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Friday, August 26, 2016


HEY GANG!! Sorry to be so long in posting, but I have both a life, and important things to accomplish, and just got back from a rather lengthy PERSONAL family emergency. When I got home this afternoon, I was met not only with a VERY happy kitty, but a very interesting note from some very ticked off members of Bensalem’s first responders. Check out the information they gave me, and see for yourself just how much of a lowlife Tom Topley truly is!
We got together this morning to discuss the status of the emergency services in Bensalem emergency services. We discussed at length your recent posting regarding the continued freelancing at fire grounds by Tom Topley.
If Mr. Topley claims he was responding with his dispatched ambulance, then he should have been operating on the fire ground in the capacity of EMS, meaning functioning as part of the EMS sector. However, he was once again photographed freelancing as a firefighter.
This freelancing by Tom Topley has been reported in the past to the Director of Public Safety including Tom Topley wandering around the interior of a smoke filled commercial building without personal protective equipment. Because he will do the dirty work of the Director, no action is taken. His freelancing is in direct confrontation regarding NFPA standard 1500, the section covering firefighter accountability.
If he claims he was operating as part of the Nottingham Fire Company than he should have responded with the apparatus and not “street responded”. His continued disregard for the rules and regulations is just another confirmation that not only has the Director of Public Safety allowed it to continue, he ignores the requests from various fire department officers to stop this unsafe and dangerous practice by Mr. Topley.
Who is in charge of Bensalem rescue squad that permits this dangerous behavior? Why do they permit him to use the rescue squad vehicle to violate the law (he responds lights and siren) when the only unit requested by the dispatch is one ambulance?
Who in charge of the Bensalem rescue squad permitted Tom Topley to purchase hundreds of thousands of dollars of technical rescue equipment for the Bensalem rescue squad? They ARE NOT a recognized technical rescue unit in Bucks County. The establishment of a technical rescue unit in our township was NEVER approved by the township or the fire companies which have that function as part of their assignment and participate in the Bucks County Technical Rescue team!
Every year they send out a donation letter on top of the $1,000,000.00 they get from the township AND collect fees for their service!
Surrounding municipalities spend less than $500,000.00 has MORE ambulance coverage than Bensalem! Why has this not been addressed by Council? Oh, that’s right; they are not allowed to discuss anything not approved by the King!
If any of the fire companies had poorly managed the funds provided by the township, purchased unnecessary equipment or had officers act in a continually dangerous and reckless manner, the Director of Public Safety would be having a news conference with the Mayor in the background shutting them down because they were dangerous to the public and the emergency services.
Let’s see if the Director of Public Safety demands that Tom Topley step down.

Oh, we have not forgotten the sickening post about a firefighter who died after suffering from PTSD.
BOY TOPLEY!!! Even the fire service and the first responders of Bensalem can’t stand you! I think it’s time that we demand accountability from those who SERVE US, and that means that Topley needs to be fired, or resign. Tom Topley you are truly despicable slime, and need to be removed from your precious position. Problem is that we all know that Sherriff Lobo won’t do it, so I think that an investigation by unbiased outside sources, in is order. #FIRETOPLEY #HOLDTOPLEYACCOUNTABLE #TIMETOSTEPDOWN #APOLOGIZENOWTOPLEY

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


So sad... Please put this on your status if you know or are related to (or divorced from) someone who suffers from stupidity. People need to understand that stupidity is real and should be taken seriously. You could be sitting next to a stupid person right now. There is still no known cure for stupidity and sympathy does not help. Sometimes a 2x4 to the back of the head helps, but not a lot. But we can raise awareness! 53% won't re-post this because they don't know how to copy/paste.


EVENING GANG!! While I was out accomplishing some important things this week, someone dropped this piece of info in my basket while at the new WAWA. Let’s just say that, just when you think he couldn’t get any more despicable, Tom ‘Achan’ Topley goes and does it AGAIN!! This has to do with the recent barn fire that occurred on Tennis Avenue, in which 2 VERY brave men had to go to the hospital, one of which was from the HONORABLE Union Fire Company. When you read this, you’ll be just as upset as I am and want answers too!


I am hearing that once again Topley responded in the EMS vehicle, wearing the EMS gear fighting fire.  He was not dispatched as an officer to the scene.  He tried to claim that he responded with Nottingham because he is a member there.  However, according to FEMA 1500, he responded without an assignment and did not report in to the incident commander.  If he went missing, there would have been not accountability for him.  If he tried to say he was with EMS, he could not have assisted a patient because he was contaminated with residual from the fire. 


Really sad isn’t it?? What was even more upsetting on this is that he’s allegedly done this before, and has never once been held accountable for it!! Our township first responders are supposed to set an example for the citizens of this town, so when this is done, it leaves a bad taste in the mouths of the very people they’re here to serve!! It’s bad enough that Topley has NO respect for his fellow first responders, but to do something like this shows NO respect for us!! I wonder what this despicable man will do next??


Thursday, August 18, 2016


Check out the little goody, a little birdie informed me of when I found this on my doorstep today after I came home.

It's pretty sad that a current township director, (who happens to be a woman!) would share the racist Facebook post of a former director for the world to see. How insulting, rude, and obnoxious can a person be??
All I can say to you Dawn Davis, is that simply put...


Tuesday, August 16, 2016


EVENING BENSALEMITES!! A very interesting thing happened while I was out this morning, and I had to share. While out accomplishing important errands and responsibilities, these interesting photos and info was dropped in my lap, and I just had to show all of you. Check out these pics of our ever so wonderful leader ‘His Majesty’ Joey D, and his latest antics.

 This was around 1pm today. Mayor DG was observed exiting the parking lot of police & fire credit union with Dawn Davis. He proceeded down the drive toward the PARX entrance road way where he made this illegal u turn, in his Bensalem Township owned vehicle.

I truly find it interesting that our illustrious mayor does this, and has the audacity to have someone just as guilty of this with him. Excuse me, ‘Your Majesty’ but I have to ask this question: JUST WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE??!! You are no different from us, and you’re supposed to set an example! As of today, Kathleen Kane was not only found guilty, and forced to resign, so we believe that you need to answer for this too. We as concerned citizens of this town not only think that you need to be held accountable, but that you need answer for this NOW!!

Sunday, August 7, 2016



Wednesday, August 3, 2016


Hey gang!! You are not going to believe what I saw recently, so I had to show you the ridiculous monstrosity I saw recently.
Imagine going down Street Road coming home from church and seeing this...


 When my husband and I saw this, after the initial shock over the size, we thought that maybe Sherriff Lobo decided to get himself an RV, but then I learned that this is a mobile response vehicle that the township bought for themselves. I also learned that...
they've had this monstrosity for years, and used our tax $$$ for this!! Why in the world waste OUR tax $$$$ on something that Bucks County will allow you to use FOR FREE??
It's bad enough to see 222's vehicle used as a wedding prop,

and for even more inappropriate things, but to buy something like this, when the county already provides what is needed, is absolutely unacceptable.