Saturday Funnies:
At The Wall Street Journal Mark Helprin presents a "revised" Psalm 23 for our current times...
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of debt, I fear no
bankruptcy, for Obama is my shepherd. He prepareth a table of food
stamps before me, and maketh me lie down beside waters He hath cleansed
and seas He hath made recede, even though the bad Republicans wisheth
the earth to be burnt unto a cinder, and
will not buy the electric car that is good, for it hath zero emissions,
and receiveth its power from a power plant, which hath not zero
emissions, but the ways of the President are mysterious.
Fear not the Chinois, whose power waxes as ours wanes, for someday thy
children's children shall journey over the sea that Obama hath made
recede, west of the land of Geffen and Famous Amos, to build railroads
for Beijing. Then the Third World will have inherited the earth, and the
strong will have been laid low, which is good, and which is also the
Democratic platform.
But arithmetic notwithstanding, I
will dwell in the house of Obama all the days of my life. (Why not four
terms, and what about Michelle? For the Constitution liveth.) And, the
earth having been purified, surely it will be good when—and where do I
apply for—government assistance will be the only thing left."
We left out a LOT of GOOD stuff represented by those elipses... so be sure and go and read it all:

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