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Sunday, January 13, 2013


Please allow me to ask something Mr. Mayor. You claim that the economy is the reason for the condition of the township for the past 5 years, but you still provide a "high level of service". Why is it that the real reason behind this, is that there has been too much overspending, and the high service you claim to have, has either been farmed out to places that offer substandard service with exorbitant prices, the emergency services have either been cut (volunteer fire department funding), or remain the same, despite increased funding from the EMS tax. Most of all the why do you state there are 15 positions you claim to have eliminated, when they NEVER existed to begin with?
How do you explain a public safety director who takes part in this overspending with the paid fire department (Which was founded under questionable circumstances.), slanders an honorable fire company, including its 2 fire chiefs, and last but not least, allows a detective to handle a sex abuse investigation so incompetently, that the sex offender is allowed to CONTINUE molesting young children for years, plus jeopardizing over a dozen other cases??
You publicly stated, that you consider the town, a business, and run it as such. Based on the past 3 plus years of deficits due to overspending, questionable bookkeeping, isn't it time that we say the following quote from Donald Trump and Vince McMahon.....
"You're Fired!!"??

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