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Tuesday, August 16, 2016


EVENING BENSALEMITES!! A very interesting thing happened while I was out this morning, and I had to share. While out accomplishing important errands and responsibilities, these interesting photos and info was dropped in my lap, and I just had to show all of you. Check out these pics of our ever so wonderful leader ‘His Majesty’ Joey D, and his latest antics.

 This was around 1pm today. Mayor DG was observed exiting the parking lot of police & fire credit union with Dawn Davis. He proceeded down the drive toward the PARX entrance road way where he made this illegal u turn, in his Bensalem Township owned vehicle.

I truly find it interesting that our illustrious mayor does this, and has the audacity to have someone just as guilty of this with him. Excuse me, ‘Your Majesty’ but I have to ask this question: JUST WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE??!! You are no different from us, and you’re supposed to set an example! As of today, Kathleen Kane was not only found guilty, and forced to resign, so we believe that you need to answer for this too. We as concerned citizens of this town not only think that you need to be held accountable, but that you need answer for this NOW!!

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