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Monday, February 24, 2014


Morning gang!! My hubby found this vital bit of info in our newspaper this AM and after reading, I had to share with all of you. Looks like the HONORABLE first responders of this town, are fed up with the antics of His Majesty, Sherriff Lobo, and Deputy Perkins, are FINALLY taking a stand, and it’s about time!! They are also giving a long overdue apology to Union FIRE Co., and the Jerri family, which will hopefully bring about more brave souls to take a stand

   We as a group of Bensalem emergency responders got together after we read the shocking, but not surprising article in the Inquirer about our Mayor, Public Safety Director and Deputy Public Safety Director.  We knew they would do anything to get what they wanted; we didn’t believe that they would harass, threaten and arrest anyone that stood in their way.  We were wrong!

     As a group, no one knew that the township was buying a new engine for the paid fire department.  In fact, one of our companies was out at the very same factory looking at their apparatus and was standing right next to this new engine.  When they asked who’s it was, no one would tell them.  We checked the budget; there is no mention of a new engine.  Now we understand why they had to take more money from the volunteer fire service at the very beginning of 2014.  They have promised us a BIG tax increase to give us back our funds in 2015.  I guess we will wait and see if that happens.  It amazes us that the $11,000,000.00 received annually by the township to offset costs associated with the casino goes everywhere BUT to the volunteer fire departments.  All this disregard for the volunteers, even though the volunteer fire companies provide 24 hours coverage 7 days a week compared to the 40 hours a day, 5 days a week coverage, by the paid fire company.  Plus, the paid fire company keeps all the revenue generated by fire inspections!  Yea, it doesn’t make sense to us either.

    We can’t wait for the next council meeting to see how the President of the council side steps this cluster of a police department that won’t answer questions regarding the false arrest of a Union fire company fire officer.  All because the Chief of that fire company had the guts to stand up and point out the illegal activity of the paid fire company AND the disaster of a training center that the Chief of Nottingham demanded be built in the township. The one in Bristol, less than 10 minutes away provides state of the art training, with state certified instructors including live burn training AT NO COST to any of our companies.  We are the laughing stock of the state and region with the block “no burn, no sprinkler” $5,000,000.00 SWAT training building.  How did these great minds forget to put a fire hydrant at a fire training center?  How did that become an afterthought?

So that we make our point perfectly clear let us review the facts:

 The Mayor, Director of Public Safety, Deputy Director of Public Safety and the Detective that brought the charges against the officer from Union all claim their fifth amendment rights regarding the arrest and prosecution of the Union Fire Company officer. The witness from the towing company that was also an informant for the police department mysteriously ends up dead, right after the lawsuit against the township and the towing company is filed. Gee, how convenient is that for the township defendants?!  

They are all still in office with NO INVESTIGATION being conducted by the government of our township.  If they do conduct an investigation (not that it is going to happen), is the Mayor going to be in charge of the investigation?!

How come the new fire engine was a surprise to members of our Council? Didn’t they approve the purchase? Why wasn’t it mentioned at budget time?  Why wasn’t it discussed at a council meeting with the other major purchases for the township? Where did the $400,000.00 plus come from?

Congratulations are in order to former Councilman Mathieu for receiving a consolation prize after he lost the election for council.  It’s awfully nice to get a 17% raise to $79,000.00 a year at his recently created assistant position with the Bensalem School District.  We would love to see who he beat for that position, considering it did not exist prior to his non-advertised hiring at the school district in the first place!

I’m sure that will put a lot of confidence into the public’s mind regarding the running of our schools!   

It was nice to see that the Mayor had someone comment on the article, breezing over all the corruption and talking about a boat that Union was forced to get rid of by the very people who are now taking the 5th! Yea, your statements are credible! We did enjoy the township attorney’s response article.  We kind of mentioned the 5th amendment rights!  What do you mean, Kind of?  Why would you mention them at all if you have “nothing to hide”?  Why does the Mayor and the Director of Public Safety have personal attorneys in addition to the attorneys already provided by the township? Who is paying for their personal attorneys?

Another concern regarding public safety and tax increases is that after a tax increase the Bensalem Rescue Squad has reduced the number of emergency ambulances in service during the day from 3 to 2! Of course, they did decide to keep the tax increase and the money they get from Parx.  I guess it pays to be a lap dog for the Mayor.

    We would like to send our apologies to our Brother and Sisters at the Union Fire Company for not standing with them while they were being threatened, harassed and as it turns out falsely accused of crimes by the people who are now hiding behind the law. 

  I say this: shame on all of us, including the people of Bensalem for allowing this to continue.


Let’s see what we have on this. A mayor, public safety director, deputy public safety director, and so much more that are so desperate to hide their evil actions they will even use a pre-amble of the constitution to cover their evil!! Then when the truth via an article in the Philadelphia Inquirer came out, they send one of their minions to make a comment on something that has NOTHNG TO DO WITH THE ARTICLE!! In the meantime, they spend, spend, and spend some more, slowly draining this town of its finances, until it’s bankrupt. The people of this town, beginning with the Bensalem Democrats need to DEMAND that an investigation be done of our mayor, public safety director, and deputy public safety director, and done by an outside investigating source. This means NOT by the township, but by the FBI, and the PA Attorney General!! It’s time that we stand up and say that we will not tolerate this behavior within our town, and that we hold our public safety officials to a higher standard.


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