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Saturday, September 1, 2012

You Failed, Haman!!

I have some bad news for you Haman. You had Saphira herself contact me recently, in an attempt to find out where I get my info from, and it FAILED!! You see, the Lord showed me what you BOTH were up to, and it won't work. You see, as for her claims of being my "Sister in Christ" I will not place judgment on her, however Saphira, I question your motives. Saphira, It is very evident that you were being put up to this by Haman and a certain council member that you are very good friends with, in an attempt to find out where I am getting my info from. Most of all, it's an attempt to harass and intimidate me into stopping my posts, which will not work. Hate to break it to you Haman, but...... IT FAILED!!


  1. I'm new to your posts and just noticed a comment link. Who is Saphria? she a township employee too? You have interesting nicknames for people so I was not sure.

  2. Who do you think you're trying to fool, Walt?? Not biting!!
