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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

William "DUI" McCauley is at it AGAIN!!

Now he's really stepped over the line!! Of course when he was the township manager for Bensalem, he not only crossed the line, he often threw up and had a hangover on it!

Can We Say Busted!!

Examples of Haman's Abuse of Power

We the concerned citizens of Bensalem township, wish to bring to your attention, the following VALID accusations of the abuse of power committed by Fred Harran:
    The Director of Public Safety REFUSES to give the Bensalem Fire Service a copy of the SAFER grant. The fire service was able to obtain a copy of the Bensalem SAFER grant application. When confronted with the false or misleading information contained in the grant application, the fire marshal's office and the Public Safety Director refused to address the issue. The Director of Public Safety sat on the grant for over a year. NEVER released any information to the fire service or how the paid fire service was to interact with the volunteer fire service. The Director of Public Safety refuses to release the completed survey of the fire service to the fire service. First we were told that he could not meet with the fire service because he was reviewing the survey with lawyers (that does not make sense). Months later, we were told he was still reading it! The Director of Public Safety refuses to provide the volunteer fire service with the Standard Operating Procedures/Guidelines for the paid firefighters. This is against National Fire Protection Association standards. The Director of Public Safety created Battalion 222 but does not explain the purpose of the appointment to the fire service. The Director of Public Safety refuses to release fire inspection reports to the fire service. The fire service uses these reports to keep their personnel informed of hazards and improve fire department responses. The Director of Public Safety issued a "gag order" (which he has no authority to do) to the fire service regarding an incident involving the Union Fire Company. The Director of Public Safety threatened to arrest the Chief of the Union Fire Company for asking questions about the investigation. Despite numerous complaints regarding fire inspectors and now the paid fire service spending hours parked at fire stations in the township and not inspecting businesses, there has been no action or response to the complaints. In fairness, several of the current township councilmen said they were aware of the problem when advised of the situation. Still, there is no action. Despite the increase in personnel, the fire marshal's office continues failing to inspect all the businesses in Bensalem.
    The volunteer fire service complained to the Mayor regarding the reduction in funding for the volunteer fire service. This reduction is occurring even though the Director of Public Safety stated that the call volume continues to increase. This increase is NOT limited to the times the paid fire service is on duty. The Public Safety Director violated township ordinances when he formed the paid fire company. The Public Safety Director has not provided a funding program for the paid fire service. This in spite of being asked by the volunteer fire service and the Bensalem Council. The Director of Public Safety continues to interfere with the volunteer fire services attempts to provide additional and increased service to the community without requiring additional tax support. The Director of Public Safety interfered with a grant application for the Union Fire Company on numerous occasions AFTER the grant was awarded. Despite being continuously updated on the three year progress of the marine unit project. A member of the fire marshal's office attempting to interfere with the marine unit project even though this person has little to no marine operations training. The Director of Public Safety supporting an increase in taxes to support CURRENT levels of emergency medical service. When the request for increased funding was announced at a council meeting, the funding was intended to keep current levels of service. These current levels of service required outside emergency medical services to respond into Bensalem to handle the calls not capable of being handled by the current staffing levels within Bensalem. The Director of Public Safety interfered with and attempted to sabotage an additional advanced life support ambulance in Bensalem at NO COST to the tax payer. The sudden laying off of the township fire marshal without any explanation to the fire service. The fire service was told that the fire marshal's office was now going in a different direction. We are still waiting for someone to tell us what direction it is going in. Numerous complaints about the location and capabilities of the $5,000,000.00 training center built between Street Rd, Rt 1 and the PA turnpike. None of these complaints were answered prior to the construction. Now the problems are permanent and not correctable.

There are a great deal many other issues, including his failure to control the illegal actions of his narcotics squad in regards to a citizen's complaint
of the police not doing their jobs and/or being there when called.

Anyone Listening????

Haman's $8 Million Dollar Publicity Stunt

The ONLY thing good about this is that for once it was a crime ACTUALLY inside Bensalem, and not brought in here!!

Monday, January 30, 2012


I for one think its about time this gets exposed. The moment I saw this on TV and in print, I got a sick feeling in my stomach. The very fact that Tony Bellfield sponsored this, really gives me pause!!

This is Why I Left the GOP...

and until they straighten up, I will continue being a.......

Morning Team,

Would like to update you on several items, but first would like to focus on what's happened over the weekend, and also what needs to happen moving forward.

As you likely already know, the RSC, thanks to some very aggressive arm-twisting on the part of Gov. Corbett, has voted to endorse Steve Welch. No surprise there, though it was highly encouraging to see the fight that was evident among many of the RSC members. There is no question this "movement" for freedom is a credit to Sam Rohrer. When Sam ran for Governor in 2010, in spite of entrenched politics, he breathed courage into untold others. He's the reason people like Tom Smith and many others have the confidence to run for U.S. Senate, and why 140 RSC members voted for an open primary on Saturday. It's reflective of remarkable change and momentum, and as we stood in that room and watched the GOP leadership attempt to shut down the uprising, we were both amazed and invigorated. There is a renewed sense of outrage against the theft of our process. Mr. Gleason and company have embarrassed and weakened our party with this endorsement, and as Katy Abram once said, they have awakened the "sleeping giant." They have strengthened the grassroots. The ground is swollen with indignation, and is ready to roll--now more determined than ever. We're standing and although Mr. Gleason ordered many of our friends to sit down on Saturday, telling them they were "out of order" the fact is, we don't take our orders from Robert Gleason. We're on our feet.

We need to win, and we absolutely can. In order to do so we need to set our strategy, stick together, stay focused, and go to WORK. We won't have millions of dollars. We won't have many of the resources that will now be available to Steve Welch. As many of you noticed, for example, voter vault is no longer available to us. Yes, our own party has cut us off--and out. What we must have in order to win are two things: unwavering focus and determination.

Our campaign will not look like Tom Smith's. We don't have the money. Ours will not look like Steve Welch's. We don't have the resources. But let's not fool ourselves. If we really want to win, we must reaffirm what we knew very well going in: this won't be easy. But with so much at stake, failure is not an option. Our choice is simple: make history, or bow down to it.

Friends, let me be very frank. There will be times when this campaign may be unable to provide tangible resources to you. But I can promise you we will work until daylight is gone and the sun is coming up again trying to help circumvent all that which works to keep us down. It will be necessary for you, the leaders of this movement, to remain resolute in your commitment despite frustrations, and to keep our friends on the ground determined, enthusiastic and GROWING.

When you believe, you give others permission to believe as well. You must make your volunteers understand that we are engaged in the battle of our lives, and that no piece of literature is going to win or lose that battle for us. Money and resources may make it easier, but It is only through our grit and determination that victory will be achieved. That is our test. This win is for Sam, for you, for me, my children, your children, and theirs. We must change Pennsylvania, the party, and ourselves if necessary. This is so much more than a campaign, and you are so much more than a campaign volunteer. YOU are the change maker. The change we need in Washington, begins right here, in Pennsylvania, with you and me. What happens in Washington will come down to whether or not Pennsylvania stands. When we win, we invite other states, other individuals like Sam, and like ourselves, to stand up and believe they can win too.

We must be set squarely, united firmly, and ready to forfeit absolutely nothing--no matter how difficult or weary is our battle. When you are without campaign resources, you are never without the truth and you can scream it from your rooftop. Over the weekend someone said, "the only way to know where a man will go, is to look at where he has been." You know the man Sam has been, where he has stood and therefore where he will stand. We need to share that reality everywhere we can--to anyone who will listen. The truth is, everyone wants someone to go to Washington who won't cave in--one who will stand, predictably, on principle. Unlike the others, we have so much more than a mere campaign promise from Sam Rohrer. We have 18 years of proof that he is THE Constitutional Conservative that we desperately need in D.C. Sam is the change we need. As Sam has said, "Where I have stood, I will stand." That is our strength. That is our message. Let's be armed with it.

Moving onward:

Our immediate focus is petitions and we need to make an unmistakable statement. Let's hit the ground and make this a remarkable success. Let's get far more signatures than the endorsed, or the rich. Let's demonstrate where the people stand. County chairs, if you have not already, I need to know how many signatures you have so far in your county. I don't care if it's one or one thousand. Let me know so I can add them to the total. Please stay glued to the plan I distributed and let's make the absolute most of this stroke.


on Friday, palm cards were mailed to RDs (and county chairs in the two regions that do not have an RD). Expect them on Monday. Please work together to distribute these materials. And please note that it is important to place these pieces of literature with care. Make them count. Don't leave them in doors--put them in hands. We cannot print them as fast as you get rid of them. Use them to accompany conversation. Please be wise--make the most of what we have.

Remember, the literature will make you feel better armed, but the reality is that YOU convert the heart--not the paper. You win the voter because you believe enough to be knocking on doors, attending events. speaking on Sam's behalf. You win the voter because you send the message that they're important to the Rohrer campaign by virtue of the time and attention you give to them--not the literature.

I'm happy and proud to welcome Dave Show, founder of the Fayette County Patriots, and RSC Co-chair of Fayette County. As many of you know in Western Pa, Dave is a highly respected, highly principled mover and shaker within the Republican party. He will be a fantastic asset to the team. Welcome aboard Dave and thank you for your commitment!!!!


I've attached an updated tracker that lists name and email addresses of statewide leadership. Would you please take a look and advise if there are changes necessary? Want to be sure all is accurate. Speaking of which, we are rich in ways the others are not. No one has a team like we do. We have a team of leaders like no other, and we have nearly 600 volunteers on the ground. We have an army--and we are just getting started. Let's multiply.


Please continue to work on finding appropriate venues for our townhalls and morning coffees with Sam, and forward that information to myself and Carrie as soon as possible. We anticipate that out opponents will be busy investing in methods of destroying one another. While they're doing that, we'll be on the ground doing what Santorum did in New Hampshire: winning.

As you all know there is not a heart unchanged that has heard Sam's message, because what comes from the heart is heard and felt by the heart. We need to put Sam in front of as many hearts as possible. We'll rely on you to help us make sure we are driving folks to these events. Time will run out on us and until it does we must pull out all the stops, call in all favors--whatever it takes. Let's make it happen.


If you weren't lucky enough to get into voter vault before the party locked us out on Saturday, I may be able to provide county super voter data from 2010. I don't have all 67 counties but I have many. Please ask. In the meantime, we'll be working to come up with an alternative means of gathering that data. We'll be grateful for your trust and patience as we work to provide that solution. Where there's a will there's a way. We have the will. We're a team, and when we're done with this, they'll talk about Pennsylvania has done across the nation. Thank you so much for your courage and conviction. Let's go to work.

Yours in Liberty,


Vonne AndringDirector of Field Operations 
Rohrer for U.S. Senate

This was NOT the GOP I was brought up with!! This GOP, is abusive, corrupt, conceited, power hungry, and self serving!!

Sound Familiar??

For arraref, thehulltruthbetold, ShawnMichaels, and HonkyTonkMan

I have to say that you four really crack me up!! You honestly think that your stupid, unintelligent, and immature responses are going to keep me from telling the truth? GET A CLUE!! The thing that really has me laughing, is the false accusation of a "one sided blog". Guys, get with reality, I have three, and the one on Facebook has people who debate me! You four evidently, have no courage to do so on any of my blogs, because if you even attempted to,


1. I would MORE than welcome it, and
2. You might just learn something!!

You also apparently think I spread "Lies and hate", but nothing could be further from the truth. You even go so far, as to say I hate first responders, which is an absolute LIE! Let's get something straight here. I am the daughter of a first responder. My father was a firefighter/paramedic before finding a more stable job. I also have SEVERAL family members who are either cops, firefighters, or paramedics, so get that falsehood out of your heads!
Evidently you guys also think I make everything up, but you're wrong. Go on the B.C.C.T.'s archive site, and you will see the articles I mentioned on the EMS are more are FACTUAL, just look them up!! The township's budget has had TWO deficits in the past two years, its been announced in the paper, and yet you think I am making it up?? Why don't you try asking for a copy of of both the 2011 and this years?? Look them over carefully, and you will see I am right. By the way, I NEVER said the town was bankrupt, I stated that IF they keep up the overspending, this town WILL wind up like Harrisburg........ BANKRUPT!! LEARN TO READ!!
Also why don't you put a request in writing for the following, and see if Fred will grant it:
1. Copy of the SAFER Grant
2. Copy of the township's Emergency Management Plan
I'll tell you right now, he won't grant it. Know why?? He's hiding the FACT that he falsified the SAFER Grant, and he also wants no one to know that the town has no ORIGINAL Emergency Management Plan!!

If you want evidence on the SAFER Grant, ask not only for the copy of the grant, but also ask for the fire calls made from 2005 to 2010. See if he lets you have them. If not, I will be happy to do so

Something else to think about you four, are you aware that Freddie went and claimed a $750,000 "Marine Boat Grant", in the 2011 budget, that wasn't his to claim to begin with?? Don't believe me?? Here's proof:
Township Budget for 2011 Page 46:

88.50.351.990 Grants-Federal- US Coast Guard Port Se
- 750,000

My advice to you four, is instead of the immaturity, try debating me in a civil and honest fashion. ALL my blogs are open to anyone who has a either a MySpace, Facebook, and/or blogger/blogspot page. All you have to do is state your mind. After all, at least one of you goes on here, so why not debate me on here!! Its open to the public!!

Or, Are You Afraid of the Truth???

Sunday, January 29, 2012


This is something VERY scary!!

Another Entity That Hates Women

Planned Parenthood doesn't truly care about women.

Trust me, like Haman and the BTPD, they disrespect women, and their actions show it!!

Episode Thirteen of "Everybody Hates Freddie": Freddie Lies to the News AGAIN!!

Apparently, Haman thinks that going to FOX29 News, and falsely accusing Union of wasting tax $$$, will get him that $750,000 boat. Funny, how when Claudia Gomez dug a little deeper, she discovered that the "hole" was practically non-existent, that the boat IS badly and legitimately needed. She also learned about the FBI probe on the boat, and how the investigation revealed NOTHING, and that this is the result of a longstanding grudge between him and Union.
Looks like you've been caught lying AGAIN, Haman!!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Episode Twelve of "Everybody Hates Freddie": The Bensalem Dictator is Caught in his Lies!!

A rather large group of VERY concerned firefighters gave this to me, just this AM, with my morning coffee. It had some rather interesting things in it, that I couldn't resist sharing with all my readers.

They are at it again! The Director of Public Safety and the Mayor told the Volunteer Fire Service to come to the Township Council and request a tax increase!

To make this clear for everyone. The volunteer fire service has (with the exception of one company) properly managed their tax funding. They took into consideration the state of the economy and budgeted themselves accordingly.

The one volunteer fire company mentioned above takes its fiscal direction from the Township and repeatedly spends itself into a hole. In fact, when they damaged one of their fire trucks on an out of town call, the Township quietly picked up the repair bill. Imagine if one of the other five volunteer fire companies tried a stunt like that!

Now, because the Township falsified information on the SAFER grant, which STILL has not been released to the fire service or the public they cannot fund the fully paid, part time fire department they created in violation of Township Ordinance 6. They want the volunteer fire service to ask for a tax increase! They made the mess and once again want the volunteer fire service to clean it up. Was the Director of Public Safety or the Fire Marshal's Office held responsible for this mess? No! Now, they want the volunteer fire service to go before the council and asked for a tax increase! God forbid they admit their mistake and asked for the tax increase themselves!

How about someone in the Township Government actually start doing their job. Maybe the Director of Public Safety is too busy driving his family around in his brand new black with tinted windows Ford Expedition! Of course, no one bothers to look into whether he actually needs a large vehicle like that. How about looking inside to see what he actually carries in that thing to justify it?

The Volunteer Fire Service has set the standard in Bensalem Township for fiscal responsibility.

Did anyone else notice that the rescue squad just received $89,000.00 from Parx Casino to pay for a third ambulance (power shift)? What happened to the third ambulance we were continuing to pay for with the tax increase the township requested? Apparently, the rescue squad is using the same fiscal responsibility formula that the Director of Public Safety and the one fire company that receives special assistance from the Township and Parx Casino (yea, we found out about the electronic sign AND the insurance money you received to replace it) uses!

The five volunteer fire companies that do not have a majority of their leadership employed by the township are aware of your harassing and threatening tactics Director. You have done one thing for the volunteer fire service in Bensalem, you have united them about their feelings regarding your leadership! All you had to do was be at a recent fire house banquet and listen to the conversations.

We as volunteer firefighters in Bensalem were wondering when you are going to release the "Fire Service Assessment for Bensalem Township" that was paid for with tax dollars to the public? Talk about creative writing! It makes your SAFER Grant application look credible!

More information coming to a public Council Meeting soon! We will not be speaking to the Solicitor, we will be speaking to the Council members! IF we were you, we would do some research about the conduct of the Director of Public Safety and the Fire Marshal's office.

If I were the one reading this, I'd send this to as many is my neighbors as possible!! I would also go to the next council meeting, and DEMAND ANSWERS, and an IMPARTIAL OUTSIDE INVESTIGATION of Fred Harran!!

Friday, January 27, 2012

More Corruption in Bucks!!
Let's see if this guy gets the book thrown at him, or a slap on the wrist

Something To Make Haman and Nabal's Weekend

Hey Haman!!
I found out ALL about how you got Judge Falcone to sign off on that travesty of an arrest warrant for Dave Jerri, Jr. I also the lies you told to his employer, and had him go along with to deny workman's comp. to both Dave, Jr. & "Bubba". I wonder how the press will feel about this and your narcotics squad's illicit behavior???

More Examples of Bensalem's Overspending

Dave Fiedler said it best in his response to the article.
"Each election cycle school board candidates door-knock and speak of a need to hold the line on property taxes, but then they get into office and drink the Kool-Aid. Other districts take tough stands and have an occasional year with no tax increase. Not Bensalem. Last year according to the Courier Times, if I'm remembering correctly, Bensalem was the only Lower Bucks district to increase spending over the prior year. After they were included in a handful of districts to go after Act 1 exceptions is anyone really surprised about the tax increase? Remember, the $89 is average. That means anyone in a house built after the mid-seventies will be paying more--in some cases a lot more!"

Its also another example of this town's hypocrisy, and how we are ever closer to becoming like Harrisburg:

Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Glimpse of Things to Come.............

This guy may have gotten ONLY 15 days in the Bucks County prison, but it's a start. I have said this before, and I'll say it again: Haman, you have not only abused your position and authority, but you have desecrated the very gift that God gave you!! By continuing this evil pattern of abusing your badge, and your position, you are not only in serious jeopardy of losing your job, but also incurring the wrath of God. Like this guy, I see a STRONG chance of you being broke, unemployed, and IN JAIL very soon!!

Hey Haman!!

I KNOW that you tried to intimidate Steve Carmichael into removing Dave Jerri Sr. as Chief of Union Fire Co. Think I'm making this up??? Does, "Dave Jerri Sr has to go as Chief, he is unstable!"ring a bell? For once Carmichael stood up to you, as did many others. I know you think you're above the law, but I have some bad news for you.....



Didn't we as a township vote to ALLOW our property taxes to be raised $22 per household in 2010?? I thought the tax increase was for the third ambulance.

Guess they just got caught lying again!

Goo News on Dave Jerri, Jr.

I spoke with someone familiar with Chief Jerri's family, and his son is out of jail! PRAISE GOD!! The Judge is looking into the case, and he is suppose to read his file within the next week. I also learned that a certain "someone" wants this case to be big because there was a guy that they brought in to the court previously, that was worse off than Dave Jr and his bail was only set at $5,000. where Dave Jr's bail was set at $50,000. Can we say WTF!!! We can all guess who is behind this.

Can't We Haman!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Another Law the BTPD Will Ignore

Let's see the BTPD actually follow through with this. Since they fired (Yes FIRED!!) Rosalee Flemke its only further proof of how they could care less about women. if I were those in this town, ask Fred Harran why he fired her!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


1. Where will the $$ come from if these grants don't come through??
2. Where was Henry VIII in all of this??

3.Are they going to pay us back after they rent those apartments and hotel rooms that are a big part of that development plan?


C'mon Haman!! We all know that you're really saying this for two reasons:
1. Because you can't get your way, plus you'll no longer be allowed to abuse your badge, and
2. You want another 15 minutes of fame.



I think in light of the despicable and cowardly actions of not only Haman, but also the owner of Knights Collision Center, I think its time we boycott this place and avoid doing ANY business with it!!

Knights Collission Center

2323 Byberry Rd

Bensalem, PA 19020-2938

(215) 244-1859
 I also think it would be a good idea, to contact Judge Brown's office in Bensalem, and let him know that this is nothing more than Harran's abuse of power, drop the charges against this young man and to let him go free!!!
Here is his information below:

Brown, Leonard J.
Fax: 215-638-0135
2404 Byberry Road
Bensalem, PA 19020


Breaking News: The Bensalem Dictator is At It AGAIN!!!

I just learned the following last night, and after gleaning all the details, am now able to post. Haman is bullying Union Fire Co. AGAIN, and this time he has gone not only over the line, but he threw up on it!! Apparently Haman had Chief Dave Jerri Sr.'s son arrested on something very petty and bogus. He colluded with the owner of Knights Collision where the son worked, took advantage of the son's impetuousness, and had him arrested at the fire house last night!! The Charge Burglary and Criminal Mischief. According to the facts I got, this young man committed NO SUCH THING, because he still had authorized access to the premises. What's worse is that the owner of this company IS IN ON THIS!! Why was this done you ask?? This is being done, because Chief Jerri refused to give Haman info he's NOT entitled to, and for being exposed on posting $750,000 to last year's budget that was NOT his, but the fire company's. Haman has also been exposed on the FALSE ACCUSATIONS he made against Union last May, and STILL refuses to admit to this!! So what does the little bully, Haman do??Ladies and gentlemen, he abuses his badge, VIOLATES the rights of another person, and gets a business owner to go in on this evil with him!! When cornered in his own sin, he lashes out! Haman, you have not only abused your position and authority, but you have desecrated the very gift that God gave you!! By continuing this evil pattern of abusing your badge, and your position, you are not only in serious jeopardy of losing your job, but also incurring the wrath of God.
In Short.........


Monday, January 23, 2012

Bucks DA Needs to Get Head Out of the Sand Concerning BTPD and Route 1 Hotels

"This is the type of case that the feds take very seriously. I think the Bensalem police department's excellent work in this case brought the seriousness of what the defendant did to the feds' attention and we are pleased that the defendant is now facing a potential life sentence," said deputy district attorney Jennifer Schorn.

Ms. Schorn, you really need to open your eyes on this one. This area is ripe with this garbage, but the BTPD do absolutely NOTHING about this, because "down the hall" intervenes oh behalf of the owner of this area. I think you should be asking why this is being allowed to go on, Ms. Schorn.

Hey Haman and Nabal!!

Don't worry, I haven't forgotten you, nor will I ever stop telling the truth. Guess DA Heckler isn't going to cover your behind in regards to Finkelstein, huh? You and your Gestapo Narcotics Squad, have been wreaking havoc on people's civil rights, and that is going to get you in even more trouble. I see a STRONG chance of you being broke, unemployed, and IN JAIL very soon!!

The Exploitation of Bensalem Businesses

Several years ago, the Bensalem Chamber of Commerce dissolved itself and many members switched to the Lower Bucks Chamber.  It has been said that one reason for the dissolution was business owners and managers in Bensalem getting sick and tired of the mayor’s repeated demands for charitable and political donations and participation in his pet projects.  Many businesses and property owners along Route 13 chose not to participate in the Route 13 beautification project which was one of the mayor’s pet projects.  Property owner Ed Kisselback participated, however, and got a new paved parking lot behind his strip mall for free.  The mayor has used township Republican TV channel 22 repeatedly to berate Bensalem business owners for not signing up for the Kiwanis flag display program, another one of the mayor’s pet projects.
Now, in present day.. a new business organization has been started in Bensalem, and guess who is involved??? His Royal Highness Henry VIII!!

How is he going to get anyone to be a part of this????

Saturday, January 21, 2012


This was given to me by a concerned citizen of this town, who has firefighters/first responders for neighbors, and are fed up with the lies they are being told. Don't know who the person was, but they handed this to me at church this AM, and after reading this I had to share.

We as a group of Bensalem firefighters opened our political mail today and read the letter from our Mayor. He wants us to support his "team". In the letter, he claims many wonderful things that he and his "team" have done. As members of the fire service in Bensalem and supposed to be members of his "team" we would like to address a few of these wonderful things and add a few of our own.

1. The state of the art fire training center. It is anything but a state of the art training center. If the members of the Mayor's "team" continue to tell him it is state of the art, they are making him look like a fool. The new training center built for the fire service in Bristol Township IS a state of the art training center. This facility was built at no cost to Bensalem. Yet, the members of the Mayor's "team" insisted that they had to have their own. At a cost of over $5,000,000.00 and very limited capabilities, it was only built to satisfy a member of the Mayor's "team" that not part of the County fire training center committee. Anyone that wants to know the truth just needs to go to both facilities and compare. We would love for someone on the Mayor's "team" to explain this mess. No classroom, no bathrooms and no fire suppression training capabilities! Is anyone on the "team" going to be held accountable for this mess? We were told by representatives of the township Fire Marshal's office NOT TO ATTEND the dedication of the new fire training center in Bristol! Why? If we don't see it, you won't have to answer any questions! Well, we are going. Then, we will be coming to the "team" to get answers.

2. Taxes. School taxes continue to rise. Water and sewer (which use to be included in our tax bill) continue to rise. When we spoke with employees of Aqua Water they explained that our water system was not properly maintained resulting in extensive repair and improvement work. Didn't members of the "team" run our water and sewer department?

3. Reduced funding for the fire service. With no plan, no explanation and repeated violations of township ordinances, a paid fire service was established. The "team" never told the fire service that money was going to be taken from the volunteer fire companies that are STILL required to provide the same services that they did prior to the paid fire department (an independent fire department not part of the volunteer system in the township) coming into existence. The councilmen that are part of the "team" stated that they did not know they township would reduce the funding for the volunteer fire companies. They also did not know that the township would disregard township ordinances to create the paid fire service. The councilmen who are part of the "team" have no idea how they are going to pay for the new fire company! Don't believe us? Ask them for the funding plan for the paid fire company when and if they have another council meeting!

4. The township is facing yet another deficit this year. The members of the "team" told the public that they would tell the public about the deficit when they felt the public needed to know!

5. We have read and re-read the "Fire Service Assessment for Bensalem Township". Are you kidding? They paid for this?! It is obvious, the only thing the survey reports is that they wanted to take away our funding! It also stated that there was no flooding problem along State Road! Maybe there is another Bensalem that they did the study for.

(See Bucks County Courier times article of 12/19/2010).

We have been lied to by members of the "team". Several of the councilmen that are running for election have told the fire service in Bensalem repeatedly that they are not told about things to do with the fire service, budget and actions taken by the Director of Public Safety! Well, what do they tell you and more importantly, why haven't you been asking? Mr. Mayor, we are aware that you spoke to county officials about the training center built in Bristol BEFORE you built the one on Street Road. Your "team" lied to you and cost the township and the fire service millions of dollars. Dollars that could have been spent supporting the volunteer and paid fire service in Bensalem!

We have learned that ALL the allegations made against the Union Fire Company and its former Chief is false! This was admitted to by the Director of Public Safety! The Director of Public Safety told members of the community that he was willing to write a letter clearing the Union Fire Company and its former Chief if it didn't make the township look bad. There has been no letter as of yet. I guess there is no way of clearing the fire company and its former chief without the township looking bad! Will the councilmen who are running for office publicly state that they will look into this matter? Has anyone from the council looked at the SAFER grant? There are a lot of questions. I guess the "team" is handling this the way they handle everything else…THEY DON'T TELL US ANYTHING! Councilmen, who are "they" that keep vital information from you?

There is much more to follow…



Friday, January 20, 2012

Check This Out!!

Bensalem's "Finest" on the job. On What Job, I have NOOOOO Idea.

These pics were given to me by a concerned citizen, who found these officers at each place (WAWA and Michael's Restaurant) for OVER and hour and a half!!


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Even More Hypocrisy in Action

People all this is, is hypocrisy pure and simple! The mayor and the Bensalem Police could care less about the minorities that live here. Police can say things like "I know its a part of 'your culture', to come out and see what the cops are doing." (Don't deny it Haman, its on video!!) Also explain how its OK move a polling place, because democrats vote there.

1ST Amendment STILL Stands!!

Hello Haman and Nabal!! I recently learned how you've been harassing other firefighters, and threatening them for practicing their 1st Amendment rights. You even sent out your "Gestapo" Narcotics Squad with an invalidly filled out search warrant, to intimidate them!!! Way to honor the 1ST amendment!!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Misadventures of 222

Hi Haman!! I just learned something very interesting that I had to let everyone of my fans know. Hopefully, you all remember the fire that occurred at PARX last week. Well, I just learned that one of the members of 222 refused to climb a ladder to take tools to the roof of the casino during an electrical fire there. This was witnessed by several volunteer firefighters! I also learned that this person was originally hired as a fire inspector because he couldn't pass the firefighter exam. Then they found out he didn't have the qualifications to be an inspector so they sent him to school. Despite this obvious public safety violation, No action taken by the Battalion Chief AT ALL! All I can say is thank God it wasn't a Union Fire Company member. Harran would have had the fire house shut down…. again!
What Hypocrisy!!!


There are actually two messages here. The 1st points out the incredible benefits of
Universal Healthcare and is very interesting; the 2nd is absolutely astounding - and
explains a lot.

1.A recent "Investor's Business Daily" article provided very interesting statistics
from a survey by the United Nations International Health Organization.

Percentage of men and women who survived a cancer five years after diagnosis:
U.S. 65%
England 46%
Canada 42%

Percentage of patients diagnosed with diabetes who received treatment
within six months: 
U.S. 93%  
England 15%
Canada 43%

Percentage of seniors needing hip replacement who received it within six months:
U.S. 90%  
England 15%
Canada 43%

Percentage referred to a medical specialist who see one within one month:
U.S. 77%  
England 40%
Canada 43%

Number of MRI scanners (a prime diagnostic tool) per million people:
U.S. 71 
England 14
Canada 18

Percentage of seniors (65+), with low income, who say they are in "excellent health":
U..S. 12%  
England 02%
Canada 06%

Check this last set of statistics!!
2..The percentage of each past president's cabinet who had worked in
the private business sector prior to their appointment to the cabinet.

Here are the percentages.
T. Roosevelt................... 38%
Taft............................... 40%
Wilson .......................... 52%
Harding......................... 49%
Coolidge....................... 48%
Hoover ......................... 42%
F. Roosevelt...................50%
Truman......................... 50%
Johnson........................ 47%
Nixon............................ 53%
Ford............................. 42%
Carter........................... 32%
GH Bush....................... 51%
Clinton .......................... 39%
GW Bush...................... 55%

And the winner is:
Obama................... 08%

This helps to explain the incompetence of this administration:
only 8% of them have ever worked in a job not supported by tax money!
That's right! Only eight percent---the least, by far, of the last 19 presidents!
And these people are trying to tell our big corporations how to run their business?
They know what's best for GM, Chrysler, Wall Street, and you and me?

How can the president of a major nation and society, the one with the most successful
economic system in world history, stand and talk about business when he's never worked
for one? Or about jobs when he has never really had one? And when it's the same for 92%
of his senior staff and closest advisers? They've spent most of their time in academia,
government and/or non-profit jobs or as "community organizers." They should have been
in an employment line.

Pass this on! We'll NEVER see these facts in the main stream media.
"One of the penalties of not participating in politics is that you will be
governed by your inferiors." Plato

Monday, January 16, 2012

If King Were Still Here

Hello Haman and Nabal!!
I often wonder what Dr. King would think of you two and the rest of your minions, concerning the prejudiced way you ARE still acting towards people of different color/race. I wonder how he would have reacted to your comment Haman to the residents of Linconia with "I know its a part of 'your culture', to come out and see what the cops are doing." (Don't deny it, its on video!!)What would his response be to Jack Robinson for the racist things he said and how you and Moran covered it ALL up!! For how you allowed every minority officer/employee to be treated like dog dirt, including Rosalee!! How about your EVIL lustful attitudes towards women especially certain interns??? Most of all, how you punished those who stood up and did what was right over it.
If I were King, I think I would throw up!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012


How Wonderful!!! A racist endorsing the Bucks County Detectives. Ladies and gentlemen, the very man who said "N_____ (Black People), smell like burnt popcorn. Even, the K-9's can't find them in Philly!" Robinson, your "endorsement" is neither needed nor welcome.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Plot Thickens

Sounds like Bristol Borough has a lot of Skeletons in their closet.
Bristol's council president and an attorney representing the borough vehemently deny allegations made in a lawsuit filed by a borough police officer, who claims he has been threatened and harrassed by officials and fellow police officers after refusing to lie to help another cop.