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Thursday, November 8, 2012


It never ceases to amaze me how the immature naysayers just never learn. After I have said REPEATEDLY to individuals like "arraref" and "Its time 2 Speak Up", that if they want, I will be more than happy to meet with them, and we can discuss/debate everything concerning this township, including the mayor and Haman, but they're so afraid of the truth, they fail to respond back, with a willingness to meet, resulting in their being exposed as cowards.
Now, they've been taking to doing illegal acts, such as calling my cell phone, and either hanging up, or putting recorder voice messages on the other line. Seems that all the calls are coming from lines within the township itself, and that is absolutely wrong! This has been going on since September, and up until recently, has been mildly amusing/annoying, but now it's getting tedious, and disturbing. Just the other day, I received a phone call on my cell phone with such lewd content I cannot repeat it on here, but suffice it to say, it was a false accusation, that my husband and myself distributed items of an adult nature to children on Halloween. I say false, because where I live we have NO children going into any of the apartment buildings for Halloween, and I do not think it likely to ever occur.
I am issuing this to the person or persons making these disgusting calls. IF you have ANY issue with the things I post, say it to my face!! Let's meet, and bring your facts with you, and I will bring mine. Be a man/woman, and debate me publicly!! Next time you want to perform juvenile and stupid antics like this, I will not only post them on here, but report you to the police (Which I already have!), and have you arrested.

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