Was watching the Breaking News coverage of this while also watching RAW, and this broke my heart. I know I am going to catch a great dal of heat over this, but I have to say this. I believe that the correct and just verdict was reached in this, and that justice WAS done in this matter. Despite the naysayers who still claim racism, this was in NO WAY about race, but a young man, who acted inappropriately, (despite whatever viewpoints, and accounts of this... situation.), and ended up losing his life. His parents right now are understandably grieving, but I pray that their eyes are opened and they see the truth, and can move on.
Right now we need to open our eyes and see that while racism DOES exist, it is NOT to be used as a reason for poor behavior and sinful actions. We need to do what the character Nathan said in the movie "Courageous", (I am para-phrasing) in that If fathers did just half of what they're supposed to do, then law enforcement wouldn't be facing the things they face today.
This is the prayer of my heart, and I hope it is for you too.
Right now we need to open our eyes and see that while racism DOES exist, it is NOT to be used as a reason for poor behavior and sinful actions. We need to do what the character Nathan said in the movie "Courageous", (I am para-phrasing) in that If fathers did just half of what they're supposed to do, then law enforcement wouldn't be facing the things they face today.
This is the prayer of my heart, and I hope it is for you too.

Father God,
Today we come before you and ask for your forgiveness as a nation. We have come so far from our forefather's dream of a portrait depicting the land ...of the free and the home of the brave.
Today we come before you and ask for your forgiveness as a nation. We have come so far from our forefather's dream of a portrait depicting the land ...of the free and the home of the brave.
Today, we ask that you embolden our leaders in Ferguson, Missouri. May they continue to take a stand for righteousness' sake. Make you protect those in the city who are subject to this unnecessary looting and rioting in the streets. May you give back the business owners that were subject to these crimes a double portion.
What Satan has meant for evil, Lord, use for your good... and for your glory.
Form a hedge of protection around the first responders and those in uniform trying to quiet these riots. Protect officer Darren Wilson and his family. And comfort those who mourn for Michael Brown.
We ask that you use this horrific display to bring us closer as a nation, not drive us apart. May we return to one nation under Jehovah God... the Christian nation we were meant to be in pursuit of life, liberty and happiness.
We thank you today, Lord, for loving us even when we are most unworthy. In Jesus' name we pray and ask! AMEN!
What Satan has meant for evil, Lord, use for your good... and for your glory.
Form a hedge of protection around the first responders and those in uniform trying to quiet these riots. Protect officer Darren Wilson and his family. And comfort those who mourn for Michael Brown.
We ask that you use this horrific display to bring us closer as a nation, not drive us apart. May we return to one nation under Jehovah God... the Christian nation we were meant to be in pursuit of life, liberty and happiness.
We thank you today, Lord, for loving us even when we are most unworthy. In Jesus' name we pray and ask! AMEN!
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