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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Council Meeting August 22, 2011: Joey D and Council are Starting to Show Fear

As many of you can tell, I was at last night's council meeting, and I could tell it was "business as usual" for them. First they approve a buying of the votes in this township, to the tune of $300 per homeowner!! Guys, we are in the midst of a bad year economically, we were $6.5 million in the hole last year, and now we have a POTENTIAL OVER $9 MILLION DEFICIT, and they want to spend over $4 million, on buying people's votes?? I DON'T THINK SO!! Don't believe me?? think I am "spreading lies and hate"?? How about this: I have a copy of the township's budget, and I am finding out a great deal of interesting things within it. To start with, I am seeing over $6 million being used for something called a "Community Spirit Fund". Apparently, this covers the TD Bank Amphitheater, Building a Better Bensalem, and any other Joey D propaganda tactic. That's money that could be used for much better purposes!! I also saw the budget for the Country Club, and that is a real mess!! I also got a good look at the salaries of the upper echelon cops (Harran, Ponticelli, etc.) and found that they are getting over three quarters of a million dollars in salary combined!!
I also noticed that when the new chief of Union Dave Jerri, Sr. showed up to discuss the "18 Safety Issues" Harran MADE UP concerning Union fire Co. to shut them down and ILLEGALLY remove Vincent Troisi as Chief, the fear in the eyes of the council and the mayor were do prevalent, that Ed Kisselback President of the council became VERY rude and obnoxious with the new chief, and it got even worse once Harris Martin came up and asked some very uncomfortable questions about the Fire Training Center. Ponticelli of all things was present (More than likely at council's request.), which made me wonder where in the world Harran was hiding. During this, Ponticelli had the nerve to say that this training center was "the best in the east coast"!!!! What a LIE!!! The ultimate interesting part of this, was that we found out later, that the live broadcast for this had been shut off (How about never even broadcast to begin with!) by Deron Miller, who is Anne Boleyn's little side kick!! Gee, I wonder who made that executive decision??
It was very clear to myself and MANY others that the council, and the mayor are VERY afraid of not only Union Fire Co., but also of being asked ANY serious question put to them by anyone. Now is the time to stand up as a town, and as a community, and hold this current township government accountable for the sins it has committed. We need to start going to EVERY council meeting from now on, until we get the answers we want, and we also need to get out en mass, this November, and make our voices known in this town.


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