Congress proposed several valid and sound budgets that the Senate refused to even look at. What about the cuts to the TSA and their millions of $$ on uniforms, how about the LIE that first responders will be hurt by this?? They're NOT part of the federal government!!How about making cuts and/or doing away with the jets that the democrat controlled senate and people like Pelosi use for themselves?? How about cutting the salaries of ALL of congress and Senate?? How about not wasting tax $$ on stupid things like salmon hatcheries, reading poetry to zoo animals, etc.?? While we're at it, name ONE thing (aside from the sequester cuts) that the democrats have cut that benefits taking care of the deficit??
Obama falsely claimed that they were federal employees who would be affected by this sequester, and that was a lie. Never said anything about Secret Service. Know things about that dept. that say your incorrect. As for the TSA, they will spend more on uniforms in one year than a marine will in their lifetime. Hire a private company to do security. The TSA is a waste of time, money and is also ridiculous to allow knives on a plane but not large tubes of toothpaste. Contrary to popular belief, Republicans, REAL honest ones, want to REFORM medicare/medicaid not destroy it.

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