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Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Morning Lobo!! I'm sure you're really having a fit with my last post, but the best is yet to come. I just learned something so outrageous that everyone in Bensalem needs to know. It could mean the difference between life and death for someone and that may be you. Check out this interesting piece of info a little birdie dropped at my doorstep, after I came home yesterday:
"Some cops refuse to respond to priority medical emergencies and despite the fact that the department has several medical bags and defibrillators most cops refuse to carry them in the cars. In addition, some defibrillators are broken. One officer, George Litvenenko was allegedly recently overheard saying 'If it's not a cop or cop's family members house that the ambulance is going to, who cares.' He says this all the time and he's not the only one."
WHO CARES Officer Litvenenko?? How about the general public, especially the citizens of this town!! Apparently, we mere citizens of this town, as well as any poor (Stress poor!) stranger, who happens to be in need of medical assistance, just doesn't rate. So I guess your attitude is that of Ebenezer Scrooge who says 'If he be like to die, then he better do it, and decrease the surplus population!', isn't it Officer Litvenenko? What's even more disturbing, is that there are other police officers who have the SAME attitude!! Makes one wonder where Sherriff's Lobo's priorities are in this matter, and if he even cares. Don't know about anyone else, but I find this CALLOUSED, COWARDLY and DISGUSTING!!


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