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Saturday, August 31, 2013


Yes, where are they?? Where are all the naysayers?? It’s rather interesting, how they, (arraref, Kathleen A.K.A. Saphira”, nomurlyes, etc.) have all of a sudden gone away. There was even a point where “Saphira” contacted me privately, and tried to get me to come to a “meeting” with her and a pastor from Calvary Chapel, which was and STILL is a clear violation of Matthew 18, but she failed in her mission. Even “Sal Panto” has had very little to say towards me…. oh yes, that’s because I kicked you off my site!! You now resort to throwing useless word grenades at me on B.C.C.T., which FAIL miserably, because the truth is out, despite your refusal to see it. I will say that Kathleen has yet to truly follow Matthew 18, and maybe it’s because she doesn’t understand the context of this passage, so I will offer her a translation that she will understand.
1.       Contact the person, and meet with them ONE ON ONE, FACE TO FACE IN PERSON. DO NOT BRING ANYONE ELSE INTO THE CONVERSATION!! Try to do something like offer to meet the person at a local eatery, present your case, and LISTEN to the person’s response, and their evidence. IF there is an apology in order from either side, then accept it, and MOVE ON. IF you achieve anything positive from it, great. MOVE ON. If you cannot agree on anything, then agree to disagree and part ways. Above all, be civil with each other, and MOVE ON.
2.       IF the person refuses to apologize, and/or NOTHING positive comes from this then retain a witness, YOU BOTH ARE COMFORTABLE WITH, and discuss the matter further. IF this person sees that either one or BOTH of you are in the wrong, then apologize, reconcile, and MOVE ON!!   
3.       IF the first two do not work, then bring this before the home church of BOTH individuals. IF either one or BOTH of you are in the wrong, then apologize, reconcile, and MOVE ON!!  If you cannot agree on anything, then agree to disagree and part ways; be civil with each other, and MOVE ON. If the one in the wrong refuses to repent, then take the necessary discipline WITHIN THE CHURCH ONLY.
As of this moment, I am issuing a challenge to “Kathleen”, or anyone else who wishes to debate me, and this is what I am suggesting: Contact me at, and let’s schedule a ONE ON ONE meeting. If you want, let’s meet at Popeye’s, Dunkin Donuts, or MY PLACE. Let’s talk over coffee and discuss what is taking place in this town. You bring your documented facts, and I will show you mine. Let’s be civil on this, and maybe, just maybe someone’s eyes will be opened, perhaps become friends.  If I don’t hear from you, then I know that you truly have a seared conscience, and do not wish to have any contact with you.

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