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Thursday, August 30, 2012
Haman, Haman!! I hear that you've been a VERY naughty boy, and that the
council slapped your little mitts!! Oh yeah, I heard all about the
secret little council meeting, in which it was tied at 2 a piece
concerning shutting down Union Fire Company. Apparently, one of the
council members, who wanted to be a peacemaker, decided to intervene via
his brother (who is in law enforcement by the way.), in the situation.
Evidently, he also found out the truth through his brother, because when
ALL FIVE council members learned the REAL truth of why you shut down
Union Fire Company, they all voted IN FAVOR OF RE-OPENING the fire
I am also learning that you didn't appreciate this, and that
you are awfully mad at the council for this. You're even trying (in
vain) to take this childish temper tantrum out on me!!! I find it even
more interesting that you signed this affidavit, it and not the
solicitor who you referred it to. I have news for you, IT WON'T WORK!
First of all, I have EVERY right to ask the Right to Know requests I
have been making, because I am a concerned citizen of this town who
deserves some honesty. They can block out the e-mail addresses, social
security numbers and private phone numbers, so your hiding behind the
"National Security" excuse is flimsy and not going to hold water. It
especially won't, when I appeal this to the state of PA. I also think
the feds will find this interesting, since from what I also hear, they
don't like you very much over the trash talking you gave in the papers
over Union's Boat Grant. Haman, you are being nothing more than a
petulant child, and your temper tantrum will not affect me, or
intimidate me into stopping.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Will The REAL Racist Please Stand Up
satire. It would be even funnier, if it weren't so 'spot on' on how our
media treats anyone with a right of center viewpoint. It also shows just how hypocritical the democrats truly are.
Here's a Letter to the Editor I Found in today's BCCT. Makes You Really Wonder, Doesn't It??
Here's a Letter to the Editor I Found in today's BCCT. Makes You Really Wonder, Doesn't It??
Bullying, Adult-Style
Posted: Tuesday, August 28, 2012 12:15 am | Updated: 6:58 pm, Mon Aug 27, 2012.
Interesting. Here you have Bensalem's Mr. Harran, who says he is the
director of public safety, saying the Union Fire Co., located near the
Delaware River, can't have the boat, which is for public safety, because
the company didn't ask him first. So he closed them down, and they must
have the leader only he approves of or else.
Then there are
the Neshaminy school teachers, who say give us what we want or else we
will strike, wear funny shirts and also no extra work, etc. Doesn't
matter who they bleed dry.
Now this is bullying, adult-style, and these adults think they can stop childhood bullying. What a joke.
Helene Sklenar
Haman, she hit the nail on the head!! I have said it before and will continue to say it....
It Pays to Be Connected
It looks like another "politically unconnected" person is taking the fall for a politically connected person's sins. We are all still wondering when and IF the original criminals in this matter are going to be arrested, Haman.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Hey Firefighters!! In particular the ones who were planning on showing at last Wednesday's council meeting. Tonight is a council meeting at the township building, so if I were you I'D BE THERE!! Ask them why its taking so long to get Union fire Co to open, why Harran is fighting their being open, and above all, why he's been LYING about them in the first place!! Ask them why Harran is so desperate to block qualified people from holding offices within the fire department!!
This goes for you too BDO!! Fred and the mayor attempted to permanently close (and are STILL trying to) Union Fire Company on the basis of false accusations, and ALMOST did. They KNEW you were holding a fund raiser last week, but when the news outlets and anyone else that mattered found out about this secret meeting, they panicked and cancelled it! This is one of their regular meetings, so they can't cancel this one so quickly. Go there and DEMAND answers as to why this fire house is still closed, and to know why Harran's constant lies are causing a danger to public safety!
It never ceases to amaze me, how the naysayers can so willingly, on the
command of Henry VIII and Haman, respond to something they know nothing
about, with NOTHING, but empty insults. Here's the latest from someone
who calls himself Walt, which I know you'll find amusing:
"So what
you're saying in your warped way is that Fred intends to close all fire
departments? Wendy, PLEASE go see a psychiatrist. They have medication
that will help you and there is NO shame in it."
Here's my response:
"So what you're saying, is that you've swallowed so much of the Joey D
punch, and inhaled so much of the "Little Dictator" fumes, that all you
can respond with is mindless, IMMATURE Junior High School comments?? How
about responding with some ACTUAL FACTS, instead of immature junior
high comments. I DARE YOU to try going to all those precious people you
claim have always answered your questions, and ask them the following:
1. An updated (to the month) copy of the township's budget for this
year, insisting on a COMPLETE accounting for where EVERY penny is going
and what it is used for.
2. To see, and have a copy of the following:
A. The SAFER Grant
B. The Township's Emergency Management Plan
C. The "18 Safety Issues" Harran Issued Against Union Last Year, with PROOF of each Accusation
D. A Copy of EACH Fire House's, (Including the Paid Fire
Department), Average response time, and the Number of Scratches They
Have Had in the Last 6 Months.
3. While You're at it, talk with some
of the members of Eddington Fire department, and see whether or not
Harran has them in his sights. I did!"
Typical response from
someone who knows NOTHING about the situation, and has been given the
words to say form people like Haman and Henry VIII. Why?? Because they
too know NOTHING about what firefighters do, and don't want you knowing
this. They also don't want you to know that truth behind all of this,
and that is that all of this is based on LIES!! Haman doesn't want you
to know that he made all this up against Union, and that there is
evidence to support it. So to all those who have been instructed by
Henry VIII and Haman, to "respond" to me: Do me and everyone else a
favor, and.........
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Closer to Re-Opening??
Closer to being shut down........ Permanently!! Who are you trying to
fool, Haman?? Everyone knows that you plan on shutting down not only
Union, but Trevose (Like Southampton is going to allow it.), Eddington,
and Cornwells!! Yes, he will be after you guys too!! So all of you wise
a**** from Cornwells, better be prepared for Harran to turn on you too.
Closer to being shut down........ Permanently!! Who are you trying to
fool, Haman?? Everyone knows that you plan on shutting down not only
Union, but Trevose (Like Southampton is going to allow it.), Eddington,
and Cornwells!! Yes, he will be after you guys too!! So all of you wise
a**** from Cornwells, better be prepared for Harran to turn on you too.
I have stated the the REAL reason for this, and many of you have mocked
me. However there are just as many, if not more, who have been brave
enough to share the truth with me, and for that I applaud you. All I am
going tot say, is that when "Heinrich Himmler" Harran comes after you...............
Don't Say I Didn't Warn You!!
Friday, August 24, 2012
Some Friendly Advice:
those who trashed my letter to the editor so ignorantly, you neither
know me, nor what my life has been like, so I would cease the slanderous
statements before you wind up with more legal trouble than you can
handle. Your claims of companies being able to use my blogs against me
in attaining employment are invalid and a violation of my civil rights.
As for the other puppets that have been contacting me privately, and on
my blogspot page, may I suggest this:
Go to the township Building, and ask the "wonderful" mayor and Fred Harran for the following things:
1. An update of the 2012 budget, with proof that there is no deficit,
and showing just exactly where EVERY penny of YOUR tax $$$ are being
2.Ask to see, and have a copy of these two items:
A. SAFER Grant
B. The Township's Emergency Management Plan
They are REQUIRED BY LAW to show them to you. See what happens when you
ask for them, and then continue ignorantly attacking me.
Ignorant Attacks vs Actual Facts:
I find it very interesting, how "his majesty" and Haman will send their minions my way with ignorant insults aimed at my physical appearance, but NOT ONE REBUTTAL of the obvious facts I present. Could it be that you're scared that you'll both be DE-throned, and lose all your power???
Thursday, August 23, 2012
All Well and Good............
A Godfather Re-Enactment, or A Band Aid on an Eyesore

"Your Majesty", was this monstrosity your idea??? If I were you, I wouldn't take credit for it, after all, its missing A LOT of parts. Speaking of parts, where did they go?? Oh, I know at least where the back end went. Just go to 2200 Byberry Road, and you'll find it there!! As a matter of fact, you'll find THREE there!! :D

Wednesday, August 22, 2012
This just came in
to me today by "carrier pigeon", and it totally confirms what I have
been posting about this meeting. It also backs up EVERYTHING I
have said on this matter, and much more. i urge you to read this
carefully, and come to this meeting tonight, and decide for yourselves
who is lying. All I can say, is that tonight, it looks like the S@@@ is
going to hit the fan!!
We have obtained the following information from sources within the Bensalem Township government complex and members of the township volunteer fire service. Many have recently come forward due to a growing sense of embarrassment by the conduct of the Director of Public Safety, Deputy Director of Public Safety and members of the Fire Marshal's office and paid fire department. There is also an increasing concern for the safety of the rest of the volunteer fire service due to the Mayor's continued failure to act.
1. Union Fire Company began the process for obtaining a marine unit capable of safely operating on the Delaware River in 2005. This included a survey of current marine units and their capabilities on the Delaware River north of Philadelphia.
2. It was noted that the marine units north of Philadelphia had no fire suppression capabilities and very limited rescue/EMS capabilities. Union Fire Company's marine units were 25 years and 40 years plus in age and were very limited in response capabilities. It was also noted that there was no crew protection on either vessel.
3. In 2006, the Union Fire Chief notified then Deputy Director of Public Safety Harran of the project. There were no objections or concerns raised by Deputy Director of Public Safety Harran.
4. In 2008, Union Fire Company located funding available to support the project through the Port Security Grant Program.
5. The Union Fire Company Chief continues to update Director of Public Safety Harran regarding the progress of the project. This was confirmed by several current and former township fire chiefs that attended meetings where the project was discussed. Other than a few inappropriate remarks made by the Director of Public Safety, there were no objections or concerns stated.
6. In 2009, the Union Fire Company Chief informed the Director of Public Safety and Deputy Director of Public Safety that the fire company had been approved through the grant program to obtain the new marine unit.
7. In 2009, the Union Fire Company Chief met with the Mayor and Director of Public Safety Harran regarding the project. Director of Public Safety Harran stated that he was afraid that the Union Fire Company grant would negate a grant that the township had applied for the new training center. The Union Fire Company Chief stated that he would withdraw the grant if that was true. The fire company contacted the Delaware River and Bay Maritime Association to confirm that their grant would negatively affect the township's application for funding. The fire company was told that the township HAD NOT applied for any funding. When the Union Fire Company chief advised the Mayor of the findings, the Mayor HAD NO OBJECTION to the marine unit project proceeding.
8. In 2009, a member of the Fire Marshal's office approached the Mayor in the hallway and told the Mayor not to let Union Fire Company obtain the new marine unit. When the Mayor asked why, the employee said "because they don't need it". The Mayor (with witnesses in the hallway) stated that the Union Fire Company project would not affect the rest of the fire service and to leave it alone.
9. In 2009, the Union Fire Company Chief met with the Director of Public Safety, the Deputy Director of Public Safety and several fire chiefs from the township and reviewed the general specifications for the new marine unit. One of the specifications was that the new marine unit has a draft of less than two feet. Deputy Director of Public Safety Ponticelli stated that the vessel would require four feet of draft. When the Union Fire Company Chief explained that a manufacturer who provided initial specifications stated that it could be done with less than that, Deputy Director of Public Safety stated; "I have owned boats for years that is impossible". It should be noted that the new marine unit has a draft of 22 inches. There was no objections or concerns raised at this meeting other than the one stated by Deputy Director of Public Safety Ponticelli.
10. In 2009, Deputy Director of Public Safety Ponticelli contacted the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency and told them to cancel the Union Fire Company grant. The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency advised Deputy Director of Public Safety Ponticelli that they had nothing to do with the grant. The grant is administered through the Delaware River and Bay Maritime Association.
11. In 2009, Deputy Director of Public Safety Ponticelli contacted the Delaware River and Bay Maritime Association and told them to cancel the grant. The Delaware River and Bay Maritime Association contacted the Union Fire Company regarding the request to cancel the grant. The Union Fire Company Officials met with the Director of Public Safety and the Mayor regarding this request. The Deputy Director of Public Safety was instructed to stop interfering with the project.
12. In 2009, Deputy Director of Public Safety Ponticelli again contacted the Delaware River and Bay Maritime Association and advised them that the township did not have the matching funds for the grant and to cancel the grant. The Delaware River and Bay Maritime Association advised Deputy Director of Public Safety Ponticelli that the township was not a party to the application and was not required to supply the matching funds. The Delaware River and Bay Maritime Association contacted the Union Fire Company about the second request to cancel the grant.
13. In 2009, the Union Fire Company met with the Mayor and the Director of Public Safety regarding the second attempt by the Deputy Director of Public Safety to cancel the grant, and his continued interference with the marine unit. The Mayor assured the representatives from the fire company that the interference would stop. At this time, Director of Public Safety Harran raised concerns regarding the costs of insuring the new marine unit. The fire company asked for the current figures for the insurance of their two marine units. They were not available.
14. In 2009, the Union Fire Company contacted the township finance department to obtain the costs for insuring their current marine units. The Union Fire Company was informed by the finance department that the township had not been insuring the marine units. The Fire Company immediately notified the Director of Public Safety regarding the township's failure to insure the units. No corrective action was reported back to the Union Fire Company.
15. In the beginning of 2010, the Director of Public Safety and the Mayor called the presidents and chiefs of the six volunteer fire companies to the township building for a meeting. They would not tell them what the meeting was about. When they arrived, they were told the township would be taking funding away from them to pay for the new paid fire department. At this point, we would like to point out, that the Director of Public Safety REFUSES to provide a copy of the township SAFER grant to the fire service or the public, nor will he or any member of the township Fire Marshal's office discuss the contents of the grant with the fire service or the public.
16. In 2010, the Director of Public Safety and Deputy Director of Public Safety contacted the following agencies and reported that the Union Fire Company grant was fraudulently obtained; the Delaware River and Bay Maritime Association, Federal Emergency Management Agency, U.S. Coast Guard and Homeland Security. All these agencies conducted extensive investigations and found that the grant was legitimate and not fraudulently obtained.
17. In 2010, the Director of Public Safety and Deputy Director of Public Safety contacted the FBI and claimed that the Union Fire Company grant was fraudulently obtained. The FBI conducted an extensive investigation which was completed in November of 2011 when no charges were filed and the investigation was closed.
18. In 2011, Director of Public Safety Harran initiated an investigation into a fire on State Road where he claimed that the Union Fire Company refused to provide water to the paid fire department. The Union Fire Company Chief and several members of the fire company were interviewed by a Detective who confirmed that the investigation was given to him by Director of Public Safety Harran. When witnesses came forward from other fire companies that stated the Union Fire engine immediately gave water to the paid fire engine, Director of Public Safety Harran REFUSED to discuss the evidence. Even when the witnesses said, that they had video and still pictures of the incident HE REFUSED TO LISTEN!! When the Union Fire Company chief asked who made the allegations against him, Director of Public Safety Harran threatened to have him arrested for interfering with a police investigation!! When it was proved unfounded, Director of Public Safety Harran refused to provide any information to the Union Fire Company. They were not permitted to clear their name and no retraction nor was ANY apology was offered by Director of Public Safety Harran.
19. During the same incident, the Union Fire Company provided photo evidence of a member of the rescue squad entering the building fire without protective equipment and not being accountable to the incident commander. The Director of Public Safety responded; "he is a firefighter, he knows what he is doing". When it was pointed out, that this was not a safe practice and was dangerous, the Director of Public Safety refused to address the issue.
20. In 2011, Director of Public Safety Harran with the Mayor standing with him, closed the Union Fire Company for "safety issues" that were a danger to the public and the fire service.
21. The Director of Public Safety, the Mayor and a councilman had a public meeting trying to explain why they closed the fire company. They would not provide any specific information to the fire company or the public.
22. Shortly after this meeting, the Director of Public Safety and the Mayor stated that the fire company could re-open if the Chief stepped down. The Chief did resign for the good of the organization. The Mayor also stated that he would appoint an oversight advisory board to look into the safety issues.
23. It took the fire company more than three months and a threat to attend a council meeting to obtain the "18 safety issues" publicly announced (without the specific issues being released) by the Director of Public Safety. When the "18 safety issues" were provided to the fire company the Director of Public Safety and the oversight board REFUSED to discuss them with the fire company! One of these issues was the fire company's delay in locating a fire in a building on Camer Drive. When it was discovered that the building in question, which was two businesses away from the one that the fire company was dispatched to, had had a previous arson attempt, the fire company was concerned that they were not notified of the incident. The Union Fire Company felt that its personnel had been placed in danger by not being notified of the previous arson attempt. The Director of Public Safety stated he does not release information regarding on going police investigations, EVEN IF IT PLACED THE FIREFIGHTERS IN DANGER. When it was pointed out that a mutual aid fire company had been given the information, the Director of Public Safety had no answer.
24. The oversight committee was put in place in July of 2011. With the exception of the meeting at the township building and requests for information from the fire company accountant (which has nothing to do with safety), the oversight board did not meet with the fire company again until mid-January 2012. The fire company was instructed to go through the advisory board to address their concerns regarding the conduct of the Director of Public Safety and the Deputy Director of Public Safety. The fire company issues were not addressed and the Mayor refused to meet with the fire company!
25. The Union Fire Company provided its own insurance for the new marine unit. The day of the Special Olympics Polar Plunge the Director of Public Safety demanded that they raise the coverage from $1,000,000.00 to $5,000,000.00 because that is what the township has on the vehicles they insure! At great expense to the fire company, the coverage was raised from $1,000,000.00 to $5,000,000.00.
26. The Union Fire Company was advised that all special events such as the Special Olympic Polar Plunge would be coordinated by the Department of Public Safety. After the polar plunge where members of the police department were photographed for the township quarterly magazine the Department of Public Safety failed to coordinate any additional special events at the Neshaminy State park (which is where the polar plunge is held).
27. The Director of Public Safety and the Mayor contacted Congressman Fitzpatrick's office and asked his staff to assist them in having the new marine unit removed from the Union Fire Company.
28. To this date, the congressman has failed to contact anyone from the Bensalem Fire service outside of the township building regarding the marine unit.
29. The new marine unit addresses six critical areas on the Delaware River locally for Bensalem and regionally for the river. No one in the Bensalem government will discuss these issues or the benefits of the unit.
30. Bensalem Township paid $21,000.00 for a fire service study which included a study of Bensalem emergency medical services. This study claimed that all marine operations were contracted to outside agencies. It further stated that there were no issues concerning Bensalem EMS. Shortly after the study, it was pointed out that the Union Fire Company has provided marine services for the township for over 80 years. There was no comment from the Director of Public Safety or the Fire Marshal/ paid fire department. After the study, Bensalem EMS received a tax increase, an additional $85,000.00 from Parx Casino even though they are paid for their services and then REDUCED the number of ambulances it provides to the community. No comment or corrective action from the government of Bensalem, including the council or the Director of Public Safety
31. The only way that Union Fire Company would be bankrupt is if the township continues to take funding away from the fire companies. In fact, Union Fire Company has the SMALLEST vehicle payment of the six fire companies. The Cornwells Fire Company alone pays out $93,000.00 a year for vehicle payments! That is more than half of what they receive from the township. No questions asked. Even the members of that fire company admit that they have less people qualified and certified to operate their new rescue truck then Union has for the new marine. Why no questions Director?
32. So far, the Director of Public Safety and the Mayor have demanded that two chief's step down from the Union Fire Company, the president step down from the fire company and now the son of the former president is told he cannot be an officer because he is the son of the former president! We just learned, and still cannot believe that a female firefighter who is the fiancée of the son of the former president is not permitted to be the secretary for the fire company because she is engaged to the son of the former president! These are NOT safety issues Mr. Mayor!
33. We admit that the Union Fire Company chief raised concerns about the construction and location of the township training center and these concerns annoyed the Director of Public Safety and "the unofficial township fire chief with his name on the building". We also admit that we did not pay attention to his concerns. Now we have a $5,000,000.00 training center that we cannot burn in and has very limited use for the fire service. Issues concerning qualified instructors for the center, and written training guidelines are also not being addressed.
34. We also are aware of structural problems with the facility and no idea or funding as to how these issues are to be corrected.
35. Now we learn that they are planning to have a meeting on Wednesday, 8-22-2012 at the township building to close the fire company! Yet, besides the false, slanderous and unfounded accusations, there is no reason to shut them down. In fact, if the Director of Public Safety, Deputy Director of Public Safety and the "unofficial township fire chief" were held to half the standards they claim the Union Fire Company have violated (again there is no proof of any wrong doing), they would have been fired years ago!!!
36. How about employees of Bensalem intimidating and harassing the victim of an assault not to press charges against a paid firefighter in the township!! Can you imagine if the victim had assaulted the paid firefighter? Do those in charge really believe they can keep this from becoming a public issue?
37. How about giving out political jobs in the paid fire department without advertising them or at least permitting people who are qualified for the job for applying? We understand that one particular family made a nice contribution to the election fund for this job.
38. The good news is we will be at the meeting tonight. Along with firefighters from throughout the County and the area to address issues with the government of Bensalem.
39. How does a person who had to leave his job with the school district for falsifying attendance records, remain as a fire chief in the township? WHY HAS HE NOT BEEN ARRESTED FOR THE THEFTS?
40. It seems that a non-politically connected school district employee can get arrested. Just read the paper today.
41. The conduct of the Director of Public Safety and Deputy Director of Public Safety towards the Union Fire Company is truly APPALLING. The fact that the other five fire companies have remained silent because they are going to get a payout from the closing of the Union Fire Company is SHAMEFUL AND DISGUSTING. All the claims of a close knit fraternity within the volunteer fire service in Bensalem are a lie. All we have to do is look at history to discover what happens when groups submit to a dictator. People suffer services to the community decline and one by one the rest will be picked off.
Does anyone really believe that a paid fire department is the answer in these economic times? It is more critical than ever to do what is necessary to maintain our volunteer fire service. Even an accountant can figure that out.
I am glad to see some of you FINALLY waking up and taking a stand on this. I pray that your courage does not waver, and that you support Union Fire Company to the end. Don't let up,and don't let anyone intimidate you into keeping silent ever again. As for the naysayers, have been repeatedly saying the truth, and yet you doubted, and ridiculed me. Now when this occurs, are you still going to continue to drink the Joey D Punch, and sniff the Little Dictator Cologne?? Wake Up and face reality!! You volunteer firefighters of Bensalem, who have sat idly by, and done the "hear no evil, speak no evil, and see no evil" bit, need to know that despite all the promises in the the world, sooner or later, the same thing will happen to you, and when it does, THERE WILL BE NO ONE LEFT TO STAND UP FOR YOU!!
We have obtained the following information from sources within the Bensalem Township government complex and members of the township volunteer fire service. Many have recently come forward due to a growing sense of embarrassment by the conduct of the Director of Public Safety, Deputy Director of Public Safety and members of the Fire Marshal's office and paid fire department. There is also an increasing concern for the safety of the rest of the volunteer fire service due to the Mayor's continued failure to act.
1. Union Fire Company began the process for obtaining a marine unit capable of safely operating on the Delaware River in 2005. This included a survey of current marine units and their capabilities on the Delaware River north of Philadelphia.
2. It was noted that the marine units north of Philadelphia had no fire suppression capabilities and very limited rescue/EMS capabilities. Union Fire Company's marine units were 25 years and 40 years plus in age and were very limited in response capabilities. It was also noted that there was no crew protection on either vessel.
3. In 2006, the Union Fire Chief notified then Deputy Director of Public Safety Harran of the project. There were no objections or concerns raised by Deputy Director of Public Safety Harran.
4. In 2008, Union Fire Company located funding available to support the project through the Port Security Grant Program.
5. The Union Fire Company Chief continues to update Director of Public Safety Harran regarding the progress of the project. This was confirmed by several current and former township fire chiefs that attended meetings where the project was discussed. Other than a few inappropriate remarks made by the Director of Public Safety, there were no objections or concerns stated.
6. In 2009, the Union Fire Company Chief informed the Director of Public Safety and Deputy Director of Public Safety that the fire company had been approved through the grant program to obtain the new marine unit.
7. In 2009, the Union Fire Company Chief met with the Mayor and Director of Public Safety Harran regarding the project. Director of Public Safety Harran stated that he was afraid that the Union Fire Company grant would negate a grant that the township had applied for the new training center. The Union Fire Company Chief stated that he would withdraw the grant if that was true. The fire company contacted the Delaware River and Bay Maritime Association to confirm that their grant would negatively affect the township's application for funding. The fire company was told that the township HAD NOT applied for any funding. When the Union Fire Company chief advised the Mayor of the findings, the Mayor HAD NO OBJECTION to the marine unit project proceeding.
8. In 2009, a member of the Fire Marshal's office approached the Mayor in the hallway and told the Mayor not to let Union Fire Company obtain the new marine unit. When the Mayor asked why, the employee said "because they don't need it". The Mayor (with witnesses in the hallway) stated that the Union Fire Company project would not affect the rest of the fire service and to leave it alone.
9. In 2009, the Union Fire Company Chief met with the Director of Public Safety, the Deputy Director of Public Safety and several fire chiefs from the township and reviewed the general specifications for the new marine unit. One of the specifications was that the new marine unit has a draft of less than two feet. Deputy Director of Public Safety Ponticelli stated that the vessel would require four feet of draft. When the Union Fire Company Chief explained that a manufacturer who provided initial specifications stated that it could be done with less than that, Deputy Director of Public Safety stated; "I have owned boats for years that is impossible". It should be noted that the new marine unit has a draft of 22 inches. There was no objections or concerns raised at this meeting other than the one stated by Deputy Director of Public Safety Ponticelli.
10. In 2009, Deputy Director of Public Safety Ponticelli contacted the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency and told them to cancel the Union Fire Company grant. The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency advised Deputy Director of Public Safety Ponticelli that they had nothing to do with the grant. The grant is administered through the Delaware River and Bay Maritime Association.
11. In 2009, Deputy Director of Public Safety Ponticelli contacted the Delaware River and Bay Maritime Association and told them to cancel the grant. The Delaware River and Bay Maritime Association contacted the Union Fire Company regarding the request to cancel the grant. The Union Fire Company Officials met with the Director of Public Safety and the Mayor regarding this request. The Deputy Director of Public Safety was instructed to stop interfering with the project.
12. In 2009, Deputy Director of Public Safety Ponticelli again contacted the Delaware River and Bay Maritime Association and advised them that the township did not have the matching funds for the grant and to cancel the grant. The Delaware River and Bay Maritime Association advised Deputy Director of Public Safety Ponticelli that the township was not a party to the application and was not required to supply the matching funds. The Delaware River and Bay Maritime Association contacted the Union Fire Company about the second request to cancel the grant.
13. In 2009, the Union Fire Company met with the Mayor and the Director of Public Safety regarding the second attempt by the Deputy Director of Public Safety to cancel the grant, and his continued interference with the marine unit. The Mayor assured the representatives from the fire company that the interference would stop. At this time, Director of Public Safety Harran raised concerns regarding the costs of insuring the new marine unit. The fire company asked for the current figures for the insurance of their two marine units. They were not available.
14. In 2009, the Union Fire Company contacted the township finance department to obtain the costs for insuring their current marine units. The Union Fire Company was informed by the finance department that the township had not been insuring the marine units. The Fire Company immediately notified the Director of Public Safety regarding the township's failure to insure the units. No corrective action was reported back to the Union Fire Company.
15. In the beginning of 2010, the Director of Public Safety and the Mayor called the presidents and chiefs of the six volunteer fire companies to the township building for a meeting. They would not tell them what the meeting was about. When they arrived, they were told the township would be taking funding away from them to pay for the new paid fire department. At this point, we would like to point out, that the Director of Public Safety REFUSES to provide a copy of the township SAFER grant to the fire service or the public, nor will he or any member of the township Fire Marshal's office discuss the contents of the grant with the fire service or the public.
16. In 2010, the Director of Public Safety and Deputy Director of Public Safety contacted the following agencies and reported that the Union Fire Company grant was fraudulently obtained; the Delaware River and Bay Maritime Association, Federal Emergency Management Agency, U.S. Coast Guard and Homeland Security. All these agencies conducted extensive investigations and found that the grant was legitimate and not fraudulently obtained.
17. In 2010, the Director of Public Safety and Deputy Director of Public Safety contacted the FBI and claimed that the Union Fire Company grant was fraudulently obtained. The FBI conducted an extensive investigation which was completed in November of 2011 when no charges were filed and the investigation was closed.
18. In 2011, Director of Public Safety Harran initiated an investigation into a fire on State Road where he claimed that the Union Fire Company refused to provide water to the paid fire department. The Union Fire Company Chief and several members of the fire company were interviewed by a Detective who confirmed that the investigation was given to him by Director of Public Safety Harran. When witnesses came forward from other fire companies that stated the Union Fire engine immediately gave water to the paid fire engine, Director of Public Safety Harran REFUSED to discuss the evidence. Even when the witnesses said, that they had video and still pictures of the incident HE REFUSED TO LISTEN!! When the Union Fire Company chief asked who made the allegations against him, Director of Public Safety Harran threatened to have him arrested for interfering with a police investigation!! When it was proved unfounded, Director of Public Safety Harran refused to provide any information to the Union Fire Company. They were not permitted to clear their name and no retraction nor was ANY apology was offered by Director of Public Safety Harran.
19. During the same incident, the Union Fire Company provided photo evidence of a member of the rescue squad entering the building fire without protective equipment and not being accountable to the incident commander. The Director of Public Safety responded; "he is a firefighter, he knows what he is doing". When it was pointed out, that this was not a safe practice and was dangerous, the Director of Public Safety refused to address the issue.
20. In 2011, Director of Public Safety Harran with the Mayor standing with him, closed the Union Fire Company for "safety issues" that were a danger to the public and the fire service.
21. The Director of Public Safety, the Mayor and a councilman had a public meeting trying to explain why they closed the fire company. They would not provide any specific information to the fire company or the public.
22. Shortly after this meeting, the Director of Public Safety and the Mayor stated that the fire company could re-open if the Chief stepped down. The Chief did resign for the good of the organization. The Mayor also stated that he would appoint an oversight advisory board to look into the safety issues.
23. It took the fire company more than three months and a threat to attend a council meeting to obtain the "18 safety issues" publicly announced (without the specific issues being released) by the Director of Public Safety. When the "18 safety issues" were provided to the fire company the Director of Public Safety and the oversight board REFUSED to discuss them with the fire company! One of these issues was the fire company's delay in locating a fire in a building on Camer Drive. When it was discovered that the building in question, which was two businesses away from the one that the fire company was dispatched to, had had a previous arson attempt, the fire company was concerned that they were not notified of the incident. The Union Fire Company felt that its personnel had been placed in danger by not being notified of the previous arson attempt. The Director of Public Safety stated he does not release information regarding on going police investigations, EVEN IF IT PLACED THE FIREFIGHTERS IN DANGER. When it was pointed out that a mutual aid fire company had been given the information, the Director of Public Safety had no answer.
24. The oversight committee was put in place in July of 2011. With the exception of the meeting at the township building and requests for information from the fire company accountant (which has nothing to do with safety), the oversight board did not meet with the fire company again until mid-January 2012. The fire company was instructed to go through the advisory board to address their concerns regarding the conduct of the Director of Public Safety and the Deputy Director of Public Safety. The fire company issues were not addressed and the Mayor refused to meet with the fire company!
25. The Union Fire Company provided its own insurance for the new marine unit. The day of the Special Olympics Polar Plunge the Director of Public Safety demanded that they raise the coverage from $1,000,000.00 to $5,000,000.00 because that is what the township has on the vehicles they insure! At great expense to the fire company, the coverage was raised from $1,000,000.00 to $5,000,000.00.
26. The Union Fire Company was advised that all special events such as the Special Olympic Polar Plunge would be coordinated by the Department of Public Safety. After the polar plunge where members of the police department were photographed for the township quarterly magazine the Department of Public Safety failed to coordinate any additional special events at the Neshaminy State park (which is where the polar plunge is held).
27. The Director of Public Safety and the Mayor contacted Congressman Fitzpatrick's office and asked his staff to assist them in having the new marine unit removed from the Union Fire Company.
28. To this date, the congressman has failed to contact anyone from the Bensalem Fire service outside of the township building regarding the marine unit.
29. The new marine unit addresses six critical areas on the Delaware River locally for Bensalem and regionally for the river. No one in the Bensalem government will discuss these issues or the benefits of the unit.
30. Bensalem Township paid $21,000.00 for a fire service study which included a study of Bensalem emergency medical services. This study claimed that all marine operations were contracted to outside agencies. It further stated that there were no issues concerning Bensalem EMS. Shortly after the study, it was pointed out that the Union Fire Company has provided marine services for the township for over 80 years. There was no comment from the Director of Public Safety or the Fire Marshal/ paid fire department. After the study, Bensalem EMS received a tax increase, an additional $85,000.00 from Parx Casino even though they are paid for their services and then REDUCED the number of ambulances it provides to the community. No comment or corrective action from the government of Bensalem, including the council or the Director of Public Safety
31. The only way that Union Fire Company would be bankrupt is if the township continues to take funding away from the fire companies. In fact, Union Fire Company has the SMALLEST vehicle payment of the six fire companies. The Cornwells Fire Company alone pays out $93,000.00 a year for vehicle payments! That is more than half of what they receive from the township. No questions asked. Even the members of that fire company admit that they have less people qualified and certified to operate their new rescue truck then Union has for the new marine. Why no questions Director?
32. So far, the Director of Public Safety and the Mayor have demanded that two chief's step down from the Union Fire Company, the president step down from the fire company and now the son of the former president is told he cannot be an officer because he is the son of the former president! We just learned, and still cannot believe that a female firefighter who is the fiancée of the son of the former president is not permitted to be the secretary for the fire company because she is engaged to the son of the former president! These are NOT safety issues Mr. Mayor!
33. We admit that the Union Fire Company chief raised concerns about the construction and location of the township training center and these concerns annoyed the Director of Public Safety and "the unofficial township fire chief with his name on the building". We also admit that we did not pay attention to his concerns. Now we have a $5,000,000.00 training center that we cannot burn in and has very limited use for the fire service. Issues concerning qualified instructors for the center, and written training guidelines are also not being addressed.
34. We also are aware of structural problems with the facility and no idea or funding as to how these issues are to be corrected.
35. Now we learn that they are planning to have a meeting on Wednesday, 8-22-2012 at the township building to close the fire company! Yet, besides the false, slanderous and unfounded accusations, there is no reason to shut them down. In fact, if the Director of Public Safety, Deputy Director of Public Safety and the "unofficial township fire chief" were held to half the standards they claim the Union Fire Company have violated (again there is no proof of any wrong doing), they would have been fired years ago!!!
36. How about employees of Bensalem intimidating and harassing the victim of an assault not to press charges against a paid firefighter in the township!! Can you imagine if the victim had assaulted the paid firefighter? Do those in charge really believe they can keep this from becoming a public issue?
37. How about giving out political jobs in the paid fire department without advertising them or at least permitting people who are qualified for the job for applying? We understand that one particular family made a nice contribution to the election fund for this job.
38. The good news is we will be at the meeting tonight. Along with firefighters from throughout the County and the area to address issues with the government of Bensalem.
39. How does a person who had to leave his job with the school district for falsifying attendance records, remain as a fire chief in the township? WHY HAS HE NOT BEEN ARRESTED FOR THE THEFTS?
40. It seems that a non-politically connected school district employee can get arrested. Just read the paper today.
41. The conduct of the Director of Public Safety and Deputy Director of Public Safety towards the Union Fire Company is truly APPALLING. The fact that the other five fire companies have remained silent because they are going to get a payout from the closing of the Union Fire Company is SHAMEFUL AND DISGUSTING. All the claims of a close knit fraternity within the volunteer fire service in Bensalem are a lie. All we have to do is look at history to discover what happens when groups submit to a dictator. People suffer services to the community decline and one by one the rest will be picked off.
Does anyone really believe that a paid fire department is the answer in these economic times? It is more critical than ever to do what is necessary to maintain our volunteer fire service. Even an accountant can figure that out.
I am glad to see some of you FINALLY waking up and taking a stand on this. I pray that your courage does not waver, and that you support Union Fire Company to the end. Don't let up,and don't let anyone intimidate you into keeping silent ever again. As for the naysayers, have been repeatedly saying the truth, and yet you doubted, and ridiculed me. Now when this occurs, are you still going to continue to drink the Joey D Punch, and sniff the Little Dictator Cologne?? Wake Up and face reality!! You volunteer firefighters of Bensalem, who have sat idly by, and done the "hear no evil, speak no evil, and see no evil" bit, need to know that despite all the promises in the the world, sooner or later, the same thing will happen to you, and when it does, THERE WILL BE NO ONE LEFT TO STAND UP FOR YOU!!
All Out In the Open
Just received this yesterday with my mail, and it confirms everything I
posted concerning Union and much more. Looks like from this that the
inmates are running the asylum and have been for years.
wonder about the reason or purpose behind Bensalem getting $11 million
dollars from PARX?? Well, he reason Bensalem gets “host fees” from Parx
Casino is to offset emergency services and operational costs associated
with the casino. Even though several of us have contacted the Mayor’s
office and members of the Council, no one can explain why, if they are
receiving an addition $11,000,000.00 a year did they need to raise taxes
for the rescue squad AND reduce funding to the six volunteer fire
We have asked our own fire company leaders about the
closing of the Union Fire Company. They have all said that we should
stay out of it! Why? Because they are afraid that Fred Harran will come
after us next? Of course he will! To this day, there is no explanation!
Fred Harran can waive all the papers he wants, but the facts are the
facts. The surrounding fire companies are not responding as fast as the
Union Fire Company did two years ago before Fred Harran started
spreading unfounded rumors, jeopardizing the safety of its members by
not informing them of arson fires in commercial buildings in their area
and threatening to have the leadership arrested!
He has mismanaged
the police department, increased the number of police officers while
reducing the standard of service. How? Not only did the township police
department lose National Accreditation, it has made no attempt to regain
it!! Even if the township police department attains State
accreditation, it still does not rise to the level of National
Accreditation which it once had. Maybe he should start concentrating on
the police department and stop trying to reward friends of the Mayor
with paid fire department jobs! Which, by the way, to this date, is not a
legal fire department according to the ordinances of Bensalem Township.
The grant that they submitted for the SAFER funding states that the
SAFER firefighters would be part of a combination fire company and NOT a
separate entity. There is no leadership for the emergency services,
We just learned this information this week…the
rescue squad received federal money to install a gym for all the fire
companies, police and EMS to use. The rescue squad forbids the Union
Fire Company the use of the gym for over a year! And…one of the paid
members of the rescue squad was using the same equipment to train boxers
which he was paid for! Not only is this a violation of the grant, Fred
Harran knew about it and did nothing! Why didn’t he report them to the
FBI like he did Union?
As I stated before, the inmates are
running the asylum and they're running it into bankruptcy! They plan on
closing down Union Fire Co. PERMANENTLY, and if not challenged, they
will get away with the most heinous, and illegal act ever!! I am again
addressing everyone within the neighborhood that Union has so faithfully
served to go to this meeting tonight, and demand this be stopped!!
YOURSELVES!! Bensalem Dems, I have already been in contact with your
leadership, and i pray you keep your word, and send as many of you as
possible to this, and make yourselves known!!
Simply Put..................
just learned that they plan on holding a "special council meeting"
TONIGHT at the township building, to announce this. My advice to you, is
get a hold of everyone who lives in the neighborhood Union Fire Co. has
so faithfully served, and show up there in force. Don't believe me??
Look in today's paper on pg B-2, and you will see this under Public
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
More School Hijinks
From the Bucks County Courier Times:
In May, the district confirmed information that some facilities
department employees allegedly had falsified time records. Two employees
resigned and one retired, Superintendent David Baugh said. No one has
been charged.
Just curious.... why has no one been charged with these criminal acts?? Why isn't the Bensalem Police doing their jobs??
Yes! This IS Happening!!
Union Fire Company IS being closed for good tomorrow!!
I advise all of the neighborhoods that Union has so faithfully
protected throughout the years, to go to the Township Building ASAP, and
protest this!! Demand answers, and that this be stopped. Call the
mayor, and Fred Harran, flood their Voice mails and thei secretaries
with mssages telling them this IS wrong!!
Here are the Numbers Below:
General Info./Receptionist215-633-3600
Mayor's Administrative Staff215-633-3603, 3604, 3605
Director of Public Safety
Fred Harran
or via email at
Director of Public Safety
Fred Harran
or via email at
BEST JOKE OF 2012 ( far)
George Bush, Queen Elizabeth, and
Vladimir Putin all die and go to hell. While there, they spy a red phone and
ask what the phone is for.
The devil tells them it is for calling back to Earth.
Putin asks to call Russia and talks for 5 minutes. When he is finished the devil informs him that the cost is a million dollars, so Putin writes him a check.
Next Queen Elizabeth calls England and talks for 30 minutes. When she is finished the devil informs her that the cost is 6 million dollars, so she writes him a check.
Finally George Bush gets his turn and talks for 4 hours. When he is finished the devil informs him that the cost is $5.00.
When Putin hears this he goes ballistic and asks the devil why Bush got to call the USA so cheaply.
The devil smiles and replies:
" Since Obama took over, the country has gone to hell, so it's a local call."
The devil tells them it is for calling back to Earth.
Putin asks to call Russia and talks for 5 minutes. When he is finished the devil informs him that the cost is a million dollars, so Putin writes him a check.
Next Queen Elizabeth calls England and talks for 30 minutes. When she is finished the devil informs her that the cost is 6 million dollars, so she writes him a check.
Finally George Bush gets his turn and talks for 4 hours. When he is finished the devil informs him that the cost is $5.00.
When Putin hears this he goes ballistic and asks the devil why Bush got to call the USA so cheaply.
The devil smiles and replies:
" Since Obama took over, the country has gone to hell, so it's a local call."
All I can ask on this, is "What were they smoking, when they were writing this piece?" Because all I can say on this, is that MONEY magazine, has really jumped the shark. Of course it got this based on FALSE information, and half truths as NJessa1970 says on the Patch, but I guess everybody is desperate for something to read as well as their 15 minutes of fame.
All I can ask on this, is "What were they smoking, when they were writing this piece?" Because all I can say on this, is that MONEY magazine, has really jumped the shark. Of course it got this based on FALSE information, and half truths as NJessa1970 says on the Patch, but I guess everybody is desperate for something to read as well as their 15 minutes of fame.
Episode 18 of Everybody Hates Freddie:Bribery and Obstruction of Justice
Good morning all!! Just had a "visit"
from my little birdie, who delivered something very interesting at my
doorstep. It describes things that I know have been going on, because
it's been confirmed for me via many brave people, and personal research.
This is something you all need to read, and realize the need to wake up
and quit drinking the punch!
This has been confirmed
Director of Public Safety Harran has told the five remaining volunteer fire companies that if they continue to remain silent about what he is doing to the Union Fire Company, he will give them a portion of the tax money that was supposed to go to the Union Fire Company! He will still be taking a portion to help pay for the paid fire department which continues to operate in the red.
For over a year, the Mayor of Bensalem refused to meet with or discuss issues involving the Union Fire Company.
Director of Public Safety Harran has reminded the leadership of the Newport Fire Company NOT to discuss the assault on one of its members by a paid firefighter.
A Fire Chief who's brother was given a politically appointed position with the paid fire company without having to go through the testing the other firefighters did, was forced to resign from his position with the Bensalem School District for stealing time continues to be the Chief of one of the fire companies.
The President of one of the fire companies that supports Director Harran continues in his position despite his admission of stealing fire company funds.
Union Fire Company remains closed even after they completed all tasks required by the Mayor and Director of Public Safety Harran. The attempt by Director of Public Safety Harran to remove all qualified leadership within the Union Fire Company continues.
Let's see what we have here: bribery, obstruction of justice, slander harassment, and yes... STEALING!! Haman, you've really outdone yourself this time. What's worse, is that you actually think that you can "make up for it", by doing the very things the hypocritical Jews of Jeremiah's time did, but in a modern aspect: piously going to synagogue, supposedly doing good deeds, and going on TV to get notoriety over it (You put on a LOUSY show at that.). You also put yourself out on TV for EVERY minor thing going on in the police department, play the victim, and actually think that you'll get away with it. "Your Majesty", don't think you're getting off on this either! Your refusal to even listen to Union fire Company's side of things, only shows that you not only condone this, but YOU ORDERED IT TO HAPPEN! Just like Haman, you too think that by supposedly doing the very things Haman does, that you'll get away with it, but you're wrong. I have a very big feeling, that once the proper authorities see and hear of this, NO ONE will be able to help you two. In short.......
This has been confirmed
Director of Public Safety Harran has told the five remaining volunteer fire companies that if they continue to remain silent about what he is doing to the Union Fire Company, he will give them a portion of the tax money that was supposed to go to the Union Fire Company! He will still be taking a portion to help pay for the paid fire department which continues to operate in the red.
For over a year, the Mayor of Bensalem refused to meet with or discuss issues involving the Union Fire Company.
Director of Public Safety Harran has reminded the leadership of the Newport Fire Company NOT to discuss the assault on one of its members by a paid firefighter.
A Fire Chief who's brother was given a politically appointed position with the paid fire company without having to go through the testing the other firefighters did, was forced to resign from his position with the Bensalem School District for stealing time continues to be the Chief of one of the fire companies.
The President of one of the fire companies that supports Director Harran continues in his position despite his admission of stealing fire company funds.
Union Fire Company remains closed even after they completed all tasks required by the Mayor and Director of Public Safety Harran. The attempt by Director of Public Safety Harran to remove all qualified leadership within the Union Fire Company continues.
Let's see what we have here: bribery, obstruction of justice, slander harassment, and yes... STEALING!! Haman, you've really outdone yourself this time. What's worse, is that you actually think that you can "make up for it", by doing the very things the hypocritical Jews of Jeremiah's time did, but in a modern aspect: piously going to synagogue, supposedly doing good deeds, and going on TV to get notoriety over it (You put on a LOUSY show at that.). You also put yourself out on TV for EVERY minor thing going on in the police department, play the victim, and actually think that you'll get away with it. "Your Majesty", don't think you're getting off on this either! Your refusal to even listen to Union fire Company's side of things, only shows that you not only condone this, but YOU ORDERED IT TO HAPPEN! Just like Haman, you too think that by supposedly doing the very things Haman does, that you'll get away with it, but you're wrong. I have a very big feeling, that once the proper authorities see and hear of this, NO ONE will be able to help you two. In short.......
Monday, August 20, 2012
Somone With Foot in Mouth Disease
Remove Todd Akin from the Science Committee --> SHARE this and SIGN THE PETITION
Rep. Todd Akin: "First of all, from what I understand from doctors [pregnancy from rape] is really rare... If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down."
Rep. Todd Akin: "First of all, from what I understand from doctors [pregnancy from rape] is really rare... If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down."
Let me make something perfectly clear with this. I AM PRO LIFE!! Always have been and Always Will be. This guy is an idiot who stuck his foot in his mouth, and is currently choking on it. He does not represent me, nor will he ever!!
How come Bensalem isn't accredited anymore?? What happened to the department to cause it to lose its certification. Could it be that you lost it because many of your own officers are not safer, DO NOT act strictly by the rules, and that you have NO department policies set in place, so the likelihood of a lawsuit against the township and or officer is reduced? Please don't lie and say you didn't because I KNOW you did.
TELL THE TRUTH !!Sunday, August 19, 2012
Why I Left the Bensalem Do NOTHING Organization
the REAL Reason I Left the BDO (Bensalem DO NOTHING Organization), and an
Invitation to ALL godly Men and Women of Bensalem, Giving Them a Chance
to Make a Stand.
If you wish to see the original video, visit my You Tube site
Friday, August 17, 2012
Yess, I am back!!
Just wanted to re-establish a new weekly video news update of what I post on the blog during the week. Right now, I have a lot to update, you all on, so its going to be one almost every day, until I catch up. This one is on Union and what is going on with it. It includes info on the Fire Boat (THE TRUTH!!), and much more.
Hey Your Majesty...........
What's this I hear about a former Fire
Marshall named Robert Ludwig crashing his township fire marshal car into
a pole, while drunk and not only did he keep his job, YOU GAVE HIM
I mean its bad enough that Ray Wall was arrested for
DUI, given a breath test which he failed then all the charges went away,
and Manager McCauley, who had two prior hit and run accidents in
township vehicles prior to the last DUI hit and run arrest. (One of
them he struck a car on 95 in Philadelphia then fled the scene on foot.)
to avoid any type of legal action, but this!!
Gee, I Wish You Were MY Daddy!!!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Looks Like Henry VIII Isn't Getting His Way This Time
What? Didn't think this would happen?? Well, it did, and now what are you going to do?? What line item are you going to raid from now, "Your Majesty"??
so upset?? Could it be that the questions I am asking, as well as the
Right To Know Requests, are hitting a nerve?? Is it that being asked
these simple, yet very straightforward questions causing both you and
his majesty to get scared?? The best way to solve this, is to answer
them HONESTLY! That is unless these questions are making you
"uncomfortable" and frightening you.
Just had something
interesting handed to me today, and had to share. It is in regards to two
prominent township employees, and a rather shady car sale. I think you all will
find it interesting. I know I did.
In 2007 Bensalem
Township conducted an online auction at of surplus and decommissioned police equipment
and vehicles. I'm sure that most of these vehicles were sold legitimately and
without incident. When Bensalem Police Vehicles are sold at auction they are
stripped of all police equipment for obvious reasons.
However, one of these
vehicles, a 1999 Ford Crown Vic Police Interceptor (formerly car 22-23) was sold with police push bumper, blinking
strobe lights and prisoner shield to a private citizen, and that private
citizen was the son/stepson of Jackie
and Jim Ryan, both Bensalem Township employees! You see, their son/stepson was a constable,
and needed this car for work, so it was "sold to him" at a price questionably less than the selling
price of other cars in this auction (try $600.00!!). This car was officially
"sold" to the future father-in-law of their son/stepson to avoid the
appearance of impropriety.
Just think, the very people
who have that questionable land issue on Independence Ct.!! $600.00 for a
police cruiser!!! Doesn’t that look and sound a little weird to you?? I don’t
know about anyone else, but to sell something like this, in this fashion, is
unethical to say the least. It’s a perfect example of how his majesty, will
willingly lavish rewards and treats to those who cater to, and lick his very
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Here is LIVING PROOF of the Violence Done Against Christians!!
Some Interesting Questions For Henry VIII & Haman
Woke up this morning, to an unexpected surprise at my doorstep: this
wonderful bit of information!! Apparently, someone put this in with my
newspaper, thinking that the people of Bensalem needed to see this.
After reading this, I felt this needed to be seen by everyone!!
Here's a list of questions that will surely rattle the 3 crooketeers.
1. Why, after claiming to be going green after purchasing his hybrid
Tahoe did Mayor DiGirolamo in the summer of 2010 buy a gas guzzling
Black Ford Expedition Eddie Bauer with tan trim and then promptly send
it to a local body shop to have the tan trim painted black? Was this to
fool the public?
2. Mayor DiGirolamo has a sign at the entrance
to his street (Grace Ave) saying its a private street yet the township
public works dept plows it in the snow. Is he stealing public services
or is the sign there fraudulently?
3. Have either the director or deputy director attended the FBI Academy training class for police commanders?
4. Why are the 3 rescue squad chiefs cars unmarked? What do they have to hide?
5. Why does current officer Don Schwab have a light bar from a Bensalem
Police Car in his home basement on display? Did he reimburse the
township for this since it was bought with tax dollars. Did the working
traffic light hanging on his garage come from the township as well? How
did Officer Schwab acquire police issue rims for his personal Chevy
Caprice Station Wagon? NOTE: Schwab is good friends with Director
6. Why is the township paying 5 lieutenants an annual
salary of $90,000 per year to do office work? At least for of them
should be on patrol supervising the rank and file around the clock.
Can't the deputy director take a break from calling homeland security
about the fire boat to handle some administrative duties?
I saved the best for last.
7. How did the Bensalem Police Department lose its National Accreditation status?
These questions are sure to get their panties in a bunch..
I don't know about anyone else here, but I think these questions are
very valid and need to be asked. Just as I asked Haman and Nabal about
what qualifies them to hols the positions they have, we have a right to
know these things. I also think we have the right to know EVERY fire
house's average response time, since Haman is claiming Union has such a
lousy one. If you state this; WE WANT TO SEE PROOF!!!
I think its time to start asking the uncomfortable questions, and ask them now before its too late.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Sexual Perversion Meets Police Incompetency
I'm just wondering why the police didn't arrest this guy. Most of all, what was up with the Bensalem Detective who failed to follow up?? I know its typical of Bensalem Detectives to NOT do their jobs properly when it comes to helping female victims of domestic violence, but this as well!!
PROVE ME WRONG HAMAN!!Who Would Ever Know..
That Haman had a weak spot! I just learned this yesterday, as I filed
one of many valid Right To Know requests, and this one was a lulu!! I
evidently asked "the wrong thing" because with this one, he really lost
it!! You see, I have been rally curious as to what qualifies him and
Nabal to hold the positions they have, so I made a simple request:
"I specifically want to know the EXACT qualifications both Fred Harran
and Pat Ponticelli have for the positions they hold. I also wish to know
if both or either have ANY marine rescue, or fire safety training and
where they received the training from."
This is the response I received:
Ms. Saddler we have been attempting to contact you on numerous
occasions and have left messages for you and have gone unreturned.
Please contact us so we may get clarification.
Clarification!! C'mon Haman!! Who are you trying to fool?? First off, I
have been responding, but its been by e-mail, and he knows it. Secondly,
I did respond this time around, by e-mail, and this is what I said:
Sorry, but I was indisposed at the moment. What "clarification" do you
need? I believe its pretty obvious what I am looking for. I am wanting
to know specifically what qualifications, training, education, and
experience, both you and Ponticelli have that qualifies you to be in the
positions you are in. I am also wondering what Marine Unit/water
Rescue, and Fire Safety experience and/or training, BOTH of you have
Mrs. Wendy Saddler
Then I get this extremely childish temper tantrum of a response:
Ms. Saddler
Since you refuse to provide clarification, I will have Lt. Lynady
respond to your RTK. Until then feel free to contact us if you have any
questions. Thank you for your interest in Bensalem Township Police
What a BIG BABY!!! I DID provide clarification, but apparently you have
something to hide, so you respond like an angry child, and do the
equivalent of "taking your ball, and going home", so you don't have to
answer a question honestly. Let me make it even clearer for you Haman. I
specifically want to know the education and/or training that you and
Nabal received, as well as what ACTUAL experience in law enforcement,
and NOT the statements from the propaganda newsletter (Like its going to
help.) that your master has printed for all to see. I want to see proof
you attended any universities you claimed to have attended, and ANY
training you have had within law enforcement that entitles you to hold
the position you have. IS THAT CLEAR ENOUGH FOR YOU?? I am here to find
out the truth, and I will with God's help find it. I know why you do
this and its because you and the mayor are SCARED of a mere woman, who
wants to find the truth, and you know it. Trust me, if you think for one
moment, I am either intimidated or frightened by your misogynistic
disrespectful attitude towards me as a woman you are mistaken. I see
clearly, that in this I struck a nerve, so I will just end this
Monday, August 13, 2012
The township continues to make additional ridiculous demands on the leadership and members of the Union Fire Company keeping them closed. Here are some of the demands
1. Sell the Hummers. These vehicles are CHEAPER than the Expeditions the Mayor, Director of Public Safety and Deputy Director of Public Safety drive. They are also more fuel efficient. 5 cylinders verses 8 cylinders.
2. They have ruled out all the qualified members of the fire company to hold office.
3. Told a female firefighter she was not permitted to be the fire company secretary because she is engaged to the former President's son!
4. Told the former President's son he could not be an officer in the fire company.
So let's get this straight. There are NO SAFETY OR MANAGEMENT ISSUES. These are pure personal attacks!
They want the Hummers gone because "it looks bad". If you would publicly admit they are more cost efficient then the fuel burning beasts the township officials drive that would be the end of the issue!
If the Director and Deputy Director of Public Safety were held to proficiency and honesty standards they would have been fired a long time ago.
The Mayor claims the President of the Union Fire Company had to go because he could not control the Fire Chief. With that logic, the Mayor should go because he has REPEATEDLY FAILED to correct the behavior of the Director and Deputy Director of Public Safety. This, at the cost of millions of dollars wasted and a lower standard of public safety!
Can you imagine what would have happened if a member of the Union Fire Company was fired from his school district job for stealing?
Can you imagine what would have happened if a member of the Union Fire Company was caught stealing Easter Flower sales money to pay gambling debts?
Can you imagine what would have happened to the Union Fire Company if it permitted a former member that was convicted of setting numerous building fires in the township to hang around the fire house?
Mr. Mayor, you have failed our community and the volunteer emergency services within it!
The actions of you and the Director of Public Safety are more of a dictator than a leader.
Actions speak louder than words. And your message is clear. You will harass, sick the police on and intimidate anyone or any group that gets in the way of you handing out political favors and cash to those that grovel at your feet.
NO Answers Fitzi
About two weeks ago, I was “privileged” to be a
part of one of Mike Fitzpatrick’s many “Telephone Town Hall Meetings”. I had
prepared to ask him some rather pointed questions. What a “shock” to find that
they cut off the session after about an hour, but I was offered a chance to
leave a voice message to give him my question. Well, I not only did this, but
actually dared the congressman to respond, giving my phone#, because I felt he
never would. Imagine my surprise, when the next day my phone rang, and the
person on the other end, was Congressman Fitzpatrick!
He let me share how I have been unemployed and SEARCHING for a job for nearly 3 years,
and let me ask my question. I told him that during the time I have been in
Bensalem, there have been no businesses that offer REAL jobs within this town, and asked what he was doing about this.
All that I have encountered here, are retail, supermarket, and fast food jobs,
that pay barely above minimum wage,
and provide the most abuse to their
employees. Now before the naysayers start responding, I couldn’t take these
jobs, even if I wanted to, because I have degenerative disc disease, which
leaves me disabled. I have seen good businesses leave this town, because it’s
too expensive for them to be here, (Gee, I wonder why?), and the only “substantial”
job within this town is PARX Casino, which I would not take. You see, I am a
Born Again Christian, and strongly believe gambling to be wrong, so I refuse to
contribute to another’s addiction, so therefore I will not accept a job there,
nor will I go in one.
He responded with what I consider to be nothing
but doublespeak, especially saying something to the effect of how he deals with
things primarily on a federal level, and ended the call. As far as I’m concerned,
this man has not conducted a REAL face to face town hall meeting, failed to
answer my question, which was further evidence of what a disappointment he has
been in congress. He is not only NOT getting my vote, but I am recommending
that others NOT vote for this man as well. After all, if he only deals with
things on a federal level, how is he going to effectively serve us??
P.S. If there is ANYONE out there who is willing to offer me a real job, contact me at
Saturday, August 11, 2012
A Little Reminder This November
If only we were this careful with our voting practices in Bensalem. After all, we keep re-electing boobs, jackasses, and outright dummies every four years!! It's more than time for a change. Its time we start cleaning up this country, and it begins on November 6th. Then, we start clearing the garbage out of this town!!

Very Interesting
I read this, and found it rather interesting. I only hope and pray someone has the courage to call our President out on this. I think that in light of the outright LIE attack ad that was placed against Romney recently, its only fair.
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