Ladies and gentlemen of Bensalem, we have an actual Ananias and Sapphira, living in our town!! What's worse, is that they have connections to the township, and have been getting away with LOTS of illegal things.
A certain high ranking fire official within the township, is also one of the many public safety officials in Bucks County who allegedly abuse their positions. This man has connections with Bensalem township council, and our Public Safety Director, Fred Harran. He has allegedly been seen by others, using his county issued Haz Mat truck for his own personal use such as running errands, food shopping etc. He also allegedly parks the truck in front of his house where it should not be. What if an emergency happened? Also, there are currently approximately 20 cases of water that he has allegedly been seen bringing home from work that should be used in case of a disaster. It is stored on the side of his house. I was also told that several other cases had already been brought down into his basement. These waters are not available for purchase in the store, so there is no denying the fact that he is stealing them. (See pictures)
His wife, is no better. She acts all saintly and Christian, when in reality, she isn’t. She supposedly collects donations for the needy and is taking what she wants for her family use, then donating the rest. This is like Hophni and Phineas when they were in the temple!! I also learned, that she is an RN, who apparently can’t keep a job, allegedly, because she either files reports of sexual harassment, and quits, or has been fired from a Hospice Nursing position, due to stealing pain medications!! If that isn’t bad enough, she has been known to call the township on individuals over petty issues, like a tree branch breaking off from a snow storm that breaks power lines, and lands in her yard! Worse yet, she is known to over half of her neighborhood for going on others property uninvited, falling and injuring herself, and filing lawsuits against them!! Between the two of these wicked individuals they have ruined so many good people, that those they haven’t tried to ruin won’t let her near them. Gee, I wonder why??
This type of thing not only is corrupt, but illegal. (I believe it’s called stealing, for the naysayers.) It should be reported to the authorities, but the authorities are so corrupt, I guess the next level, may be the news outlets, and then the feds!! . Attached are pictures that will prove what I am talking about.

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