now outraged is the only word I have for the cold blooded murder of both
Officers Ramos and Liu. This criminal act is the result of the race baiting
done by individuals like Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, Eric Holder, and yes our
infamous president Barrack Obama! Unfortunately this race baiting and reverse
racism, has been going on since time immortal, and even Martin Luther King
would agree with me. Just like I did with Michael Brown and Eric Garner, I
waited for a good long time before I gave my two cents on any of this, because
I wanted ALL the facts. As I stated
before, when it comes to Michael Brown, I
firmly believe that the right and just verdict came out of it. I also believe
that in the case of Eric Garner, the cops in that acted very inappropriately,
and should’ve been held accountable. However,
to not only commit violent and senseless protesting throughout the country,
show an offensive and inflammatory cartoon, as well as criticize the very
honorable individuals who are supposed to be there to protect you, is pathetic!
Worse yet, to murder two honorable members of the NYPD, and to rejoice over it
is absolutely despicable and reprehensible in EVERY way possible. Now before
the naysayers begin their slanderous statements, you need to remember that those who REALLY know me, know that I support ALL
HONORABLE first responders. I have made my disagreements with certain
individuals within the Bensalem Police Department very well known, and will
continue to do so. What happened to these two honorable men was appalling, and
for anyone to even mildly condone it needs their heads examined. I am inviting anyone
who wishes to go to the following FB page and take part in a special event that
will take place December 24th. It is called Memorial Minute and it
is an opportunity to take time to honor the tow honorable men of the NYPD who
lost their lives:

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