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Sunday, August 12, 2018


However, Sherriff Lobo and his flunkies will NEVER do it, and it makes one wonder. WHAT IS LOBO HIDING?? Now before the Fred Harran and Joey D groupies come out to show their ignorance, let me make one thing VERY clear. I support HONORABLE members of law enforcement. That is members of law enforcement who DO their jobs with HONOR and INTEGRITY, treat minorities with equality and dignity, and their families (wives, girlfriends, children, etc.) with RESPECT and honor. Now that everyone knows this, my reason for posting this, is due to the fact that the one thing missing form this article, and I had a feeling that it would be, is that when it comes to those police departments who either will be getting, or have body cameras, the Bensalem Township Police Department is NOWHERE on this list. Why you ask, well, our ‘wonderful’ Sherriff Lobo gives these so-called reasons, (Cost, So-called, wiretapping issues, etc.) which are really excuses, and show that his priorities are nowhere near protecting and serving the public, but to cover for questionable and illegal behavior. To this concerned citizen, it’s well worth the so-called cost, and if the BTPD have nothing to hide, they’ll get these cameras.

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