remember war machine and Christy Mack?? In case you don’t I’ll fill you all in.
An MMA fighter with the moniker of “war machine” brutally assaulted and adult
film star named Christy Mack, fled the scene, and ultimately was arrested. He
is facing 32 counts of felony assault in a Las Vegas jail, and Christy is trying
to heal from both physical and emotional wounds, some of which may be there
forever. Now we have an NFL player named Ray Rice, who was caught on video
literally knocking out his now wife Janiya, in the now defunct Revel, in Atlantic
City. While he has been fired from the Baltimore ravens, and the NFL has
indefinitely suspended him, all he gets criminally speaking, is charged with misdemeanor,
given probation, counseling and that’s it!
then discovered that this has similar parallels to what has gone on (possibly
still does) here in Bensalem with abusive cops and their spouses/significant
others. I learned through very careful research, that high ranking police
officials have been accused of abusing their spouses/significant others, and
Sherriff Lobo, has been involved in covering it up!! I had the sister of one
such victim (now deceased under suspicious circumstances.), inform me of how
Lobo allegedly threatened this victim with releasing a video of her in a “compromising
sexual position”, (she was allegedly raped by the high ranking police official.),
if she didn’t drop the complaint against him. She later learned that this
opened up the door for her sister’s detective husband to abuse her for years, and
when she proceeded to divorce him, he tried to get her to drop her complaint of
abuse against her own spouse!! I further learned that he has been accused of doing
the very same thing, to the wives/girlfriends of other Bensalem cops, and NOTHING has been done about this! I also learned that
his predecessor allegedly locked his own wife out of their home, naked in
freezing cold conditions!! No wonder where Lobo got this from??
we have an arrogant NFL player, and MMA fighter who have done the same things,
but only one stands a chance of getting any real justice applied to him. What
is wrong with this picture?? Well, let me tell you. We are now in a society
where entitlement and arrogance are welcome, while honor and integrity are
tossed aside. I see and hear of this too
much especially in this town, and have had enough. It’s time that something is
said, and said now so here it is for all to see.
the women of the world, I say this: you are NOT a prize to be displayed, nor
cattle that can be bought and sold to the highest bidder. You ARE a human being
created by Almighty God with worth and value, and don’t let anyone tell you
different!! If a man, no matter who he is, or what type of position he holds,
puts his hands on you, LEAVE HIM!! This isn’t a
real man, but a coward, and needs to be given the most serious reality check
yet; JAIL!! Don’t be afraid to take that first step
and leave. To those miserable excuses for men that are putting their hands on
the person they clam to love, I say this to you: YOU
ARE A COWARD and what you are doing is NOT love, but pure hate!! Wake up and be the man God intended you to be,
and start treating your wife/girlfriend with the dignity and respect she
deserves!! Get yourself some help, and leave her alone until SHE says you can
some back home. If that is NEVER, then so be it!!