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Sunday, June 23, 2013


Bensalem Democrats, and every concerned citizen in this town, it's time you started getting SERIOUS about what's going on around here, and the best place to start is with tomorrow's council meeting. Start asking the important, HARD questions that everyone has been afraid to ask, like "Where were the members of council, when Union Fire Company, was being maligned by Harran?", "Why have the members of council and the Mayor himself, been silent about the School District scandal?", "WHERE IS THE $10,000,000.00 we get from the race track each year going? It was suppose to cover the costs related to additional township services. Where is it?", and also ask them to get Harran to show you a copy of the township's emergency management plan
Keep going to EVERY council meeting and ask EVERY hard question like the above and any you can think of, until election day. This is good advice especially for those running for council. This business of not asking hard questions, because it's FALSELY perceived as "going negative" has to stop. Don't be Afraid to Ask "Negative" Questions. If they tell you some nonsense of not knowing, stall, or refuse, tel them they have until the next council meeting to get it, or you get your attorneys on it. Also hold press conferences of your own, so others will know more about  you, and you can get your point across.

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