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Friday, November 6, 2020


Well, it finally happened! The people of Bensalem finally got wise to you Lobo, and they expressed their displeasure with you through the voting system. Apparently the people of this town, finally caught on to the little scam bit you've been doing what every four years or so, when you want to get more money for the EMS squad, because you can't balance a budget properly! Now before people fly off the handle, and make the false accusations of how I hate the police, first responders, and all this other garbage, let me make one thing clear. I SUPPORT ALL HONORABLE FIRST RESPONDERS, AND WILL NEVER STOP DOING SO! What I do not support however, is irresponsible spending, for things that have absolutely nothing to do with the job that you have been entrusted with.  Even more humorous on this, is that your little minion, Topley pretty much intimated that supposedly the people didn't understand what a mil was. If I didn't know any better, I think he's basically calling the people of Bensalem stupid! That's a real insult Topley! As you can plainly see, we're not stupid, and there were enough people to see through this little scheme, and I am so glad that they voted against this. Yes I know it's an extra 21 bucks, but to even intimate, that the people of this town don't understand weather mil is, or what the real purpose of this is, is really insulting, and I am so glad they finally caught on to you. I guess you'll have to find another way to obtain the money needed to get your precious little toys Topley! Either that or learn how to balance a budget!


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