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Monday, May 27, 2013


I Must have been a really good girl, because I got his delivered to me while I was out prepping yesterday for the day's festivities. As many of you may have noticed, I was not at the parade, and that was at MY choice. I took the day off to relax, and praise god for those HONORABLE soldiers and first responders who fight for our freedoms. When I got this, I had or share with all of you, because it's now becoming a fact that many of the fire fighters out there are on to what Haman and His Majesty are doing and want it stopped

We were speaking with a few of the senior conservative members of the Bensalem community and discussing the status of the emergency services in our township. The conversation turned to National politics and how our Country is in bad shape. We started comparing the government of our township with the Federal government and found some amazing similarities.

 1. The president is the top of the Federal government ladder. The Mayor is the top of our local government ladder.

2. There is scandal in the IRS. The President claims he doesn’t know anything about it. There is scandal in our school district. The Mayor claims he doesn’t know anything about it. He further claims he has nothing to do with the school board. Even the senior conservatives in our township know that you do not get a job within the school district (political appointment jobs) without the blessing of the Mayor.

3. The IRS was used to intimidate conservative groups. The Mayor used the police department to harass a Democratic Party member for defacing a campaign sign. The Mayor and the Director of Public Safety even took time out of their busy schedules to attend the summary hearing at the local district court. When Democrats reported the theft of their signs and caught someone stealing signs. The Director of Public Safety refused to arrest the suspect. Where were the Director of Public Safety and the Mayor during the preliminary hearings for several of the Mayor’s associates who are reported to have stolen over a million dollars from the school district? Not at the hearings.

4. Fast and Furious resulted in the deaths of Mexican citizens and the death of a Board Patrol Agent. The transfer of illegal firearms to drug dealers in Mexico was coordinated by the BATF and approved by the DOJ. A repeated sexual predator was allowed to continue attacking young children in Bensalem and surrounding municipalities because our police department failed to act.

5. The budget deficit at the Federal level is increasing because our Federal Government is too large and has too many programs that cannot be supported. Bensalem Township continues to expend millions from its reserve fund just to balance the budget because the size of the municipal work force is too large and the programs it has cannot be supported.

6. The Federal government left four Americans danger for over seven our resulting in their deaths in Libya because it would affect a political situation. Bensalem allowed the Director of Public Safety to falsely accuse one of our volunteer fire companies of being "dangerous", resulting in documented delayed responses and a reduction in safety for our citizens.

7. The Secretary of State committed crimes while in office not limited to lying to congress and still gets her pension. The former head of Administration for Bensalem Township committed three hit and runs in township vehicles. Two of the hit and runs resulted in injuries to the victims of the hit and runs. The former head of Administration was allowed to resign after his third hit and run (which resulted in a prison sentence) and was given a $771,000.00 severance package. This package was given to him even though he did not provide two weeks’ notice to the township prior to quitting. 
I don't know about anyone else, but this sounds an awful lot like the Obama administration. Spends excessively, screws important events and secret missions up, and teies ot LIE their way out if it. Interesting little factoid on how the mayor has to give the proverbial blessing to anyone within the local GOP deciding to run for office, and/or get a position within the township. According to one of many residents I've spoken with on this, it sounds ot them as well as myself that our mayor thinks he's the pope (for life), and we all know how out of hand that can get. 

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