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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Yes he's at it again!! Fred "Haman" Harran is being the "Media Ho" he truly is, and trying o capitalize on a serious near tragedy. As many know there was a HORRIFIC  multi-car pile up in the turnpike at Exit #351, which is the Bensalem exit. It was VRY bad, and I saw first hand on TV how BAD it was. My immediate prayer was that there would be no casualties, and out of the 26 injuries 7 were bad enough to be hospitalized. PRAISE GOD NO ONE DIED!!!

Imagine my disgust, when I see in this article, Haman trying to get his 15 minutes of fame in, acting arrogant, and pompous as usual. He even has the nerve to think that he is above the PA State Police, especially with the following statement:
Bensalem Director of Public Safety Fred Harran said he not only made the call to divert the eastbound traffic to the Bristol Township Turnpike interchange, but he closed the westbound lanes of the turnpike before 9 a.m. – 2 ½ hours before the turnpike officially issued the closure order.
“About 45 minutes after the accident, I was concerned for the safety of ambulance personnel and firefighters so after conferring with state police, I made a decision to close the westbound lanes,” Harran said. “I wasn’t worried about making a decision; I did it anyway, but I was worried about making the right decision.”
WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, HAMAN?? I did some research on this and you answered to the Turnpike Commission on this EVERY step of the way!! Most of all, this wasn't even an original idea, but you copied this off of someone (You know the gas leak on Hulmeville Rd.) from back in 2005. This clearly indicates to myself and others that you have NO original thoughts when it comes to any emergency situation, and NO VALID EMERGNCY MANAGEMENT PLAN!!

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