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Monday, May 2, 2011


The Following Is a Press Release Given by Union Fire Company From 4/28/2011:

Union Fire Company of Cornwells Heights, Station 37

The Union Fire Company, Station 37 located in Bensalem Township, Bucks County is a volunteer fire company dedicated to protecting the lives, property and environment of the community it serves. The Fire Company was established in 1928. Union Fire Company has 52 members that volunteer a total of 1000 plus hours annually to protecting the residents and business owners in and around Bensalem Township.

The fire company enjoys a good working report with all of the local fire companies who routinely work as a team to fight fires in the community. The fire company responds to several hundred fires annually and has responded to 78 fires during the first three months of 2011.

On April 19, 2011 at 3:48 p.m. the Union Fire Company along with Ladder 11 of Croydon, Engine 222 of Bensalem, and Tower 16 of Bensalem responded to a reported fire at 2526 State Road, between Camer Drive and American Drive.

When Engine 37 arrived on the scene at 3:56 p.m., Ladder 11 and Tower 16 were working together at the rear of the building to open the roof and extinguish the fire using tank water from their trucks. Engine 222 was at the front of the building working to extinguish the fire from a two and one-half inch line, also using tank water from its truck. Engine 222 could not establish a water connection to the hydrant along State Road because the hydrant was not equipped with national standard threads. The hydrant was equipped with a Jones Snap Adapters, which is uncommon and with which Engine 222 was not equipped.

Upon arriving at the scene Engine 37 connected its water tank to Engine 222 to provide additional water supply. Engine 37 then began to hand stretch a five inch supply line back to the hydrant along State Road, in order to provide additional water supply. Engine 37 was equipped with the Jones Snap Adapter that was required to connect to that hydrant. Before Engine 37 established the connection to the hydrant, the fire was put under control and the wrap up of the fire was completed with the remaining tank water including water from Engine 37 and the other companies on the scene.

Union Fire Company enjoys a good working report with all other local volunteer and paid fire companies. The fire companies all work cooperatively on a routine basis as they did in the case of the fire on State Road on April 19th which was resolved in an efficient and proper manner.

The Union Fire Company can provide no explanation or insight into the rumors being circulated about any improper conduct. The fire company holds out hope that the allegation merely arose from a misunderstanding and not to cast an untrue and unfavorable light on the fire company and derail it's efforts and enthusiasm to expand its volunteer work for the community. The Fire Company looks forward to the completion of the investigation which they are confident will reveal their continued good work as dedicated volunteers.

This is to set the record straight. Let's see what Freddie Boy and the Township have to say.

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