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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Check This Out!!

I looked over this article, and found something very disturbing. None other than William McCauley (You Know , Billy "DUI" McCauley), was given the position of Interim Township Manager for Bristol Township!!! Hey guys!! Didn't you do a background check on Billy boy???
GEE... I Guess it Really Does Pay to Break the Law!


  1. you'd think they would've, but seeing the other idiots they've given jobs to, we are the laughing stock of Bucks (and Burlington) County.

  2. Unfortunately, they didn't and I believe it was because of some back room dealings via His Majesty Joey D.

  3. No, of course they didn't. Look up Bristol Twp meeting minutes from right before McCauley came to the twp until he was made perm manager. It was all planned
