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Tuesday, August 31, 2021


Well, it looks like His Majesty is dusting off his man from U.N.C.L.E. persona, to inform the peasants, of yet another storm coming our way. What makes this so hysterical, is he thinks he's some type of journalist, when he's far from it, and he's telling us things that legit news agencies have already told us. Just wondering what apartment complexes, if any, you, and Sherriff Lobo plan on visiting, and if you plan on bringing any cameras to make yourself look good for your political campaign. BTW… you have yet to visit MY apartment complex, and personally see the damage that was done here. Please don't lie and say that you were here, because if I didn't see you, and after speaking with several people in my apartment complex, they didn't see you, YOU WEREN'T HERE! All we want, is for you to actually come over here, without cameras, fanfare, or publicity of any kind, and actually see the damage that was done here. If you really are serious about this, come to my building at Regency apartments, (F Building BTW.), and see the damage that was done here.

If you and sheriff Lobo have any questions about this, feel free to contact me at the following email address:


Thursday, August 26, 2021


I hear there's a turkey 🦃 roaming around along Bristol Road and Bensalem Boulevard. Could that be Lobos new traffic controller?🤪🤪🤪🤣🤣🤣

Tuesday, August 24, 2021



I saw this picture posted on a pro Bensalem Facebook page and had to share.

This lovely little item was found along the clusters in Bensalem Blvd. A very caring, and concerned citizen, is concerned over the fact, that there is drug paraphernalia such as this out in the open at a child's bus stop, and the responses to this posting on this page, were equally disappointing to say the least! Please carefully examine this picture and be very careful when you're taking your child to the bus stop. I'm certain that this person brought this to the attention of our dear BTPD, but I bet any amount of money, they treated her concerns with disdain. This is because they could care less about things like this, especially our dear Sheriff Lobo, who's too busy doing publicity/election campaign stunts, to properly do his job. This is a person who had the audacity to call me a liar over the fact that I and many others never saw him once here in my apartment complex after the flood of July 12th and had even more nerve to claim credit for the kindness of Nick from Bensalem Fire Rescue towards my husband and I!

I am challenging the Bensalem Police Department, especially sheriff Lobo himself, to do something about this, so that children are not exposed to this dangerous material!!

Saturday, August 21, 2021



This is for those who've been sending me information lately.

If you have legit, definite proof of any wrongdoing being done by our mayor, as well as public safety director, I more than welcome it. However, I will not post anything about them, unless you show me legit, definite proof of their doing wrong. I also highly encourage you to not only go to the Bucks County authorities, but also to the press with whatever legit information you may have on said individual.

I want to make one thing very clear in this matter. I do not post things of a sexual nature, that you cannot prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, nor will I post anything salacious that cannot be proven. If you have definite proof of this wrongdoing, please accompany that proof when you send it to me, otherwise I'm not posting it.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021


 For many years in this town, I have been hearing the trite saying, of “If it isn't broke don't fix it!”, and my response to it is open your eyes and see the cracks! These same people, who claim that nothing is wrong in this town, are either too stubborn, ignorant, or just plain foolish to really look at what is going on in this town, so I would advise these same people, to quit drinking the Joey D Kool Aid, get your eyes examined, as well as your heart, and look at the truth for yourselves! Here are some things, that I believe will show everyone, just how broken this town is.

1. Years of deficits, and overspending. This town has been spending more money than it's taking in and has had multiple years of deficits to show for it. Now let me make something clear, I am not saying our town is in debt, but that it has deficits, which means that we are spending more than we're making, so that is an issue.

2. The false claim that Joey D has not raised taxes in this town. He claims that he is never raised taxes once during his time as mayor, but please explain the multiple instances of his raising Township property tax, to cover an irresponsible Rescue Squad. secondly, he instituted an EIT, which has been taking hard earned money from everyone’s paychecks, to cover the irresponsible spending that has been going on for years and years. Also please explain how everyone's water, sewage, and trash bills have gone up, ever since the Township sold these vital operations to other companies.

3. Please try to explain away the questionable hotels that are along business Route 1.

4. We would love to have some questions answered as to your involvement in the Cosmo DiNardo situation, and why (No BS answers on this please.) The gun charges against this dangerous young men were dropped in February of 2017.

5. Why did you insist that your public safety director, addressed the incident reports, in such a way where it looks like there are more police calls being answered then there really are.

6. Why the need to hire 25 additional police officers? Why the sudden need for all these additional officers unless the crime rate in Bensalem has RISEN during your tenure Mr. Mayor? In fact, the crime solving statistics for our department have not changed since the addition of these officers.  In particular, why did you suddenly express the need to have the EIT, to keep these additional police officers, when the crime rate in this town has been the same for decades?

We are living in an age right now, where we are either burying our heads in the sand like ostriches, looking the other way as evil approaches, and are like the frog that sitting in a pot that is slowly boiling, and we need to wake up, get out of the boiling pot, take our heads out of the sand, and stop looking the other way! It's time that we become sober and vigilant because we are facing an enemy that does not care about this town, or us, and we need to stand up for what's right.

Sunday, August 15, 2021


“I'm thinking, what did we do to tick off the man upstairs,” Bensalem director of public safety Fred Harran said. “I was praying for luck no locusts next.” 

Who do you think you are Lobo?? The prophet of Bensalem?? To start with, if I were you, I wouldn't be invoking anything about prayer because you evidently have no concept of it. Most of all, I'd be getting on my knees, repenting of every disgusting sin I've ever committed, and asking Christ into my life. Then, turn yourself in to the authorities for all the disgusting things you've done and take whatever punishment is given. Finally let me give you a piece of advice. DON’T TEMPT GOD!!!

Friday, August 13, 2021


This is something, that my husband and I saw today, while we were out running errands. I've spoken on this in great detail, in quite a few of my blogs, but this is living proof, that general Abner, AKA Sheriff Lobo, is willing to do anything in everything, to make himself look good.

Monday, August 9, 2021



I just had the unexpected pleasure of speaking with none other than Kathleen KC Tomlinson, and what a phone call it was! She not only listened to what I had to say, but genuinely felt bad for everyone at my apartment complex over this disaster. She expressed not only deep regret over not being here, but said that she was not told that Regency Apartments was affected by this disaster, and that really has me concerned. I'm wondering what is going on in this area, especially when it comes to the communication that's going on in regards to this, for her not to even know about it. We spoke at great length, (Over 30 minutes!) giving me a lot of information, and for this I am extremely grateful.

 During our conversation, I learned that part of the main problem in this, is our governor, and we need to hold his feet to the fire! She also stated they are trying every way possible to make sure that people are compensated, and helped for what is going on right now, but she is running into brick wall after brick wall. However she is still fighting and is not going to stop doing so. She said she is in the midst of enacting/establishing some legislation to make sure that when things like this happen, there is money for it right away, so please, please do whatever you can to support her and pray for her on this. She informed me, that at least according to what she's being told, that the Township is doing what they can, but I think we need to get on them more. We need to go to them, and create paper trails, file reports, paperwork of any and every kind to make sure that this is documented. One of the big problems that's going on here, is that homeowners, as well as people who aren't in Section 8 housing, are being slighted here, and that needs to stop.


I really greatly appreciate the fact that KC took the time to talk with me, and I want to say thank you for not only calling me but listening to my concerns. She is one of few people, that have contacted me, and giving me reasonably honest answers, and I very much appreciate this.

Thursday, August 5, 2021


 Just noticed online, that next Monday's council meeting has been cancelled. Guess they can't handle the truth being told to them




All this is, is another publicity stunt by His Majesty, trying to make himself look good, while the town goes further and further into deficit after deficit, from massive spending. Forget useless petty garbage like this, how about coming in really visiting the affected areas from the flood of July 12, and don't bring cameras! Oh I know, you'll never come, because you can't have cameras there to bring you any attention!

Wednesday, August 4, 2021




HELLO YOUR MAJESTY!!! This is Wendy Saddler, the person who had the courage to call you and your public safety director, 'General Abner' (Yes! That's what I'm calling you now!) out for NOT coming to Regency Apartments, and the both you had the nerve to say I was lying!! 

As I stated so many times, If I didn't PHYSICALLY see you here, YOU WERE NEVER HERE!! Unless you show me PHYSICAL proof that you were here, I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THAT YOU WERE EVER HERE!!! I sent your general an open invite to come by and talk with me, but I've heard NOTHING from either of you!! I guess that if you can't bring your publicity crew here to film your every move, you won't come.

You also had the nerve to say that I was making this 'political', when you know that isn't true. Even if this wasn't an 'election season', I'd have still shown up and called you out!! This is not about making anything political but holding you BOTH accountable for your actions!