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Saturday, February 9, 2013


I and many others are wondering, why you are involving yourself in the school district investigation, by stalling it. I seem to remember you saying that you NEVER involve yourself in law enforcement matters, at a NAACP event in 2009, but the veracity if this statement remains to be seen. I know that the feds read you and Haman the riot act, over his statements concerning Union Fire Co,'s boat grant, and a whole lot more.
I also love how you claim "no tax increase", while allowing your constituents to pay through the nose for their water and sewage, as well as charging the residents for an ambulance that NO ONE has yet to see, especially me!! I and many others would also like to know how using the Trust Fund benefits the residents of Bensalem, when you have failed miserably over the past three years to balance the budget properly and HONESTLY. (Please don't try to say otherwise, because its we all know your method of "balancing" it has been to take from the Reserve Fund, instead of actually balancing it!) Yes, I still look at the budget, and I also know of Haman's indiscretion of trying to claim $750K for a "Coast Guard Port Security Grant" that doesn't exist! Gee wonder what the coast guard, and the feds would think of that??
You also allow Haman to get away with doing illegal things, like harassing innocent individuals such as Dave Jerri and his son, as well as falsely accuse me of "harassing the township with right to know requests", when he and you know its my right to make such requests. With all the incompetency of Haman and those under him, I smell some major lawsuits coming the township's way, that will bankrupt this town.
The thing that takes the cake, is this pitiful re-election stunt AKA "gun buy back program", that really made no impact the first time around, and I can bet won't on the 16th! Try as you might, your schemes are backfiring, and ultimately...............

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