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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Danny Mac Bill
This is wonderful, and I pray that it passes. This also should've been done a long time ago!! Think I am wrong?? I seem to remember former councilman Bryan Allen proposing a medical benefits program for the firefighters to help with recruitment and to take care of the firefighters after a 25 year career of providing fire protection for the Township! Instead, the rest of the Council voted to give the volunteer firefighters $500.00! That is not even $10.00 a week! That is just an insult! Personally, I think medical benefits to active firefighters with 25 years or more of active service is a small price to pay for the millions of dollars they have saved the Township!
Not only was the plan proposed by Mr. Allen the right thing to do. It would be a cost saver for the community that allows us to continue to provide excellent fire protection and shows a true appreciation for these dedicated volunteers who suffer many ailments associated with their participation in the fire service.
The plan was NEVER about politics or getting elected. The plan was a way to recruit new firefighters, retain the firefighters we currently have and take care of those that provided a truly important service to the community at no cost. Talk is cheap, Bryan Allen took a genuine a step to show that action speaks louder then words. Of course now all of a sudden Mike Fitzpatrick sponsors a similar bill, (Which I more than favor!) that smells soundly of stealing another persons idea!!
I also seem to remember a proposal given by Union Fire Co. in regards to providing a 3rd ambulance, AT NO COST to the township, but that was rejected by Joey D and his minions. I have seen the proposal, done the research in it, and it is VERY legitimate. Apparently, Harran is so jealous of Union and those associated with it, he will do ANYTHING to keep them from doing positive things for the town!! Of course, he will later on pass off THE SAME THING to the township officials, in the form of stating they would have a 3rd ambulance at the Cornwells Fire Station, but where is it?? What of the 3rd ambulance that is supposedly in operation at the rescue squad, ?? Why is it that no one has seen this "Power Ambulance", (Medic 187 I believe.) in operation for several months, and yet you claim its been in operation for over 5 years! This is something we cannot let happen, and we democrats in this town need to fight to make sure that not only this bill passes, but that this proposal comes to pass!!
Most of All, Its Time to Hold Our "Wonderful" Officials Feet to the Fire for their lack of Ethics, Integrity, and Leadership. Let's start with an internal audit done by an UNBIASED outside firm, on EVERY department in this township, starting with the Police Department and Rescue Squad!!


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