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Monday, October 23, 2017


Looks like I'm not the only one who got this pack of LIES. As usual, The Republicans are using fear tactics and outright LIES, all to avoid the facts!
Despite the rosy picture the township is painting, this town's budget is in an over $6 million-dollar deficit, (I have a copy of the 2017 budget and it shows that we spend so much more than we earn!), and we have a $60 million-dollar debt in the form of a loan for roads!! So, this $51 million-dollar surplus is an absolute joke! I dare anyone to show me specifically from the budget that we have this surplus!!
As for the EIT, Bryan voted against this, because it's another example of overspending. His majesty is using the so-called having to lay off over 30 police officers, to put fear into all of you, and that is an absolute despicable thing to do! When it comes to the accusation that he voted against the $200 homeowners assistance rebate, I find that very hard to swallow, since he was the one who fought for it when his majesty first was going to do away with it after the casino first came here and we were getting the host funds. Bryan has more than brought up raising this up to $300, but apparently you GOP puppets never listen.
I also really find it despicable that these GOP puppets criticize Bryan’s donors, when it's because they're of a different faith than us (Muslim) and that fact that the township lost the case! Clearly these individuals are showing their prejudice which is really atrocious, and also shows how ignorant they are.
While we're at it, let's discuss the accusation of real perks and no-bid contracts they say doesn't exist. They state that one of his mailers showed an escalade, which indicated that Bryan stated that this was the mayor's car. Can you specifically prove that Bryan said this?? From what I saw, it was a representation of how the mayor and his cronies are getting township issued SUV’s, but Bryan never specifically said that the mayor's SUV was an escalade! While we're at it, what about the sweetheart deals to the family of a person in jail for the murder of FOUR men!! His Majesty claims that he doesn't know them, but the evidence shows jut the opposite.
 It's also interesting that several of them compared our township to Bristol Township.  It should be noted that the current manager of Bristol Township is the former manager of Bensalem Township.  Instead of our current Mayor firing our former manager after his third hit and run in a township vehicle, our Mayor allowed him to resign taking with him a $741,000.00 severance package! 

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