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Tuesday, September 3, 2013


All the liberals in the U.S. who think that Saddam’s WMD’s were “non-existent”, read this article. It proves that Bush was right all along, and we need to stay out of Syria COMPLETELY!!

I seem to remember the following being reported not just on Fox News, but also on CNN and the AP:
We found, yellowcake uranium, pesticides that it full strength are WMDs at full strength, the mobile labs, mustard gas, delivery systems, parts for centrifuge to make an A-bomb, plans for a bomb, etc. Hi explosives he (Assad) wasn't allowed to have because they're used in making A-bombs, chemical factories for making "perfume" that were ready to explode when the special-forces troops went in, nope there were absolutely no WMD programs in Iraq.
Now latest the news is, the rebels were allegedly given Sarin gas by the Saudis, and retired military man I know says the Saudis are allegedly behind all of it.

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