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Friday, April 2, 2021


I was very deeply disappointed, by the statements of Karen Downer, in the guest opinion of April 1st, and had to respond. I have to admit, that when I first read the article, I thought this was an April fool’s joke, but then after reading it, and especially seeing the author who wrote it, I realized unfortunately it wasn't an April fool’s prank, but a slanderous, race baiting attempt to lump all white people, into one category, and that is something I cannot allow. Now before the leftists get their panties in a bunch, I want to make something absolutely clear. I condemn the belief that someone is superior on the basis of their race, NO MATTER WHAT RACE THEY ARE!

That being said, I am deeply sorrowful, and grieved by the destruction of life that took place not only in Atlanta, GA. but also in Boulder CO., and think that both individuals, need to be punished to the fullest extent of the law. I also believe, that if there's any GENUINE evidence of a hateful, racist motive, behind any of these instances, that it needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and that these two receive just punishment. However, to immediately equate what was done in Atlanta, to any form of hate against the Asian American community, is completely irresponsible, and ignorant. The man admitted to doing this, and his basis for doing this, as he clearly stated, was not based on race, but on a sex addiction, which is real. As a matter of fact, according to FBI statistics, Though black people comprise 13% of the pop. They committed 27.5% of all violent crimes against Asian Americans in 2018 While whites comprise 62% of the pop. the commit 24% of crimes against Asians. So please tell me Ms. Downer, how is white supremacy the issue here?

What Ms. Downer said, as well as many on the left, was not only irresponsible, but I believe slanderous, and it needs to be retracted. I say this, because in essence what she and others on the left are doing, are immediately categorizing all white people as being racist, when there are just as many racists in both the black, Asian, Latin, and other minority communities. I was equally outraged to see that many on the left, were also immediately assuming that the person who committed the atrocities in Boulder, was a white man, and when it was discovered he wasn't white, they immediately backtracked blaming the gun! This is again, where the left makes slanderous generalizations against not just white people, but Conservatives of any color or race, and it needs to stop. I also state that in the same token, that the gun, an inanimate object, is not to be blamed for what happened in Colorado, but the person who held the gun!

In short, it's time that we stop slandering our fellow man, and learn to see what the real problem is in this matter. That problem my friends, is a 3-letter word spelled SIN! It's time that we stop lumping everything into one generalization category but start looking at the real issues that's around the things that have been going on in our country and start doing so now. I give a very friendly challenge to Ms. Downer, to look at this situation in a much less biased manner, and to retract the unfair, untrue, and from where I stand, outright racist comments that she has made against white people. Until we start looking at these problems, through the light of God's word, as well as within ourselves this race baiting, blame the gun, ideology is going to continue.

What Do FBI Stats Really Reveal About Anti-Asian Crimes? ( 


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