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Friday, May 18, 2012

US Senate Response to the UN Gun Control Campaign

I just received this from a friend within the Tea Party Patriots, and had to share. 
New Senate Bill Keeps The U.N. From Dictating U.S. Gun Laws! As the United Nations Works Hard to Dismantle U.S. Gun Rights, Senate responds with bill to stop it even if treaty is signed.
Now, the U.S. Senate has LISTENED to your activism and a vehicle exists to stop the UN in its tracks, even if this abomination is rammed down our throats, the federal government will be prohibited from spending a dime to make it happen. Senator Jerry Moran (R-KS) has introduced S.2205. INSIST THAT BOTH THE SENATE AND THE HOUSE PASS S.2205 NOW!
To prohibit funding to negotiate a United Nations Arms Trade Treaty that restricts the Second Amendment rights of United States citizens.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

This Act may be cited as the Second Amendment Sovereignty Act of 2012.
(a) Findings- Congress makes the following findings:
(1) In October 2009, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton announced the United States support and participation in negotiating the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty, to be finalized in 2012, signaling a shift in United States policy.
(2) An Arms Trade Treaty that regulates the domestic manufacturer, possession, or purchase of civilian firearms and ammunition would infringe on the rights of United States citizens protected under the second amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
(b) Sense of Congress- It is the sense of Congress that the sovereignty of the United States and the constitutionally protected freedoms of American gun owners must be upheld and not be undermined by the Arms Trade Treaty.
No funds may be obligated or expended to use the voice, vote, and influence of the United States, in connection with negotiations for a United Nations Arms Trade Treaty, to restrict in any way the rights of United States citizens under the second amendment to the Constitution of the United States, or to otherwise regulate domestic manufacture, assembly, possession, use, transfer, or purchase of firearms, ammunition, or related items, including small arms, light weapons, or related materials.
Just in case you missed it, the proposed UN treaty would include:
  • Establishment of a new UN agency, the Implementation Support Unit, with power to regulate anything having to do with guns that might be sold internationally;
  • A requirement that every country submit its gun control plan to the UN;
  • A requirement for every country to implement internal tracking of all gun sales within its borders (outright registration!); and,
  • A ridiculously expensive requirement for every single of round of ammunition to be stamped with a unique serial number.
As former U.S. ambassador to the UN, John Bolton, once stated: "This [treaty] will strengthen the hand of a government that wants to regulate private ownership of firearms."
You've expressed your outrage. Now, Senator Moran has listened and we have A REAL BILL TO STOP THIS! The only way for the bill to get through Congress is for YOU to push it through. Insist Congress Stand Up for the Second Amendment
P.S.: The gun grabbers at the United Nations, gleeful to have as socialist of an American President as Obama, will stop at nothing to TAKE YOUR GUNS. Please, help us today.
Animated Dividers
Trust me, there WILL be a "One World Order" coming to us SOON, and when it does, EVERYONE will fall for the lies, and this is one of the very first things that will be taken from us, along with any form of religious freedom.

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