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Friday, October 18, 2019


OMHW!! What a busy day I had today!! Jut got back from some important PERSONAL business, and found THIS at my doorstep. It seems that our honorable members of Bensalem’s fire and law enforcement services, have been seeing all the election propaganda, and the recent letter accompanying the ‘buy my vote’ check, and are they ever P.O.’d!! Check out this bit of information and see what they have to say

We met for lunch today and several of us brought the recent propaganda mailers from the entrenched politicians in Bensalem.
We decided to point out the obvious incorrect statements.
The Council members did not vote against the police or the $300.00 vote buy. They voted against an unbalanced budget. The township is now almost $16,000,000.00 over budget!
Our reserve fund that started at $72,000,000.00 BEFORE the casino money and earned income tax is now below $43,000,000.00! Where is the money going? Between the casino money and the E.I.T. the township receives and extra $23,000,000.00 in revenue. Yet, our reserve fund continues to lose money!
Why would ANYONE be happy with the township giving you $300.00 after taking an additional $1,000.00 plus in taxes?!!!
These mailings remind us of that old story of the frog sitting in the pot as the heat slowly gets turned up. Really? You can’t see that you are boiling in uncontrolled taxes?!!!
In good hands? You’re kidding right.
The police department has too many employees that cannot be sustained with our current township budget. Did these good hands people forget about the PA Supreme Court ruling that the current casino tax is Unconstitutional? The tax is being reduced by millions. How do they plan on addressing that? When we spoke to Councilman Kisselback and Councilman Knowles about the ruling, they told us they are appealing it! To who? The ruling was made by the PA Supreme Court!
When we spoke to Councilman Kisselback about the violation of the Fair Labors Standard Act (section CFR 29 553.100-106) regarding paid firefighters volunteering as firefighters in the same municipality that they are employed he responded that he knew it was illegal, but that’s the way the Mayor wants it.
We thought the Council was supposed to be the checks and balance, not a rubber stamp for the Mayor.
If it is this easy to prove these false statements, imagine what will happen when the Mayor and his rubber stampers are held accountable!
If these two incumbents had any integrity, they would resign and slip back into the shadow cast by the Mayor

Scary thing is that pretty much all of this is true, and yet there are STILL people in this town swallowing the Joey D Kool Aid! I especially loved seeing all the baseless accusations against Bryan Allen over something he has NOTHING TO DO WITH, as well as all the falsehoods against Jesse and Ed concerning their lack of support for the BTPD (LIE!), and for the homeowners grant. When will you people realize that none of this is true!! They care about BOTH, but want to make certain that the townships is budgeted PROPERLY to support them! It’s like they stated about the old story of the frog sitting in the pot as the heat slowly gets turned up, ultimately dying. Guess what??


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