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Monday, February 28, 2011

Coward of the Month: Guy Petrizello Editor of the Bucks County Courier Times

Yes its back!! The Coward of the Month is back and have I got a good one for you!!! Its none other than Guy Petrizello Editor of the Bucks County Courier Times!! He and I had a conversation today in regards to the following Letter to the Editor about two weeks ago:

An Insult To Women!!

It’s very apparent that the township not only does NOT have its priorities straight, but has all their cheerleaders ready to aid them when they make an obvious mistake. First, they get themselves $6.5 million dollars in the red, through obvious over-spending, and they purposely close the doors to the budget meeting. During this televised meeting we see Public Safety Director, Fred Harran of the Bensalem Police Department being one of, if not the main offender in this area.  You see, the B.T.P.D. operates with a budget of approximately $18 to 20 million dollars/year, but I am certain that not all are aware that most of the money pays the salaries of upper echelon cops, out of control overtime, and for useless sheds for motorcycles!!! Then, instead of being fiscally responsible, by cutting back on the overtime, having these upper echelon cops take a pay cut, and also start having the police pay towards their own insurance like everyone else, they go and terminate Domestic Violence Services Coordinator, Rosalee Bernadetto-Flemke, as well as the Chief Fire Marshall, a week before Christmas!! Aside from the fact that the firing of the Chief Fire Marshall is a questionable public safety decision, Fred Harran makes a decision to not only fire Ms. Flemke, but to entirely do away with a valuable service: The Domestic Violence Services Department. It’s bad enough that Fred Harran and the township have basically made it apparent, that they could care less about battered women, but when all of a sudden, someone NOW says something about Ms. Flemke losing her job, it happens to be Republican committee-woman and friend of Joey D, Holly Fitzgerald-Visone!! Who are you trying to fool, Ms. Visone?? Everyone knows how much of an insincere person you truly are, especially in your untruthful and unkind words to Mary Jeffrey while she ran for mayor, Harris Martin, Bryan Allen, and myself. If you truly cared, you would have said something IMMEDIATELY after it happened, not two and a half months later!! One thing is for certain, it makes it very glaringly apparent that Fred Harran, and the Bensalem Police department care NOTHING for women.  All I can say, is that if you are a battered woman, or stalking victim living in Bensalem, don’t count on the Bensalem Police being there to help. They think you’re too expensive to do anything about.

Evidently Mr. Petrizello feels that the information I presented, (Which is based on actual FACT!), is too "factually conflicting" to print. He says that he spoke with the reporter who covers this area, and the reporter knew nothing of this. PLEASE!!
Gee, I guess telling the truth hurts!!

Here We Go Again!!

I got an automated call on this at 10:30 PM last night!! Why didn't they broadcast this earlier???? Another example of BTPD incompetency!! Bottom line here gang, is that this is a human being who is lost, scared, and alone out there, and needs our help!! This poor guy needs to be found, and found SOON, before its too late!!!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Yeah Right!!!

Like Heckler is really going to do anything on this. We all know how crooked Heckler really is, so I hope Hindi sticks to his guns, and gets justice.

Look Out PA...........

More eyesores are coming your way, whether YOU want them or not!!

Tina Davis, you REALLY disappoint me.


I wonder what brought this on???

What the Liberal Media Doesn't Want YOU to Know!!

Here's living proof, that pro-life Bible Believing Born Again Believers, are being targeted, persecuted, and criminalized for their beliefs.

This is going to be the first on many pieces by this writer dispelling the liberal myths of Christianity and pro-lifers.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Here's Something Interesting!!

Guys, You have to check this out!! Attached to this, is proof that the Governor of WI isn't exactly telling the truth on the budget situation.

I don't feel that national news has been giving accurate coverage of the rallies in Madison, WI, so I'm here to tell you what people are REALLY protesting about. Hint: it's not about paycuts. Here's the Legislative Fiscal Bureau Memo: S

Liar Liar Toomey's On Fire!!!

at least his pants are!!

Dude! Your nose is growing!!! Try telling the truth for once, Toomey!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


  I was out on Valentines Day with my wonderful hubby, and we found this on the windshield of our car.

We in the fire service of Bensalem Township have had enough!  We have tried to speak with the Mayor, the Director of Public Safety and the Council.  We get nothing!
    We asked to see the SAFER grant that the Township applied for.  We were refused even though it directly affects us!  We had to file through the Federal government to get a copy.  When we read the application, we can best say that the “facts” included in the application are at best misleading.  The truth is they are out right falsehoods! We were told by several council members that the fire companies would not lose money to provide for the paid fire company.  They “gave us their word”.  Well, we are losing money!  We were told that the paid company would be in service from 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. and it was included in the grant application to the Federal government. That was a lie.  The paid company works Monday through Friday 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.!
     The Director of Public Safety created a seventh fire company (the paid company) without following ANY OF THE TOWNSHIP ORDINANCES RELATED TO THE MATTER!
     When we raised concerns about the location of the training center, are questions were NEVER answered.  Now we have a $5,000,000.00 center built too close to major roadways that has no sprinkler system for us to train on.  There was no provision for burning in the building so we can’t simulate actual class A structure fire situations!
     They conducted a “fire service survey” without giving us any input with the exception of us providing information to them without the Township providing any information to us!  When we asked to meet with the Mayor and Council, they told us they were meeting with attorneys to discuss the survey.  Let us get this straight; you are speaking with attorneys before you speak with us?  Where is the open light of communication?    
    We are asked to continue providing 24/7 days a week coverage while losing funding!    
     To sum this up, we are being forced to continue providing service with reduced funding, while the rest of the emergency services gets increased funding to provide the same service. We have received no explanation as to the Township’s plans for paying for the paid fire company when the grant runs out. We do not have our concerns addressed by the Public Safety Director or the government of Bensalem resulting in wasted public funding for a training center that does not meet our needs. 
      It is hard enough to recruit new personnel, however it becomes even more difficult when the recruits and the membership of our fire companies have no confidence in the leadership of the Township we serve!
      This feeling does not include the leaders of fire companies in the township that are paid employees of the township!
        We would also like to get an explanation for the layoff of the Fire Marshal! 

Ladies and gentlemen this is a person who has consistently LIED to the first responders, as well as the YOU. He shows his callous disregard for the law, by violating the very township ordinances that exist when he started the Paid Fire Company. He shows even more disregard for women, by firing a capable and caring person such as Rosalee Flemkie, because he wants to save a few $$$


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

This Is A Real WTF Moment!!
1. This guy was found GUILTY!!
2. He NEVER should have gotten U.C. to begin with (Real good one Freddie!!)
3. I don't believe Mr. Harriston is being told everything here.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Way Too Little... Way Too Late!!!

It’s very apparent to me, that the township not only does NOT have its priorities straight, but has all their cheerleaders ready to aid them when they make an obvious mistake. First, they get themselves $6.5 million dollars in the red, through obvious over-spending, and they purposely close the doors to the budget meeting. During this televised meeting we see Public Safety Director, Fred Harran of the Bensalem Police Department being one of, if not the main offenders in this area.  You see, the B.T.P.D. operates with a budget of approximately $18 to 20 million dollars/year, but I am certain that not all are aware that most of the money pays the salaries of upper echelon cops who have proven themselves completely unworthy of the money they make, out of control overtime, and for useless sheds for motorcycles!!! Then, instead of being fiscally responsible, by cutting back on the overtime, having these upper echelon cops take a pay cut (How about firing a few??), and also start having the police pay towards their own insurance like everyone else, they go and terminate Domestic Violence Services Coordinator, Rosalee Bernadetto-Flemke, as well as the Chief Fire Marshall, a week before Christmas!! Aside from the fact that the firing of the Chief Fire Marshall is a questionable public safety decision, Fred Harran makes a decision to not only fire Ms. Flemke, but to entirely do away with a valuable service: The Domestic Violence Services Department. It’s bad enough that Fred Harran and the township have basically made it apparent, that they could care less about battered women, but when all of a sudden, someone NOW says something about Ms. Flemke losing her job, it happens to be Republican committee-woman, and close personal friend of Joey D, Holly Fitzgerald-Visone!! Who are you trying to fool, Ms. Visone?? Everyone knows how much of an insincere person you truly are, especially in your untruthful and unkind words to Mary Jeffrey while she ran for mayor, Harris Martin, Bryan Allen, and myself. If you truly cared, you would have said something IMMEDIATELY after it happened, not two and a half months later!! One thing is for certain, it makes it very glaringly apparent that Fred Harran, Bensalem Township, and the Bensalem Police Department care NOTHING for women.  All I can say, is that if you are a battered woman, or stalking victim living in Bensalem, don’t count on the Bensalem Police being there to help. They think you’re too expensive to do anything about.
To me, this is nothing but an insult to women EVERYWHERE, and if I were the woman's groups of this area, I would not only say something, but insist that Ms. Flemke get her job back, and/or Fred Harran be FIRED!!!!!

Corrupt Heckler At It Again!

Don't know about anyone else, but this smacks of favoritism here.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Genuine Change or Evil Rising??

This was a very interesting article I read on what has occurred recently. As Christians, we need to keep Israel in prayer, and support them, as they are God's chosen people.

Friday, February 11, 2011

A Night at PARX

Here's Something I Received from An Anonymous Resident via, My Source.

A friend went to the Parx Casino a couple of weeks ago.  He was with his wife and friends.
Seated at the bar was a short stocky white male with dark hair.  It was obvious to my friend and the group he was with that the guy was drunk.
When another patron at the bar told the guy that he thought he had drank too much, the drunk told him to leave him alone, he was a cop.
My friend’s wife started laughing when they got to this part of the story.  My friend told me that the drunk got up, removed his penis from his pants and urinated at the bar in front of everyone!
A short time later the State Police came into the bar and arrested the gentlemen.
My friend overheard a group at the bar saying the drunk was a detective with the local police force.
A short time later, my friend stated that a long time police officer from the Bensalem police he knew as Blazack came into the casino and walked the drunk out. The drunk guy was giving Blazack a hard time.   My friend heard Blazack call the drunk Lenny*, and told him to keep his mouth shut.
My friend checked with a few of his cop friends.  The drunk was a Bensalem detective.

I have to say, if it wasn't so pitiful, I would be LMAO big time, but it sounds like to me, this person needs an intervention.

*Names have been changed to protect the "DEE DEE DEE's".

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Honorable First Responder of the Month

To all those who falsely think I "hate" first responders, this will prove you WRONG!!
This is the first of hopefully many installments of what I call "Honorable First Responder of the Month". I hope you all enjoy.

This What Happens.........

When you spend money you DON'T have!! Above all, its what occurs, when you buy and spend your way to another election!!

The end result, is sloppy work, and HUGE debt!! At this rate "your majesty" you'll need more than a groundhog, to get you out of the legal mess you'll be in.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Separation of Church and State.. I DON'T THINK SO!!!

Anti-religion suit is based on a myth…

What ‘separation of church and state’?

February 02, 2011 9:32 AM
Article by Wayne Laugesen, Colorado Springs Gazette
The man who invented the phrase “separation of church and state” must be turning in his grave.
The Military Religious Freedom Foundation, a group that opposes the free exercise of religion in government, is suing U.S. Air Force Academy .. Superintendent Lt. Gen. Michael Gould in an effort to forcefully censor an evangelical Christian from speaking at the National Prayer Luncheon — a private event scheduled for Feb. 10 at the academy. To establish grounds, the organization has included faculty members.
David Lane, the go-to Colorado lawyer for trying a case in the media, had this to say about the upcoming speech by decorated war veteran and retired Marine Clebe McClary:
“It’s a clear violation of the First Amendment of the Constitution, which mandates the separation of church and state,” Lane said. That’s a whopper of legal fiction, and Lane must know better. The First Amendment does not mandate “the separation of church and state,” which is never mentioned in the Constitution. The First Amendment restricts government from making laws that respect the establishment of religion or interfere with the free exercise of it.
The mythical belief that the First Amendment sanitizes government of religion results from abuse of a political letter written by President Thomas Jefferson to a committee of the Danbury Baptist Association on Jan. 1, 1802, thanking members for their support. In the letter, Jefferson explains that he is praying for the committee, asking for its members “the protection & blessing of the common father and creator of man…” It quotes the First Amendment and then says “thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.” Baptists had pushed for the First Amendment in order to strengthen their freedom from the Church of England and any future efforts by government to establish one religion and forbid the free exercise of others. The “wall” analogy was not written into law and the eloquent letter makes clear that Jefferson wanted a barrier to laws that would establish religion. Was his intent also to protect government from the words of religious speakers, the likes of McClary? It could not possibly have been his intent, unless he ranks among the most hypocritical and dishonest figures in American history — which he does not.
Two days after Jefferson wrote the Danbury letter, he attended a Baptist worship service in the House of Representatives. The lectern of the Speaker of the House was used as a preacher’s pulpit on Sundays. Jefferson continued attending the service routinely, occupying a reserved seat. Throughout his presidency, Jefferson hosted church services in buildings of the executive branch of government. The Supreme Court also housed worship services. The federal Treasury Building hosted a four-hour Presbyterian communion service. Tolerance was held in high regard; establishment laws were forbidden, kept outside of the metaphorical wall.
President James Madison, Jefferson’s successor, also attended regular church services in the House of Representatives. Madison knew exactly the meaning of the First Amendment, as he’s the man who pushed for it at the urging of mostly-Baptist constituents who wanted freedom of religion secured, and freedom from only those laws that would enact a federal religion. Madison introduced the First Amendment and the rest of the Bill of Rights to the First United States Congress in 1789. Madison and Jefferson were relentless in guarding against establishment, by law, of a national religion. They obviously had no intention of preventing the free exercise of religion in government institutions, as they participated in it. Most of the services were led by Christian clergy of various denominations. The Library of Congress has analyzed and preserved dozens of exhibits, including the Danbury letter and a draft of it, that leave no room to believe our country’s founders wanted government institutions cleansed of religion.
The Air Force Academy has a legal obligation to protect the free exercise of religion for students, faculty, employees and other Americans. It cannot do that while forbidding the free exercise of religion. It cannot, by law, rescind a speaking invitation for the purpose of silencing a man with a religious message some consider grotesque.
The First Amendment was written and ratified to protect religious speech, in government and in private. Part of protecting free exercise involves forbidding government from enacting laws that favor one religion over others. Inviting a controversial religious man to speak is a far cry from passing a law, and those who conflate ideas with laws are either confused or dishonest. Asking the courts to censor a speech makes mockery of the First Amendment, which protects free speech and the free exercise of religion. Mr. Lane, “separation of church and state” is not in the First Amendment. The federal judiciary should dispense with your client’s case.
Reference full article and comments here:

Things the King (Joey D) and his court (The Republican Majority Council) have done that make you go hm-m-m-m-m

The purchase of land on Haunted lane at State road for open space.  The interesting part of this purchase is that it is wet land that could not have been developed anyway.  To make it more interesting, the land was owned by the in laws of a former Republican Councilman. 
The use of $5,000,000.00 for the improvement of the intersection of Galloway road and Mechanicsville road (state roadways) to make the Mayors ride home from work easier.  Out of all the state road intersections in the township that need improvement, this is the one that we spent township dollars on?  Is the King truly trying to tell us, this was the intersection that needed the immediate attention of the township?  There was no other state road intersection that needed more attention from the township?
Thousands of dollars of fines issued by the Fire Marshals office for code violations that were withdrawn.  A member of the Fire Marshall’s staff told a member of the community that the order came from “down the hall” referring to the Mayor’s office instructions to withdraw the citations.
Brady’s tavern being shut down by License and Inspection as well as the Fire Marshals office for code violations.  The shut down was lifted within several hours after an order was sent from “down the hall” to the Fire Marshal and the head of License and Inspection to re-open the bar!
$771,000.00 to former Township Administrator McCauley after being involved in his third hit and run in a township vehicle.  The last hit and run was involved Mr. McCauley being drunk (arrested and convicted) instead of being immediately suspended for being involved in another hit and run in a township vehicle, he was allowed to resign and received his severance package!
The promotion of Fred Harran to Director of Public Safety after he lied under oath regarding racial discrimination within the Bensalem Police Department.
The refusal of the King to let Councilman Allen see the investigation of racial discrimination within the Bensalem Police Department before Fred Harran was appointed director of public safety.
The use of highway funds designated for Bristol pike being used to pave and add lights to a parking lot behind a current councilman’s store front on Bristol pike.  This is the only place off of Bristol pike where the grant funds were used to repave property not on Bristol pike.
The purchase of yet another vehicle for the King.  He did say he doesn’t charge us for flights he takes.  I didn’t know there was a lot of flying associated with the Mayor of Bensalem’s duties.  Does anyone know how much money we have spent since the King became Mayor for his vehicles?

14 years of having Mr. McCauley and Mr. Cmorey in the Mayors staff.  Since Mr. McCauley got his pay off, they have not needed to replace him.  Why was there a need to have these two positions at $100,000.00 plus for all those years, now we only need one person? What did we spend the million dollars for if we only needed one of them?
Two mysterious suicides of women dating police officers within the Bensalem Police department.  Despite the requests of the family members, no outside of Bucks county investigations were ever done.  The last incident had witnesses that were never interviewed by anyone, even though the information from the officer dating the victim conflicted with the information these witnesses possessed.
The threats made by a member of the police supervisors against a current councilman that he would expose criminal activity involving this councilman if he didn’t vote to retain the police supervisor.  The King knew about it and did nothing. Why?
Victims of golf balls flying onto Hulmeville road and hitting passing vehicles being told by the township, that the township was not responsible for the golf balls!  The victims had to find out which golfer hit the balls that struck their vehicles.
I guess we should all be happy they don’t have a shooting range there!
Does anyone know what the King and his Court paid for the golf course?  Is it still a big secret?  Why?
If you are interested, there is a lot more where this came from.

Friday, February 4, 2011

You Wanted Proof....

So Here it Is.
I have often been asked to prove some of the things I say by BOTH sides, especially when I tell my fellow Dems that there are people and organizations who are trying to criminalize Christianity. Well, is is just one of many proofs:


This is further proof that PP is uncaring towards women!!

This is further proof that PP is not only in bed with liberals like Soros, but that they really don't care about women! If they did, they would be speaking out against the sex trafficking of young women!!!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Planned Parenthood in the Hot Seat. AGAIN!!

It never ceases to amaze me, how a group like Planned Parenthood, keeps getting exposed for the true evil they are. If any of you can still say that PP still upholds a woman's "reproductive rights" after seeing this, you truly are blind.