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Monday, December 28, 2015


Anyone notice how ‘his Majesty’ noted in his press release that most of the local governments in PA have an earned income tax?? Problem is that he failed to state how many of those communities get an extra $11,000,000.00 plus from a casino? It’s less than 1%! Interesting isn’t it?
Here are some other things you might want to think about:
Question: How many municipalities added an earned income tax after receiving revenue from a casino in Pennsylvania?
Answer: You are living in the only one!
Question: Guess who was demonized and maligned during the entire council meeting session??
Answer: People who rent/ live in apartment complexes!!
Question: Who were the ones using fear tactics, tragedy, and ignorance to push their corrupt agenda??
Answer: His Majesty and Sherriff Lobo!!
Question: Who failed to mention just how little of our tax money goes to the township??
Answer: His majesty and His Puppet Council, especially Ed Kisselback!!
Question: Guess who draws in the most of the township’s budget while doing NOTHING to prevent crime??
Answer: Sherriff Lobo and the bloated Bensalem Township Police Department!
Question: Who uses dishonest methods, commits questionable and allegedly illegal acts, within law enforcement and is not held accountable??
Answer: Sherriff Lobo and his Minions!!
Question: Guess who is going to wind up suffering for all of this??
Answer: the people of Bensalem!!!

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