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Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Went to get my mail, and found this with my mail. I always knew there were criminals within the township’s first responders, and that they were getting away with horrible things, but this is a new low. After I got done reading this, I had to share with all of you.   


As a group of concerned emergency responders for our Township we have discovered yet more cover-up of criminal activity within the Bensalem police department.

    We are all aware of the paid township firefighter that drove drunk to a fire station, damaged a volunteer firefighter’s vehicle, assaulted a firefighter requiring hospitalization and drove away.  The police were called and a report was filed.  Pressure from the fire-rescue department resulted in no charges being filed.  The drunken paid firefighter was forced to pay for the damage to the volunteer firefighter’s vehicle and all out of pocket expenses resulting from the hospital stay.

    Now we learn that a police officer was forcing prostitutes to have sex with him while he was on duty.  Instead of the officer being arrested, he was allowed to resign from the police department with no charges filed.

      A civilian employee of the police department was found to be stealing from prisoners in the police cell block.  Was he arrested? Was he fired? No, he was allowed to resign with no charges.

      We have no faith in the ability of the management of our community to protect us from the people they employ!


Now before the “Little Dictator” fume sniffing naysayers begin with their half- truths, and false accusations, let me make one thing CRYSTAL clear: IN NO WAY DO I HATE ANY FRST RESPONDERS!! NEER HAVE AND NEVER WILL!!You may think this is something that is “done behind closed doors” and no one’s business, but you’re WRONG!!  This is NOT some harmless mischief, but ILLEGAL ACIVITY that needs to be dealt with!! Problem is, that we have a Public Safety Director who does the very illegal things that his minions do, and nothing is done to him. We need first responders who do their job both on and off duty, first responders who respect their families, and the community, no matter what skin color they are. We need upper echelon first responders who have honor and integrity, and refuse to cover up illegal actions, but get rid of the evil.

This ILLEGAL activity needs to be dealt with and done so now.


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