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Friday, April 12, 2013


As we start a new year, I had to share with all of you something I have been compiling a great deal of research over, and have waited until now to post. Now that I have enough documentation, I thought 2013 would be the perfect year to share this, you see, over the years I have been made aware of some rather interesting things concerning some of the Bensalem Police’s finest, and much of it made me ill. 
The first interesting thing I recently learned, is that two certain high ranking police officials have been known for being quite the “Casanova’s”, thinking they are God’s gift to EVERY woman in Bucks County. Of course, that is a subjective viewpoint.
 With the first one, while getting his career started in Bensalem as a DARE cop, he was known for being unfaithful to his first wife with several other women! One of these women was a resident of Creekside Apartments who lived at Building #6, Apt 68. Many a resident would verify this, as there were many domestic violence calls sent to the police for the apartment next door!! All the while he is there and NEVER answered the calls!! As second one involved a woman he was cheating on his first wife with, who was from the Bristol Township area. Evidently, the “other woman” got smart, and broke things up with him, because of not wanting to be involved with a married man, and his response was to stalk her! The end result was her filing a complaint with the local police, and there may ALLEGEDLY have been a warrant out for his arrest. However, despite the police detective’s best efforts, the warrant never materialized, because a former public safety director squelched it. A final instance, involved a woman in the adult entertainment industry, with whom he was cheating on a woman from the Bristol Township area. In this case, the cheated on woman, was the daughter of a high ranking police official in Bristol Township, and they were engaged!
Another high ranking police official in Bensalem, also has a thing for strippers, and would be seen at go go clubs in the area, especially at one now known as Scruples. Apparently his love of strippers caused an end to his marriage as well! I also learned that this same cop’s wife and another high ranking police officer were committing adultery, and that this same officer’s child allegedly walked in on this! IF this is true, I do not know what could be more scarring for this poor child. I would also have to say that this is without a doubt the most IRRESPONSIBLE and DISRESPECTFUL thing a parent can do to their child, and I only hope that the children when they become 18, can not only distance themselves from their sinful parents, but get away from that unhealthy environment, and heal.

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