Investor's Business Daily takes a couple of looks at the RNC's Clint Eastwood st
"Eastwood highlighted the empty chair and the empty promises and policies that failed to lower both the sea level and the unemployment rate, stuck at more than 8% for 42 months, a post-Depression record. Meanwhile, President Obama jets to college campuses in the carbon-gushing Air Force One to prattle on about student loans to college students who won't be able to find jobs."
More IBD analysis of Clint's remarks here:
This man spoke the truth! He spoke something that I wished I could have said a long time ago, and regret not doing so. I say this because Obama did a LOUSY job as president. He took a stimulus, and wasted the $$ on out of the country companies, and two "green energy companies" that FAILED miserably, and went bankrupt. thanks to him, we have a 6 trillion dollar debt,and over 23 million out of work!!
Before my democrat friends start, let me get this through to you all: I AM IN NO WAY SAYING THIS BECAUSE OBAMA IS BLACK!! Anyone who has the nerve to say otherwise is the real racist, and will hear it from me. It's time to Restore Honor and Integrity not only to Bensalem, but also to our state, and most of all our nation!!
I Chronicles 7:14!!
"Eastwood highlighted the empty chair and the empty promises and policies that failed to lower both the sea level and the unemployment rate, stuck at more than 8% for 42 months, a post-Depression record. Meanwhile, President Obama jets to college campuses in the carbon-gushing Air Force One to prattle on about student loans to college students who won't be able to find jobs."
More IBD analysis of Clint's remarks here:
This man spoke the truth! He spoke something that I wished I could have said a long time ago, and regret not doing so. I say this because Obama did a LOUSY job as president. He took a stimulus, and wasted the $$ on out of the country companies, and two "green energy companies" that FAILED miserably, and went bankrupt. thanks to him, we have a 6 trillion dollar debt,and over 23 million out of work!!
Before my democrat friends start, let me get this through to you all: I AM IN NO WAY SAYING THIS BECAUSE OBAMA IS BLACK!! Anyone who has the nerve to say otherwise is the real racist, and will hear it from me. It's time to Restore Honor and Integrity not only to Bensalem, but also to our state, and most of all our nation!!
I Chronicles 7:14!!
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