit, when this clearly was not true. He succeeded in getting the fire chief, and its president out, even going so far as to using the "Oversight Committee" to lie about the fire company recommending it be PERMANENTLY closed. However, when it was made aware that a secret council meeting was being planned to permanently shut this honorable fire company down, the fire fighters not in Haman's back pocket, quickly responded by planning on attending this meeting with the press!! As soon as this got out, the meeting was "canceled", but when the meeting took place, an impartial person stepped in, showed the township council the truth, and again Haman looked like a fool!!
3. He made calloused personal false attacks, by having former Chief Dave Jerri's son arrested on BOGUS charges, of Workmen's Compensation Insurance Fraud. You see, Dave Jr., was LEGITIMATELY injured in the line of duty, so Haman called up the insurance carrier and told the person falsely that the claims needed to be stopped claiming Dave Jr. was faking the injuries. Haman further added insult to injury, by putting his face on electronic billboards in the Philly area, with these false allegations. He even threatened to have the chief himself arrested, if his son didn't plead guilty to these charges. This was taken to court, where Dave Jr. was acquitted of ALL charges, and now Haman is in very big trouble!!
We had another example of how a lack of emergency management plan can affect a town, when Hurricane Sandy barged through bucks County. Here is Bensalem, contrary to popular belief, there was NO proper preparation, and many people did not know which shelter to go to. Many were in the dark for over a week and the excuse?? That they didn't know Sandy was going to "hang a left" into us. How irresponsible!!
When confronted by this writer with Right To Know Requests, Haman and the township respond with FALSE ACCUSATIONS of harassment, which he knows is absolutely untrue. He has even gone so far as to charge me $$$ for information!! If that isn't enough, he's been having his puppets, such as Saphira, attempt to pry out of me where I am getting my info from, via intimidation tactics, that I can and might just have legal action taken action against them over. Saphira in particular has been attempting to violate Matthew 18:15-17 in doing so, and when caught, she never responded (And still hasn't!), to my insistence on meeting with this person ONE on ONE, as this passage of Scripture states. Gee, I wonder why??
Then we have a major mess within the school district, when it comes out that multiple employees, are either stealing company/township property, and/or padding their time sheets. One such individual, is a paid fire fighter in this town, has political connections, and is connected to Haman! So much so, that he was the top fire official of a local volunteer fire company, who recommended that Union fire Co. be shut down!! Just like the other fire fighter criminals, no charges were ever filed.
If this wasn't bad enough, we had our own Penn State Sex Abuse Scandal, when it was brought to the attention of the press, that a known sex offender named Walter Meyerle, who was arrested in Bristol for molesting a 14 year girl, had molested THREE girls in Bensalem, but NOTHING was done about it! It came out, that a certain Detective Jennifer Cannon let three sexual assault cases sit on her desk for over 3 years!! While she was taking frequent breaks both inside and outside the police station a predator preyed on innocent children! What was worse, is the she was still allowed to be a detective, but not in SVU, for several years, until just a couple months ago, when she was forced to retire! Too little too late!! Nabal, and many others have their responsibility in this, because they were her supervisors, yet they did NOTHING!
Last, but certainly NOT least, the mayor announces that the "Homeowners Rebates A.K.A. the Casino Rebate, was being reduced from $300 (Which was paltry to begin with!) to only $100!! Imagine the outrage of the townspeople!! Of course, "His majesty" puts his spin on it, yet still no one is buying. Sounds like a sign of things to come. Now we face a new year with another deficit, a public safety director, who has been exposed for the evil he truly is, yet NOTHING has been done about it!
This only scratches the surface of what has gone on in Bensalem in 2012, and without people who will stand up to the evil in this town, it's only going to get worse. My only prayer, is that the Bensalem Democratic Organization gets a backbone, and acts on these things, before the town goes bankrupt.

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