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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Bensalem Township Screwing Over its Residents AGAIN!!

This was submitted to me by one of my readers. If this is true something needs to be done for this family!!

I want to make a very long story short ( i hope), I need your opinion , my friends parents have lived in Bensalem , pa for over 40 years.they live on land of a camp ( i don't want to mention the name as of yet ) the camp was sold rite under ...there nose . my FRIENDS PARENTS OWN THE HOUSE . but not the land , they have filed for eviction .( made a promise that they had until Sept. ) they now have to be out by the beg if June papers were delivered last week . There is a lot of unfair things that have gone on including the court system , I value your opinions before we go any further with this story , The couple are in their late 60's and 70's and have to leave a house THAT THEY OWN , in a matter of days.they are getting no money for the house either THAT IS PAID FOR ( how is this legal ? ) . The owner of the camp is making promises BUT WONT put anything in writing . Please let me know if ANYONE HAS any idea's to what can be done .
Thank you so much for any help , They are desperate and have no where to go and no money to start over their family is being split and is taking a toll on their health .AGAIN thank you for any advice !!!!!!!!!!!!

Right now, there are several news outlets that want to do this story, so hopefully it will make the news. We've also learned that the camp in question is Cherokee Day Camp, and whoever is the owner, really needs to step up, and give this poor couple  the respect they deserve.

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