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Wednesday, May 30, 2012


This came from the same astute friend, and I just had to share:
"Well, I told you, I'm a recovering Republican. :) I'm an indie voter because if a person takes an HONEST look at the New Testament, they'll realize that many things Jesus and the apostles taught would be deemed "conservative" today, but equally as much would fall into the liberal camp. I'm sick of the GOP trying to make people feel that to be a Christain is to vote for them; it is, in my mind, an insult to the faith to imply one must vote for a particular party to be a follower of Christ. I like to point out to my Republican friends, Jesus said we're to remember the poor and help them. Republican candidates usually insult the poor or ignore them altogether...what's Christian about that? Nothing. In the book of Acts, rich Christains sold their surplus of possessions and gave the money they made from selling it to the poor. Can't you see them advocating that at a GOP rally? How many votes would Romney or any republican get if he spoke Jesus' exact words to the rich young ruler to the crowd at a GOP convention, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven" Ever seen a Republican sell their Hummer to buy a cheaper car and give their surplus money to the poor? Just curious. Anyone...anyone....Buehler......Buehler... :)"

As I stated before:
"Over the last several decades, this county has strayed from what the founding fathers designed for it. We have now become a nation that says "There is NO God!", and shows it, by banning Bible reading and prayer, MURDERING millions of unborn children, and advocating sinful lifestyles!! On top of all that, we have a sitting President, who has emasculated our military, and gone on an "Apology Tour" for things the United States doesn't need to apologize over!!"
This is why I vote the Bible, and NOT based on party lines. This is why I base my decisions on who stays or goes into office, because I want that person to make sure they match up with God's Principles, NOT MINE!

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