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Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Politicial Correctness Run Amok
This is why I am NOT "Politically Correct", and never will be.
This is why I am NOT "Politically Correct", and never will be.
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5:20
RIP Davy Jones
If anyone was/is a fan on the Monkees, you'll want to see this. :(
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
"And Now for Something Completely Ridiculous"
This gives me an idea!! Let's have my cat Rocket run for Gene DiGioralamo's seat as a write in!!
Absolute Injustice!!
She should have gone to jail!! I only hope the DA's office re-tries her, gets a different judge, and she is thrown in prison!! Braxton, you are SCUM!!
For All The Democrats in Bensalem
This is for all the democrats in Bensalem, who have excuses, instead of solutions for what is going on here. I believe that we can be a strong organization again, if we have the courage to speak out on the issues, without personal attacks, and offer actual solutions to this town, so they know we are for real.
1. Please let me ask this, and I am asking this with all due respect, but as to your comments on the firefighters, what have you done for them? When was the last time, you called Steve Carmichael, and spoke with him? When was the last time, you yourself contacted Union Fire Co. and asked how they were doing? You Dem's, state that they haven't done anything for us, when they have. They showed up at more than one council meeting, invited us to come to their open house last October, they showed us plans for a third ambulance that will not cost the tax payers anything, and a great deal more. What did we as the BDO do?? I also recall you saying the very same thing about the police, but according to several former cops, there was a massive conversion of Bensalem cops in 1998 registering to democrat, because of the garbage going on, and what did the BDO do for them in this instance?? According to these cops they saw nothing being done, so they out of fear all re-registered to republican.
2. You also mentioned something about the "secret deal" made concerning Steve Moran's severance package. You state that you were not able to find anything on it, and didn't get anywhere with it, but I think more could have been done. What about filing a right to know?? Again, I mean no disrespect, but It seems a certain former councilman was in "over his head", easily intimidated and could have done a lot more. What, you might ask? When told NO, on his request for information, if it were me, I would have said that they (the council) would be hearing from our attorney. I would have also filed a right to know, and continued until it was given.
3. You also stated that we were made fools of at the council meetings, but I would disagree. I would love to know who said that one. No make that I know who said it,and as of this point, this person has not been to any of our meetings. In all actuality, Joey D, council, and Harran were made the fools. We caught them lying at every turn, and we stepped on their toes. Union Fire Co. went to several council meetings with Harris and myself, did the same thing, and they stepped on toes so bad, Harran went to the FBI, and Fox 29 to make them look bad (without success), and just had Dave Jerri's son arrested on bogus burglary charges! They were made so uncomfortable, someone in our very own organization who dared me to start attending these meetings and ask questions, attempted to prevent us from continuing, and when I did, I was falsely accused of things I have never done before.
I believe that we need to show some patience with the results, if they don't come right away, and we also need to really reach out the the fire companies, especially Union. There are other fire companies and fire fighters who are taking a stand, but they need our continued support, otherwise we will be going around in circles. We had the means to get the 3 council seats, but because we did nothing (Especially after going to the council meetings), and allowed them to screw with us internally, we lost. We can't let this happen again.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Hey Yrrep!!
How many times do I have to tell you, that I will show up at council meetings WHEN I WANT TO , not when told!! You, and Haman keep avoiding the questions that I ask, and continue the baseless personal attacks, when YOU KNOW I am telling the truth. We have legitimate questions concerning not only the Rescue Squad and its funding, but the questionable things we found in the SAFER Grant, and the past two budgets. We are also wondering why we are not allowed to see the Emergency Management Services Plan, when Haman is REQUIRED by law to show it to us!!!
Haman has yet to answer this: IF the tax increase of 2010, was for "a lot more than a third crew", (Arraraf's words.), then what else was it for?? Many of us would LOVE to know. Also, if the tax hike took care of the 3rd ambulance, then it would be in existence by now, so where is it?? No one has physically seen this 3rd ambulance, in several months!! If it does exist, then we demand to know, what is its Identifier?? Where is it located at?? I have been by the Rescue Squad on multiple occasions, and also have other eyes out there, so I would think before continuing to spout any more lies.
These very questions were asked of Haman and Achan in 2010, and several times over, but they refused to answer. Gee, I wonder why?? Even Brenda Bomentre has asked, and according to her, "You still have not answered my question except to say that there are "other finances" that the donation and tax increase has to pay for the EMS.... Tell me what they are and DON'T tell me to go to Mr. Harran, I HAVE BELIEVE ME he will NOT SEE ME!!! I tried.... So you claim to know so much, enlighten me. I am looking for the truth NOT LIES!!!"
In short, Yrrep, as I said to Haman, and so many others, I am now saying it to you: until you, Haman, and Achan PERSONALLY answer this issue for me, and answer these questions in an HONEST fashion, I will consider all of you LIARS, and will hound you at every council meeting, until I get them. As for when I come next, it will be............
You still have yet to answer my questions, so what's up???
2. Why you allow individuals with criminal records (From out of state.) For Reckless Driving??? Also, why do you have a thief and gambling addict as a high ranking official, at Nottingham??
List Of Upcoming Council Meetings:
This is for ALL the Democrats in this town who are reading this, as well as anyone else who is sick and tired of the lies from the township. I am only going to say this once: GET OFF YOUR A@@@@, AND DO SOMETHING (LEGAL) ABOUT IT!!
Don't let the sacrifices made by honorable individuals who have fought this township go in vain. Its time that you all come out of hiding, and RAISE YOUR VOICE!! Let's start by going to every council meeting, from now until Election Day, and demand to know the truth!!
Firefighters, we came out and spoke out on your behalf, now we ask that you come out to the next council meeting, and make YOUR voices heard!! Let "Emperor Freddie" know that his lies won't be tolerated, and let Joey D know that he won't get away with the lies he told as well. I urge all of you, democrats and those firefighters who have had enough of "Emperor Freddie", to stand together, and tell them NO MORE!!
Oh Haman!!
Your minions really amuse me!! They keep avoiding the questions that I ask, and continue the baseless personal attacks. We have legitimate questions concerning not only the EMS and its funding, but the questionable things we found in the SAFER Grant, the past two budgets , and we demand answers!! We are also wondering why we are not allowed to see the Emergency Management Services Plan, when you are REQUIRED by law to show it to us!!! IF the tax increase of 2010, was for "a lot more than a third crew", (Arraraf's words.), then what else was it for?? Many of us would LOVE to know. Also, if the tax hike took care of the 3rd ambulance, then it would be in existence by now, so where is it?? No one has physically seen this 3rd ambulance, in several months!! If it does exist, then we demand to know, what is its Identifier?? Where is it located at?? I have been by the Rescue Squad on multiple occasions, and also have other eyes out there, so I would think before continuing to spout any more lies. I asked you and Achan (Topley) information on this when you two were at a BDO meeting, plugging this tax increase. What I got from you both, were incomplete/dishonest answers, combined with rude remarks from a GOP plant in the meeting. I have also asked you several times for information on the EMS tax, and other matters, and was REFUSED. Even Brenda Bomentre has asked, and according to her, "You still have not answered my question except to say that there are "other finances" that the donation and tax increase has to pay for the EMS.... Tell me what they are and DON'T tell me to go to Mr. Harran, I HAVE BELIEVE ME he will NOT SEE ME!!! I tried.... So you claim to know so much, enlighten me. I am looking for the truth NOT LIES!!!" In short Haman, as I said to so many others, I am now saying it to you. Until you and Achan PERSONALLY answer this issue for me, and answer these questions in an HONEST fashion, I will consider you both LIARS, and will hound you at every council meeting, until I get them.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Time to Wake Up!!
Wake Up Dems!!! Don't let corrupt people like Joey D, Harran, and council get away with the spending spree they went on, (The going over budget for snow removal, which was done BADLY! Using things like the TD Bank Amphitheater to get re-elected moving of funds from one "line item" to the next to cover his tracks, that gave us this budget deficit, etc.), and allowing the volunteer firefighters to lose money for a "paid firefighters squad", by filing a fraudulent grant! (Yes, Fred I saw the grant application!!!) Its time for everyone in this town to quit burying heads in the sand, and doing nothing. Everyone in this town, including the Democrats, start going to council meetings, and start asking questions. Otherwise we'll hear, Next stop BANKRUPTCY!!!
Wake Up Dems!!! Don't let corrupt people like Joey D, Harran, and council get away with the spending spree they went on, (The going over budget for snow removal, which was done BADLY! Using things like the TD Bank Amphitheater to get re-elected moving of funds from one "line item" to the next to cover his tracks, that gave us this budget deficit, etc.), and allowing the volunteer firefighters to lose money for a "paid firefighters squad", by filing a fraudulent grant! (Yes, Fred I saw the grant application!!!) Its time for everyone in this town to quit burying heads in the sand, and doing nothing. Everyone in this town, including the Democrats, start going to council meetings, and start asking questions. Otherwise we'll hear, Next stop BANKRUPTCY!!!
Its time to take a stand, and the time is NOW!!!
Saturday, February 25, 2012
A Friendly Reminder
Crash a Council Meeting

When: Monday, February 27 at 7:30 PM
Where: Bensalem Township Municipal Building
2400 Byberry Road
Bensalem, PA 19020 UNITED STATES - Map It
Some People Just Can't Handle the Truth
Just wondering why certain individuals (Yrrep, thumbsup, and demws) find it necessary to act like complete cowards, and refuse to debate me on my blogs. They further prove their cowardice, by going on the Patch, and the Courier times online, hide behind made up names, or the names of honorable individuals spelled backwards, and then hurl insults, spewing their lies and vitriol.
If what I post is "incorrect" as you put it, then why have you NOT given me ANY facts to show me I'm wrong? Oh I know, its because I stick to the facts, facts you know ARE true and correct. So its as they say.....
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