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Thursday, August 9, 2012


Apparently, the "little birdies" have been working overtime, getting this info. Boy, did they ever find some good facts here! When you see this, it will really make you mad.

More interesting information we uncovered. This is information is hard for any citizen to obtain. We had to weed through the township smoke and mirrors and find it in the budgets or minutes of the meetings. To find the first two, you need to contact a Republican who is connected but now on the outs, they will fill you in.
1. The township traded land with its Public Works Director. He got land on Independence Court; the township received his land to build a playground. He stands to make Hundreds of thousands of dollars. We are still waiting for the playground. Oh BTW, his building site is STILL not completed and is an eyesore and safety hazard.
2. A township mechanic purchased property from his family next to the high school. Now the township wants to put a road through it. The road would run from which will include running water, sewer and storm drains. Once the township completes the road, the employee can build houses along the road. This saves him the costs of water, sewer and storm drains!
3. $160,000.00 every third year for the purchase of new vehicles for the Mayor, Head of Administration, the Director of Public Safety and the Deputy Director of Public Safety.
4. Over $5,000,000.00 to improve the intersection of two state roads which the Council assured the public the state would pay us back. The state did not authorize the project, nor are they going to pay us back.
5. Despite the claims to the press by the Director of Public Safety, the Fire Marshal's office which includes the paid fire department continues to lose money with no real plan to pay for the paid fire department. This issue was raised by former Councilman Szafran at a council meeting, BUT the Director of Public Safety offered no answer!!
6. The rescue squad received a tax increase and reduced its services to the community. How you ask?? It removed an ambulance from the Cornwells fire company which covered the eastern most portion of the township shortly after receiving the increase.
7. A position was created in the public works department for the daughter of a longtime friend of the Mayor. She had no training or experience in the position they created for her. The position was never advertised or posted.
YET, SHE WAS HANDED IT!! How does that improve service to the community?
8. The well qualified and dedicated head the township public relations department was suddenly let go. A unqualified close friend of the Mayor was retained to run the department. How does that make sense? The lack of a professionally run Public Relations department shows. Just turn on the propaganda channel!
9. Over $50,000.00 over a 7 year period for the horse of a police officer that was well connected to the Council. That's right! The township paid to care for, feed and all vet bills for an officer's pet!!! Not to mention paying the officer for the privilege of leasing the horse!
10. Over $5,000,000.00 for a training center that at best is a failure.
EVERYONE IN THE COUNTY IS AWARE OF THE "WHITE ELEPHANT" ON STREET ROAD. Built despite knowing that the County was building a FULLY FUNCTIONING training center in Bristol!
11. Hundreds of thousands of dollars spent defending the Mayor and associates for moving polling place from the Creekside Apartments. Not only was the polling place moved back to a shopping center next to Creekside, the township and the county had to pay the legal fees for the citizens that filed the lawsuit!! To this day, someone wrote the letter and someone signed the letter, but no one sees a problem? Especially when the person who wrote the letter receives payment for services to this administration.
12. Thousands of dollars of grant money that was intended for Bristol Pike spent paying a road/parking lot behind the business of a council member.
THREE suspicious deaths of females in the township. These females were connected to members of the police department. Two were listed as suicides; one was first listed as a homicide then changed to extreme period bleeding! Really?!!
14. Mysterious firing of the township fire marshal. We are still waiting for that to come to light.
15. A motorcycle group that is assigned to a month of practice for Pride Day instead of working. Do we really need them as an entertainment group?
16. Total waste of taxpayer money in the last 5 years; over $12,000,000.00 and counting! The more we dig, the more we find.

I have been able to confirm this from several reliable sources, including the county, so you naysayers, think twice before sounding off your ignorant scoffing, and condemnation. The things mentioned in here are not just a waste of money, but some can be considered criminal obstruction of justice. I can be assured, that there is a great deal more to be discovered with this, and I dare ANY naysayer to come on my blogs and challenge this!!

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