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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Council Shows True Colors With a Member of SHARK

Boy did council meeting ever get JUICY last night!! It was a moment in which the members of council and “His Majesty” showed their true colors, and I had to share with all of you. Don’t believe me, check out the replay of the meeting tonight at 7 PM and make your own informed decision.
During the Public Comment section of the event, a member of SHARK (Showing Animals Respect and Kindness), named Stuart Chafetz brought up a very serious issue concerning the pigeon shoots at the PA Gun Club. He stated fact after fact about the cruelty being done to these poor birds, and then proceeded to share the illegal and questionable things were being done by the members (covered license plates, attempted running over of LEGAL protestors, etc.), and how they have reached out multiple times to the officials in this town, but have gotten nowhere. He even went so far as to describe building going on within the club that he found questionable and wants to know if they had permission to do this building and to see the permits for it. All through this, Mr. Chafetz was polite and presented himself in a very calm and professional manner and gave nothing but facts.
Not even giving this man a chance, Councilman Ed “Parking Lot” Kisselback, began to rudely interrupt Mr. Chafetz, with an excuse of a statement that this was in litigation, and he needed to go through proper channels, to which Mr. Chafetz replied that he DID, and that he again got nowhere. Mr. Chafetz, then proceeded to share with the council that there were two particular members of this club, who are also Bensalem residents, who not only made contributions to a group that favors pigeon shoots, but has also made over $4000.00 in contribution to “His Majesty’s re-election fund!! It was at this point, that “His Majesty’s” Puppet advisor/attorney Joe Pizzo, proceeded to interrupt Mr. Chafetz, saying that the council could do nothing about the gun club, that pigeon shoots are legal, and that just because they didn’t hear anything about the building going on does not mean that the building taking place was illegal, He was further disrespectful to Mr. Chafetz, saying that it was a person’s 1st amendment right to donate to whomever they wanted to. He also “recommended that Mr. Chafetz go to the local lawmakers, (Tomlinson, and DiGiorlamo), (Hasn’t this already been done??), and speak with them about this. He even falsely stated that he was “insulting” the mayor and council, by making “outrageous” accusations against them. “His Majesty” even got involved, FALSELY accusing Mr. Chafetz of insulting his and his family, boasting and pontificating about his father being an immigrant who brought a case against the gun club and won. Mr. Chafetz stood his ground, and stated again that he has been to council, called the mayor and township, and NOTHING has been done, to which Kisselback cut him off, and the man was forced to leave. His majesty even had the nerve to say he wished the man would’ve stayed so he could “talk more with him” on this, saying he (Mr. Chafetz) didn’t know “all the facts”. Well “Your Majesty”, educate us on those facts!!
In short, here is the REAL background on all of this. SHARK has been protesting these pigeon shoots for 25 plus years, and have lots of evidence of animal cruelty, which last I checked IS a crime. According to my research, this is a clear violation of the PA Humane Laws, but nothing is ever done. They’ve also reported legitimate wrongdoing amongst the people coming and going from there, (covered license plates, attempts by members to run down the protesters, assaults on protesters, etc.) but the township has done NOTHING about it. An attempt by an Animal Warden was made to charge the club with Animal Cruelty, but our illustrious DA Heckler did NOTHING about it!! I also learned that they have been trying to get a law on these books for 25 years, to make this a crime, but the NRA, (In an area that I DO NOT agree with them on!!) has been intimidating the local lawmakers into silence.
Of course, “His Majesty” and court fail to mention any of this, because they too refuse to be a part of the solution. How you ask?? By doing NOTHING about this, when they KNOW they can. When confronted with the truth and some rather interesting facts, “his majesty” gets rather “offended”, and he acts like the victim, when he really isn’t. How about when it comes to these donations you received, try avoiding the appearance of evil, “your majesty”??? Just like their inaction with Union Fire Company, they go along with “his majesty” on this, because they don’t want to lose all that prestige and power. I noticed that Mathieu said NOTHING as did Bellfield, and by that silence they are condoning this criminal act. I noticed especially when “Weasel” Pilleri echoed everyone else’s thoughts on this, so all present would see his “outrage”. I guess he’s really making sure of his place in the council food chain. It was very clear to me, and hopefully all of you that “his majesty” and council showed their true colors, and that was to be rude, condescending and obnoxious. Pretty much business as usual in Bensalem last night.

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